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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. So Atelier Dusk Trilogy coming to PC huh. I hear from alot of Atelier fans that this is Atelier at it's best. Also Ryza lookin' good
  2. Establishing LPW Control, standby Incoming Transmission: Commander, you have to be the last to post in that thread to achieve vicotry. Do so, and you shall have eternal bragging rights. LPW Control online
  3. shouldn't retail CDs install normal gamemd.exe? Anyway, if you still have a problem, i might be able to help. Just say so and i will pm you with a solution 😉
  4. Will now know that i meant Red Alert 2: yuri's revenge. Although a modification of it called Mental Omega
  5. Didn't just get a game from his school days to run and isn't having a Nostalgia rush atm
  6. Thanks 😄 Try to play with the renderer options I had alot of lag before changing it it now works flawlessly. Apparently DDrawCompat is the best for Win 10 I noticed. I mean, i had to go against Kirovs with only Guardian GIs, IFVs and the reinforcements the game gave me xD I am also only playing on Normal because i forgot how to RTS. Although out of the few RTS games i have been trying the last few days, i've been having the most fun with MO so far haha 😄
  7. The whole world needs to follow on this ban thing
  8. btw @SireWere you able to get Generals - Zero hour to work on new PCs? I have been trying since yesterday, to no success. I will try to see if i can get Mental Omega to run today Edit: Somehow, i got Mental Omega to Run, and played a Mission and a half.. FUN 😄 Remembering that rush feeling you got when plaiyng C&C was 👌 I love how the first Allied and Sovied Missions are the reverse of those in RA2 In Ra2 first Soviet Mission you were to destroy the Pentagon, in MOfirst allied mission you have to defend it from the Soviets invading. It felt like i was playing against my 12 year old self back then invading Murica xD. In RA2 first allied Mission you played as Tanya destroying Sovied Forces that wanted to destroy the Statue of Liberity. Here in the first Sovied Mission you get to destroy it haha. Edit 2: Dat First Yuri mission... They made a Mission out of a cutscene, eh? I Love this
  9. depends really. If the game doesn't give you time to act, then that is really bad design. T776 has alot of that late game. I love T776 myself, but those teleporting same turn dark mages at the end, or sudden Sleep stuff, or warp tiles, etc... are really a pain to deal with because you can't forsee them.
  10. ugh have been trying to get Generals Zero Hour to work since yesterday no success <.<
  11. yes and iirc some abilities needed the character to be proficient in multipe classes
  12. i wasn't really a fan of how it was done for example Here's a master Table, showing (i think) what abilities you could learn by reclassing (yes, it's in VC3) Also, for some reason 2 melee classes existed. And as everyone knows, you don't bring a sword to a gun fight, unless you have magical abilities. And the engineer was split into Medic and Technican (one of the 2 melee classes) Technican did have the awesome ability to deploy a wall though.
  13. for 2: Psp School For 3: Psp lack of official localization Alot of people love 3 though, despite the bad map design, it had class variety and trees, and the Story & Characters loved by alot of people
  14. Nope. It isn't for the better at all, but for the much much much much much much worse. In VC2/3, Maps are broken into small ''map parts'', and these map parts keep getting repeated over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. It's the main reason i dropped VC3 halfway through it, because i got bored of the repeating maps. I did like the bits of Story i played tho more than others
  15. more Public transport Stories: A few years ago, right before the Brexit referendum, i was in London. My return flight was at 5 in the morning... Train that was suppossed to bring me to Victoria station from which i will go to the Airport was canceled, and the next one was set to come in two hour, and thus missed my flight. And you know what's funnier? It was cheaper to book a new flight next day from Heathrow airport than Train ticket to Stansted airport. The winter before last i went down to buy some stuff fast, expecting to just get bus, go to market come back, so i wore light-ish clothes for Winter.... The bus i planned to return to didn't come for an hour, and thus i returned to home walking for a hour, in the cold, with light-ish clothes, seeing aloooooooot of people on the way waiting for the bus that came a hour+ late
  16. a punctuality problem. Especially the busses, they are very very often late.
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