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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. because Why does the thought of a Fate game made by Platinum make me drool so much?
  2. Finally wew. Battle took me 30 minutes to beat that thing <.<
  3. current absolute status of Shrimps in TX atm Finally a challenging Boss. The game jebaited me first it gave me the easiest Boss in the game Then right after it a dungeon & Boss out of Ys The hardest Boss so far. It's like one of the harder Ys Bosses. Ah i see. The games go on sale on steam pretty often, if you are interested. Like you can get one for like 3€. The Series is pretty tough tho, and the 2nd Boss in R;B1 is infamous for it's difficulty (that's why i thought you were talking about it xD)
  4. Wait, you played MK2 first? I see. I thought you tried Re;Birth 1 first, like almost everyone over here
  5. I noticed 😄 i even posted some pics of them in the ''what'ca playing'' Thread the famous Black Heart fight
  6. Third boss is the Spider, right? Karate Kloe to Victory! I didn't even have Asuka for that battle, as he is to slow when Spidey firey Kamehameha or rushes the player. Also, doesn't destroy Pillary fast enough xD That boss reminded me of Sky3rd final boss tbh, with the whole Pillars and stuff
  7. And pre-Ys 7 Ys can be played with Keyboard no problem imo, since you only needed 5 buttons + Movement. But since Ys 7 the Buttons you need are too much for Keyboard xD She is my favourite to play around with tbh. Fast, fluid, and just flies through the field. Character wise i don't think she's best girl tho haha
  8. ugh, yes. I can imagine. Playing 3D action games with Mouse and Keyboard isn't really fun. While i do play older Ys games with Keyboard, since Ys 7 i have been using my PS controller. Same with TX. Karate Kloe or grown up Tio?
  9. How far are you in TX btw, Lys? I am at the end of Chapter 5 atm. *fites*
  10. >Nemesis >looks like FE16's Crest of Flames Illuminati intensifies
  11. Because conquering all the countries is every 10 year old's dream Why is it Treason then?
  12. 31,4nice. I am more mature than the guy above me 😛
  13. Ayy, time to interrogate my first FE buddy! 1. Julia and Lys fight to the death, who shall you support? You can only save one. 2. Would you give Raiden Waffles? 3. Do you know about the glorious friendship destroyer that is 100% Orange Juice?
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