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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. My reaction to this discussion: 🙄 Anyway Get fucked lmao This This is how yellow walls of piss should be done...by not having em at all and the game rewarding the player and adapting instead if they can achieve everything
  2. The maps are really fun, too! Especially when terrain is involved as then you can hide and sneak your way to them to pwn them Reminded me of Berwick stealth tbh So boring compared to the rest tbh
  3. Even tho i ship AquRuby, this might be costly for me because i promised to commission something if it sets sail lmao
  4. Yes Soulmates. Something as weak as blood won't stop them after reincarnating. (Funny enough, CN fanbase is complaining that it's fake incest because the ship is carried very hard by reincarnation) While true, the gameplay story integration is done in a way that is very "Kaga", and in a much better and fun way, too.
  5. This game is so damn Kaga that i wouldn't be surprised if he pops up in the credits lmao
  7. An 18 yo game for 135 bucks Amazing And GrimGrimoire, Aegis Rim and now UO
  8. *whispers* I got it for 40 Tbh, i think your biggest problems with the game would be a) down time b) liberation quests
  9. Yh Shieldshooters. High Atk and def, ultility/poison shenanigans, but slow Archers have higher accuracy, skills that ignore evasion and can multitarget Elven Archers get to use Magic in their attacks, lower enemy avo and cure ally debuffs. That is true, but you can fuck up recruitments and/or recruitment chains For example, in Drakenhold there's an enemy you can recruit by having a healer that starts as a green unit talk to him Thing is - both have no squads, and thus can easily die - and they are both parts of different recruitment chains to recruit later characters. That said, i do agree with your sentiment yh. Yuuuup - exactly. Honestly, my feelings towards this game are developing to be quite similar to Berwick, ie. "Great, unique and fun, but please have a sequel to iron out some stuff here and there" From what i read tho, VW doesn't do sequels, so probably will meet the same fate as Berwick 2.
  10. They pew pew pew armors, as you might expect - and they have one of the best attack stats in the game. The first one you get is a drunk beardy as well Since you brought em up, i can talk about class differences in similar classes, using them as an example Along Hammer dudes, for footie Axes early on you have fighters and giant muscle heads. Hammer dudes crack armor and disable guard Fighters have parting blow - extra attack at the end of battle Muscle heads have AoE but low accuracy. And that just the tip, as they keep differentiating further as they lvlup and promote One other reason i could also think of is that generics are a way to fill your roster if you decide to go Excelblem Marth
  11. Yesn't XD All good Honestly i love what did they did with the classes - so cool. +1 If i have to guess, it's for the customization crowd And well, perma death mode does exist - unlocked after you beat the game
  12. Eh They do cost honors, which you need to do anything in the game - Promotion, deployment expansions, etc. The problem i see is that classes limited by story/cast become readily available. For example, the story gives you 1 Wyvern.. With Generics you can have more, with honors being your only limit and you not having any real effort in getting them. You can also choose their growths
  13. wait, Scarlett, i have something for you I wouldn't say it being the main reason - the punishment for losing a squad on the map can be quite harsh - Valor is quite valuable, and you only have max 10 deployment slots. I think the bigger problems are how mobility is balanced and how cheap some skills are. For mobility: Armors - 50 (lol) Infantry - 100 Fliers - 150 Cavs - 300 Which make cavs just dominate, as putting them as leader will make your squad have a mobility of 200+, since Mobility is heavily geared towards the leader. That said, Infantry leaders still have their uses since they can use assist attacks (Imagine Fates Dual attacks with Range - that also burns RNG rolls) and hide in Terrain without getting slowed to hell and back - Really helpful on maps with lotsa siege stuff and watchtowers, since hidden units can't be targeted with long range attacks and assists (except for Catapult, since it's area based and not unit target - but then you play the Berwick game of spot the enemy before they spot you) - while fliers are sitting ducks since they can't hide. Infantry also have the most Stamina, and Cavs getting fatigued faster does balance them a bit - but not enough for that huge mobility advantage. Other classes need a big MoV buff (instead of nerfing cavs, as that will slow the game down i imagine - although maybe a small Cav nerf would help). Like, i think Armors - 100 Infantry - 170 Fliers - 200 Cavs - 280 Would've worked better. As for skills... Wild Rush (Cav skill), Dragon Dive (Wyvern skill) and maybe Haste (Griffon skill) are too valuable for their cost Wild Rush and Dragon Dive cost 3 Valor each, and just allows you too go zooming and deal big damage. Haste increases a unit mobility for 30 secons...might be too cheap for 1 Valor, but eh, it helps infantry, and also fliers through mountains since mountains slow fliers down, so dunno about that. The cast isn't that homogenous honestly, and alot of units have unique classes - and even similar classes have different niches and uses. Reclassing is also very expensive (30k gold). Generics do break the balance tho - hence why i only am using the first one i got from a quest. eh The story has alot more going to it than incest.... And is it really incest when there's the reincarnation loophole 😛 If one dies the other will 100% follow - and it's one of my expected endings honestly.
  14. Coliseum cleared...at lvl ~22 Melisandra 1v1'd Amalia lmao Now i have a lvl 40 peep in my team....not gonna use until much later tho lol It's great. People were blind to the story all the time and it's now hitting them in the face and a moral outrage is happening. Japan and Asia are super loving it tho Based Aka
  15. ❤️ It doesn't need to, AquRuby is the way - and the only way the story works That said, this is a leak from a chapter that has yet ro come out
  16. Yh i went from the coast Virgina even tells you to speak with Gilbert That said, the map wasn't easy either way Why not? Aslong as it only happens on squad wipe!
  17. >Map wide Rescue >1 Valor Oh baby I will say, i do quite like how the side cast is involved in the story...at the same time, i don't think sacrificing permadeath for that is worth it
  18. If only it wasn't locked behind beating the game It's kinda like 3H's Paralogues... Actually Berwick Paralogues would be a more apt comparison
  19. Hilda hilda! She op af Dragon Dive is crazy Also >Wyvern with healer imouto But wait for more Kaga Yup Or wait until you do Virginia's side quest Literal Siege hell You will eat your words soon 😛 But that's what i want 😛 Ok, with how unique the game i can overlook that a bit
  20. I do think the game should've consolidated some liberation quests into a big map tho - those very small maps can be a bit zzzz
  21. I think expert is a bit too easy honestly Like, it ain't mindless, but not really difficult...more like Vestaria 2 difficulty mb? A bit easier than Berwick? The big maps are really fucking cool tho - and gameplay story integration is top fucking tier This game OutKaga's Kaga in all ways lol Mind control Ballista Integration Cavs going brrr Story beats Etc Ehhh The whole Galerius gang is on par with FE cults so far. Doesn't help that most enemies are Kaga'd by the cult At early Elf atm
  22. The maps keep getting bigger yh Did you play that defense map yet? Was great
  23. Well, that as well xD I was talking more in the gameplay and gameplay-story-integration side xD And the fact that this game answers the question: What if FE4 was fun to play? 😛
  24. It kinda is Units in terrain are hidden from sight, both yours and the enemy afaik, until you are near or use a detection ability That, and it bring real time means there's more room for reaction
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