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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. but man am i glad i gave the Ring to Rosa Her Elemental Impetus is the only reason i was able to outdamage the heals lol Elto would've also worked. Sweet home Grand Cornia would've screwed me over xD
  2. Yeah same And tbh i expexted worse when i heard about dumb endin twist lol... Unlesd true ending will blindside me with something lol
  3. What Wat Nani ??? Tfw Ok, what a twist for the normal ending - i foresaw *her*, but not like this? Now to reload and get the true ending
  4. Especially with the boss' 20% healing per battle Like I brought him down to 40% and they healed him right back up and i've been now fighting the same guy for 40 Minutes just due to his healing <.<
  5. Ok green units finally dead Now to repeat the steps again
  6. This is fucking stupid This is next level green unit stupidity
  8. That's a big if Might take a small srpg break after UO and play Astral Chain or smth
  9. I think so, too. It just popped in my feed a while ago and have been keeping my eye on it lol Ye lol. Waiting for more
  10. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1127700/Reverse_Collapse_Code_Name_Bakery/ Looks interesting, came out at the right time for me too as i am finishing UO atm (Low reviews are due to one of the most insane and hilarilus fandom dramas i've ever witnessed xxD) Hmmmm
  11. oh lol no, that one is awfully written, straight to the trash
  12. yes, but it isn't really built into the story or integral to it. Yeah you need to do it but the story could've also very easily existed without it. Compare to Noah/Mio, Estelle/Joshua, etc. Ochlys it is
  13. Before i most likely finish the game tomorrow...time to do my classic FE tradition... PARTY REVIEW! Lord Squad? Lord Squad Alain is a pretty good tank - and has self sustainability with Lean Edge, but early on he was a footie, so i paired him with Ochlys for flier movement and Sharon because Sharon and Ochlys go together. Ochlys is a great evasion tank (arrows aside, that's where Alain comes in), so her and Alain are pretty hard to kill with the right support. That's where Sharon and edgy Elfydon come in. Sharon can heal and i also gave her Active heal (AP restoration), and Elfydon can make others evade ranged attacks - which Alain is weak against as fliers shit on cavs and their attacks count as ranged. Nina just kills stuff with her 90something Atk. my killer squad until midgame, then did quite fall off, but still useful. Their purpose is mainly to kill Infantry, as mages and fliers tend to pwn them very fast. Pretty good squad with tankiness, support and killing power. Ah yes, Burn stalling in FE form. This squad doesn't pack alot of fire power, but packs debuffs. Selvie and Auch (with Flame conferral) multi burn the enemy, while Travis and Celeste tank and Monica heals/attacks when needed and nullifies enemy magic. It's a fucking toxic team to face honestly xD Does get hard countered by Elves tho since Elves just say "No" to debuffs. While the above team was burn stall, this is survive until enemy get's wiped out xD Gammel and Angelarmor both evasion tanking (50+ Avo Shield ftw), while Scarlett/Rolf/Rosa just wtfpwn the enemy. Mostly Rosa with Elemental Roar tho. Elemental Roar fucking rules, but needs the right set up. Flying armor dude can also just reflect enemy magic lol. "How many AoE attacks do you have?" "yes" Gilbert buffs Spd and Atk, Hilda/Fran/Bruno clear and Elfydon Ice conferrals them. Especially cavs just get one shot. Bear Cavalary. One of my favs. honestly. Bear and Viriginia are very hard to kill in the front, especially with Miriam healing them from the back...yet before they can begin to tank, Yahna with Quick cast and Miriam's Sorcerer Connection (-50% mag to self, +50% mag to ally) just freeze a row. Fun stuff. My answer to Enemy debuff teams, since they tend to shut down half of the squads mentioned above. Elven archers give debuff protection at the start of battle, and Primm and Elto can keep up the healing. Like her sister, Rosa, Elto is also set up to use Elemental Roar after summoning fairies. Not as powerful as Rosa's since Eltio is more a healer, but damn if it ain't still powerful. Meli + Crits + Inspiration + Laurent tanking + Angel blinding + Active heal into more Meli crits Cat ears + Ice Rain + Inspiration + Josef + All of Bastorias Leftover squad that actually still works due to Wolf's follow up attacks and Amalia killing everything xD
  14. Sadly no 😞 But nothing beats imagination :0
  15. You will understand when you play the game how OP cat ears are
  16. I gave him cat ears to be useful - hard to respect him after that
  17. It's Josef's support with her infact that made me retreat from the sure Rosa decision xD
  18. And Josef sees her as the queen. On the other hand Dark Elf
  19. One of the reasons i like AqRb is the star crossed aspect - Rosa fits that more 😛 Charged fireballs iirc And enjoy 😄
  20. And finished getting and reading through all supports Now... Rosa...or Virginia? Hmmmm Yes But tbf Not that big of a fan of this decision. If you gonna make romance important for the story, make it an integral part of the plot and not FE support system Funny enough i do think Lance cavs do fall off quite hard late into the game - their attacks against late game compsitions are not that good. Still superb for Squad mobility Alain and Saint Knights rule tho
  21. ...i ship Scarlett with Shotangel now.... Tbf Scarlett's support quality massively improves after stopping Brexit
  22. I will say tho I do like how quite a few supports involve more than the 2 characters in the chain. Didn't happen that often at first, but going through the rest atm it keeps happening more. Sweet home Cornia
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