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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. >Gave birth to Jefuty But that means- That- Me confused - in a good way, i might add xD. Let's see where the story will twist us while Radiant Historia'ing xD Soo many Loops, finally got you! >Crits >Warps >Clones >Knives >Damage Blocks >Pass Ho boy, seems like she'll be a fun one to use, but will take time to figure out. Sadly, sleep is calling due to work. Finally into the game again after that hell-ish map xD Not to mention Story is picking up outside timeloop stuff.
  2. yh rub it on me will ya xD yh pretty much. I just am a little bit annoyed because this is legit the first map that i think is unfair. Wether surprise changes without giving me a turn, or the no Ko condition with bosses with insta ko attacks, or 4 turn limit to kill 3 bosses which i had to bust super rare regen item for...twice. It was just...nope. I hope no more of that ...although i did hear of one really hell-ish map that shuould come while i am Radiant Historia'ing I am just wondering why the inner mind is a puzzle map xD
  3. FINALLY I AM FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Man This map wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for the fucking bonus Objectives <.< Hmm i see. A puzzle map. Sounds fun Butterfly effect
  4. wdym wait are you giving me AP to wait or are you just thrusting me into this without any warning or AP or anything???? Fuck this map man i actually hate it
  5. Man Fuck that map I have been stuck for like a week here lmao
  6. looks pretty good tbh. I don't have much to add to what Eltosian added. yup, which makes it so easy to cheese (especially on hard), and is even encouraged since staying longer on the map makes you face Reinforcement spam On my first run i just let Ike!Timerra clean the map, honestly. Felt appropiate to do it with Ike xD weakest Panette. I usually use a Warp or 2 to take out the early ballistas, as they a pain to face. On Maddening all the Cav reinforcements are promoted, and there're much more of them - makes the map so much slower... Stuff like this is why i love Fates...i mean Engage 😛 You clearing it fully makes me think how making all the returnee maps "Kill boss" is a missed opportunity. Really should've had more variety there. I am honestly surprised you didn't cheese it ------------------------------------------ Welcome to ch.23. Where we search for an asshole to kick his ass! We seize to finish, right on time Draug's loss will hurt...but eh, next map i will most likely fly skip, this map was just not fun, and next has too many Dragons....sorry for Louis tho, Eltosian
  7. I did dl' BIS, but never played beyond the begining But like PM, i also used to watch alot in my kiddy days
  8. Apparently, it was a meme a while ago and somehow everyone agreed M&L can trounce Sephiroth with the power of button prompts XD So the lesson is know your QTE Prompts? XD
  9. >Le Pen 32% >Re-Elections in France welp, it's starting
  10. oh fucking hell And no hope in future generations either fuck fuck...we are just driving straight into an extreme right wall with these results
  11. https://old.reddit.com/r/papermario/comments/1d6xlqi/do_you_understand_my_true_power_now/
  12. Hexagons! main use: removing minions and mobs lol. Against Cult-kun when he summoned the green triangle thingies to protect himself, i let her blow them away and then just jumped him lol Luna effect is a godsend against a certain superboss that has a whooping 6 DEF Mouse-chan, Koopa shield and +20 Charged Mario ftw lol yh fully promoted 40 HP. And he does have that one defensive ability as well - but honestly never used it lol. for spiky enemies it's either Bonk time well, they are literally horny or Koopster. Yoshi Eggs could work, but Spiky enemies are usually defensive as well, so... yh. Honestly, the strongest one to receive buffs. Unbuffed he is a like a Myrmidon with 5% Str growth. But hit him with the buffs and he just melts enemies away. I had to ultra buff him while panicking yesterday and all life shrooms gone, hence why you saw the giant Yoshkid in the pic i posted xD Also tongue for spike enemies to just kill them! No Buffs needed. So i'd put Yoshi up up UP! xD Yeah And to get the damn dance right XD I only pulled it off like once the whole game lmao.
  13. the only reason i was able to beat the new superboss was due to Koopster shield. Shield + charging Mario to high heaven And Mouse-chan's Luna slap
  14. Paper Luigi telling story moment xD what's more important than having fun?
  15. really? He was one of my more used ones, due to having cheap area attack (to clear mobs easily), shield and very easy action commands. Ofc he the downside of lower HP (altough one extra def, right?) and the fact that he can get toppled. Lowest for me is Old man bomb. An attack that only is active next turn and hard to aim, and a 9 FP aoe attack is way too expensive, even if it has Luna. Highest imo are Vivian and Yoshkid. Vivian has that super cheap one turn invincibility thing, and her attacks are really good, while Charged Yoshkid just destroys stuff with Ground Pound and Stampede. Egg and tongue are also great, and his commands are also on the easy side. Goombella should be high as well, what's with being a dancer and all, but damn is dance really hard to pull off.
  16. One thing i super appreciate in Paper Mario tho, and it's something i appreciate in FE as well (makes sense, same dev)... Small numbers. Small easily calculable numbers.
  17. ...do you even need superguardwith that much Attack power? Can'T you pretty much one shot everything you see, especially if you can do power bounce right? Ayy Glass canon with needed support
  18. Oh yeah heard about and was able to theorize something myself, but something was missi...- Oh Style the most important stat
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