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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I only played Berseria xD Tried Vesperia, but refunded it faster then you could order & eat your pizza iirc i complained about it a few weeks ago over here or the watcha playin thread
  2. Enjoy 😄 It's one of my fav. games ever. Story wise it's a bit weaker than VC1, but gameplay wise it's much much better!
  3. Rarely was resource managemt ever important in a FE game though. You usally had 'unlimited' (as in you could never run out if you bought what you needed) money anyway. The only games i remember it being important are FE10 and FE5, and if you capture alot in FE5 like i did, it didn't matter there, either.
  4. Afaik the originals are pretty damn good, but.... they are not translated PSP remakes are suppossed to be atrocious though from what i hear
  5. Same, but it's always good to sit down and have fun with friends. And then lose said friendship in a game of Risk or Monopoly
  6. Honestly, it usually ends with me playing games and sleeping all day xD Well, and family calling me and wishing me happy bday. And the Jokes. There was that one time where brother + friends surprised me with a small party though. was pretty cool
  7. Congratuled me in LPW^^ Thank you 😄
  8. Wished me a happy birthday Thank you thank you^^
  9. Would rescue the Witch rather than the Princess
  10. getting lower EXP doesn't mean people grind more. It usually means people go to battles underleveled and thus having more of a challenge. I played SuMo without EXP share, and it was a pretty damn nice challenge. With it alot of people who crave some challenge just find it braindead. Also, there's no reason why the developers should just remove an option, but hey, it's Gamefreak, they are the masters of removing options and making the fans just accept it
  11. The only thing that is making me hesitate to join is the fact that they require shipping address before deciding on the winner... But i am thinking about it xD
  12. not just animation, but a unique design/color as well. same, although you can kinda recognize save rooms as usually (not always!) they have bookshelves near them. I also wish save rooms acted as teleport points tbh. She doesn't always say hints. Alot of times she does (like double jump, as you said), but that isn't always the case.
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