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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. inb4 Language mix Also, Atelier Ryza i am legit looking forward to, and i never played an Atelier game before It does look pretty cool
  2. I understood a total of 2 words xD And even after looking up the lyrics you still have to concentrate to hear it xD the accent is very thick, so to say. thinking.emoji... French? I don't speak French, but i do recognize some words. C'est la vie i heard multipe times, for example.
  3. I think aslong as Greens are able to push their climate politics in such a coalition, it wouldn't be so bad. It's also the expected coalition for the next federal elections, unless the Greens massively screw up until then. And isn't BW pretty happy with their Green/CDU government? while true, it usually translates into less votes in the next election. Especially when you can'T push anything through *looks at SPD*
  4. That's something i doubt will happen easily tbh. Even the majority of CDU voters don't want to have a coalition with AFD. There is also a difference between Greens and AFD, and how Greens developed and how the AFD seems to be developint. deservedly. What the hell? no, seriously, what? *looks at his first line in his post*
  5. I know, but them complaining about foreigners they don't even have makes no sense. It's worse than not caring, they outright deny human made climate change and use that to mobilize voters. That there are some people who believe that is something i can't understand. Of course climate politics doesn't make a party neo Nazi or not. I just wanted to throw the climate politics out there. And aslong as they accept people like Gauland and Höcke, and march with neo nazis, they are a neo nazi party. Especially since the ''Höcke wing'' will probably get more Power, because the Party keeps drifting to the right.
  6. They are also known as White Heart, Green Heart, Black Heart And me Purple Heart
  7. Euro Qualifications Germany vs. Netherlands Because Conquest will always be a part of Neps. Always. Warning: Politics incoming. I know you put worry in quotation marks and all, but there is one big thing to consider: The east has almost no foreigners. https://www.bpb.de/nachschlagen/zahlen-und-fakten/soziale-situation-in-deutschland/61625/auslaendische-bevoelkerung-nach-bundeslaendern 4,2% in the east. While that number doesn't include Germans with foreign/migration backgrounds, even if we inlude them... https://www.bpb.de/nachschlagen/zahlen-und-fakten/soziale-situation-in-deutschland/61646/migrationshintergrund-i 6,8% (Foreigners + Germans with foreign backgrounds). And most of them are in big cities or Student cities, like Potsdam or Magdeburg. And usually those have lower AFD percentages. It's less worry and more outright hate and jealousy, and the thought that ''if foreigners weren't here, we will get more money'' which is just outright wrong. That's not how economics work. The east is worse off than the west, i agree, but voting for Nazis won't make it better. And i didn't even talk about all the neo Nazi marches. it isn't really. Especially with people like Petry, Gauland and Höcke in control. It isn't between right conservative and Nazism, it's between closest nazism and outright nazism. The AFD did start as an euro-sceptic party (especially with the Greece situation back then), but right now it's NPD 2.0. And after every ''wing fight'' it just drifts further to the right. Not to mention they are Climate change deniers. That's enough for anyone with some sense in them to brand them as idiots. When it comes to this, it isn't about opinions anymore, but Facts. And even when their youth wanted to talk about climate, they were somehow able to bring racism into the mix.
  8. No, football (soccer for Muricans) match result
  9. Umu, i know about it and used to play it. Waiting for the RA2 update tho, whenever that happens. Although RA1 is fine, too! yeah, i tried to run that along with Yuri's revenge a few years ago. Couldn't get it to work without issues. Compatibility problems everywhere.
  10. I only use Linux when i need to use open-source stuff that can'T be used on Windows. As a gamer, switching to Linux is something i can't imagine doing tbh
  11. If you want any of the images, just tell me and i'll send em^^ isn't that basically Falcom
  12. you misunderstand. My computer is.. too modern for these 20 year old games xD They need windows 2000 or windows XP to run haha Even compatibility options don't help xD
  13. NepNep, hear my call, and clear this man's doom and Gloom away!
  14. is it meckern hour? But we should know better by now. Thankfully, we seem to be doing better than most of the world atm when it comes to that. Everywhere in the world extreme right has 20-30+%, here the AFD Idiots are stuck around 12%, thankfully. 12% too much, true, but i am happy we aren't UK, Italy, or god forbid, Murica.
  15. Since i won't be starting XC1 now that a remake was announced, and TX is on hold atm.. I've been thinking of playing one of the command and conquer games for some nostalgia I do own them all up to RA3, after all... Question is if they will run on my PC haha. I had alot of trouble getting RA2 to run a few years ago hehe
  16. Big me who isn't listening to a russian parody an american who parodied a russian
  17. Because there's only one Emperor And that is me, THE EMPEROR OF THE SHRIMPS
  18. I will just quote myself from somewhere else ''can we just get all conservative assholes worldwide, give them a country, and let them duke it out with each other there? and anyone who does a heavy crime gets banished there''
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