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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Ouchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh she's isn't a major part...she was pretty much the cornerstone of most of my plans for endgame xD Then again, i shouldn't complain after i killed off so many units for you...but did it really have to be Tiki Have fun 😄 as fun as family reunions can be anyway. looking at your Anna's stats i honestly wouldn't recommend that. She will have like...24 Mag after reclass, right? But will lose BLD, and no Tome is as strong as the Radiant Bow, especially regarding Fly effectiveness. You could try with merged Excalibur, but i don't remember if it's enough to one-shot on hard (defo not on Lunatic)
  2. Welcome to the Penultimate map! Ya know, too many dragons, too many staves, so... Rally Lck and Skl Flyskip time Xemcel is a funny name tbh Some shopping and some lvl'ing And we reach Finale! Soon ™️
  3. They don't need even need to ship 3 Goals xD Albania and Croatia winning would put Italy in last place lol. Now, Albania is facing Spain true, but Spain is already Group leader 100%, nothing will change that, so they will most likely rest their best for Ro16
  4. Scenes when Albania and Croatia kick out Italy in the group phase
  5. We're through - and just need a tie against Switzerland to top the group and hopefully get a good seeding. Switzerland are most likely through - 70% chance - but they really fucked up by tying against Scotland today. A win would've ensured next round, but 4 Points are usually enough thanks to 3rd place ruling....However if we batter them hard they might land in hot waters. Speaking about Scotland, if they can defeat Hungary next match they have a very good chance to go through as well. The tie gave them life, a little bit of hope. Hungary is most likely out. With their goal difference of -4 they need to not only win big against Scotland, but also rely on other groups. Will be hard.
  6. mostly as expected tbh. Some upsets there, but nothing too surprising Let Match day 2 start!
  7. Is it me, or does MP4 have Monolith all over it?
  8. I did try the demo of the OG game - was not a fan of the gameplay. This however looks quite different and more fun same. Looks cool tho
  9. There's a meme with him being a turtle or something Add a mask and.. Trailer looked cool
  10. For me: M&L Zelda Phantom Brave Romancing Saga Mario Party Prime 4 i think this might be Nintendo testing the grounds for a full 3D LoZ game with playable Zelda
  11. ... I do hope they go out with 0 Points. Then again, it's Serbia lol. Easily one of the most unfun Teams and some of the worst fans. The English doing something right nah, but we got a broken nose, a bleeding head, a goalkeeper almost taking a foot to the face, everyone fouling, etc. Alot of his decisions were pure shit and plain wrong. And the last 20 minutes he pretty much lost control of the game. What Mbappe did might be pure shithousery, but it was because the ref didn't allow the french to switch when the game was stopped twice already wtf. He about to become a ninja turtle
  12. The existence of this ref is a human rights violation
  13. The Austrians are holding on better than expected inb4 Swiss
  14. They were bad, but also unlucky with 2 disallowed goals due to millimeters lol it's quite loud in the TV yes, but i do see more red fans than blue
  15. And now France vs. Austria.... This will be a live demonstration of Human rights violations lmao
  16. watch the first 2 mins xD better than being a boomer
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