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Codename Shrimp

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Posts posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. 9 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

    Summer has come and that means it's time for games.

    Correction: The Whole year is time for games :p

    Uni/Work/School isn't 24/7, after all :p


    After finishing and enjoying my Nep journey, i am currently playing Death end re;Quest

    Gameplay is Fun, and it has dual protag going on, which is something i like. And the Mystery and stuff keeps me playing.


  2. Isn't this more an american nerd scene thing so?

    When i go to nerdy events over here, it isn't smelly (or atleast, not more smelly then other places filled with people). I also have heard from other people who go to such events in other countries that it isn'T smelly either.

    Yet every time a con or something like that happens in the US, the internet is filled with this ''smelly'' stuff.

  3. 10 hours ago, Armagon said:

    Then again, they can always transfer back to Xseed

    thing is, the Xseed people who worked on Falcom games aren't there anymore, they already left.

    10 hours ago, Armagon said:

    CS4 gets the Sky 3rd treatment and isn't localized until 10 years after it's release.

    oh god, please no

    Well, i would be fine with delaying Cold Steel if it means we get Ys 9 earlier, but i doubt that will be the case

    10 hours ago, Armagon said:

    And despite that, they aren't in the Cold Steel games though that's because you can't interact with the treasure chests in Cold Steel and onwards.

    It was because Falcom finally fixed their Potato code they used in Sky xD. Also, blue chests in CS2 do have the treasure chests messages^^

  4. Well, NISA should be safe for now, not sure about later tho. There were rumors about them having to downsize, but their Product marketing manager confirmed they are fake.

    4 hours ago, eclipse said:

    I adore the translations, especially the treasure chests!

    Are you talking about Trails' Treasure chests? Those were done by Xseed, the ones who localized Trails up unitl CS2. Although most of their People who worked on Falcom games left already afaik.

  5. Now the whole World and all gacha games need to follow suit and we are golden.

    6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    No, that falls on Belgium for not having the same standards as the supplier of the service. If I'm offering a service, I have every right to not offer it in a region where it is illegal to do so.

    no, it falls on nintendo because they could've changed the game to follow Belgian laws but they just decided to discontinue the service.

  6. 15 minutes ago, henrymidfields said:

    I kinda like to see the Asian-Pacific Theatre equivalent before we move away from WW2, though I guess I shouldn't hold my hopes.

    There are hints about not-Japan and not-America going to war post-VC4, but a jp developer doing a game about japan in WW2 can be pretty hard.

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