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Codename Shrimp

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  1. Might try UO demo today lol adds to the immersion
  2. WitchSpring R A game that cought my interest a while ago - and last weekend, when hard mode was released last week i bit the bullet and bought it.It was an amazing experience - mostly, as it did fumble a bit at the end - but i finished it in less than week - and i work full time - that should say enough! Let's get into the meat of....errmm, into the Strawberries of the Pie! Pieberry, a young witch living all alone in a forest and hunted by warriors during the ongoing witch hunt...loves Pies very much, and so she decides to leave the forest to get the pie of her dreams Gameplay Combat Played early on on hard - most of the game on very hard. It was an addicting, satisfying and fun experience - the game has a very fun gameplay loop. System wise, the only character you have "full" control over is Pieberry - however before you go "eh?" on a turn based game with only fully controllable character, the game offers alot of systems that synergize pretty good with each other. Smooth & Snappy battles The battles are fast and smooth - there're no random encounters and the victory fanfare is very fast on the field - infact, the all battles take place in the field during exploration - so there's no screen transition (unless you escape). Also if enemies of the same type have consecutive turns, they attack at the same time - this a great future that more RPGs need to have - makes the battles, especially the ones with many enemies, so much faster. Black Joe Pieberry's faithful companion and familiar - he can use items to help Pieberry (without it costing Pieberry a turn) - using combat items (like bombs, buff/debuffs, etc., most of which you can craft) can make him use an item again next turn - however if you use a recovery item, he will get 1 extra turn cooldown - so spamming heals is a no no. Especially since keeping up with the buffs/debuffs using combat tools (atleast on very hard) is essential. Pets The game has various monsters you can mind control and summon to fight by your side - they have 2 attacks, 1 they use every turn - the other (usually stronger attack or with some effect) on turn cool down basis. The one thing you can control here is what enemy they should target - so you have to plan how to make best use of them. As you go further into the game and your combat level increases, you can summon more monsters (+the party members you get at various points in the game, they function on the same principle except they have no summon cost - and no mind control ofc XD) The pets are also quite varied, and while some are clearly superior, even early ones has quite a few uses later - for example, the 2nd Pet you can get gives Pieberry MP steal - that helps alot in keeping up your magical prowess - other focus on (status) effects, or Aoe, more money after defeat, etc. And they don't just help in battle, but they also have use outside battle, Usually for movement related stuff - for example, early on you can get a turtle that is slow on the ground but will allow you to go through the sea - not needed to finish the game - but for side quests and secrets. Halfway through you get a fast af mount. etc. Not to mention collecting the Pets itself is fun - especially since for most of the game they act as your Party members (more on that later in the story section) - kinda like a mini monster collector. Physical & Magical - Perfect synergy Like any JRPG, you have the choice between Physical & Magical...so why not just go with the highest damage you might ask? It's because of they both synegize with each other Let me explain When you use a magical attack - your next phyiscal attack get something called Magic Trace - which buffs them propotional to the damage dealth with magic. Now, add to that that you have a passive ability that gives you an extra turn upon killing an enemy with a physical attacks (which has a cooldown once it triggers so you can't just spam it) and the fact that you can switch weapons in battle, and you get something that just clicks. You have a turn manipulation tool in your hand that needs to be used in conjunctive with the buffs, debuffs and pets. Not to mention if you use a multi hit physical attack Pieberry auto switches target to the next one if she defeats on before the multi hit is over. You got her zigzaging through the enemies when combined with Magic Trace 😄 You also have an auto crit every 4 turns. Debuffs & Bosses This is something i also super loved Bosses aren't just immune to debuffs/status like most JRPGs or are chance based (although some do resist some status ofc), but they have a certain resistance that needs bypassed by the number of attacks/items applying a certain debuff. Everytime you apply a debuff, the boss' debuff resistance increases by 1 - ie, you will need 1 extra debuff action than the last attempt to debuff him with the same status again (so first stun will need 2 stun attacks for example, to stun him again i will need 3 stun attacks, etc.) - the same applies to all debuffs/status. Makes planning debuffs really important - and i really really dig the removal of the RNG aspect of debuffs or just going the lazy way of making bosses immune to status effects. Blessings To top of all of that, as you go through the game, you get "Blessings", these are a 1 time use per battle "Ultimate abilities" basically, and they are very important, especially later on - knowing when and how to use them is key - and they are all do vary quite a bit from each other - you get 5 in total, and only 2 are kinda similar. All of that combined ensures fun, challenging & snappy battles - but that wouldn't completely work without the satisfying gameplay loop. You see, the game has aloooooooot of extra bosses which are pretty strong - so you challenge one - you get loot - which you use to craft better equipment - which then makes you hunt stronger bosses - rinse & repeat. It's a very satisfying and addicting gameplay loop and i couldn't keep my hands off the controller - so i hunted em all. Speaking about... Crafting The game has a crafting system - it is not as in depth as something as Atelier - but it does have a small fun one that also ties into the gameplay loop. For Crafting, Events & Training are your main ways of getting stronger, since your maximum level through combat is 5. And even getting stronger spells or customizing them is through crafting - and the best healing items as well. You also evolve/upgrade your weapons there - and for your staff there're multiple path and upgrades to choose from, right from the very beginning, but even later on It all ties very well together with the other systems. Exploration Ofc crafting and battles wouldn't work without exploration, and the various areas you explore and collection points of items. Fun thing is, once you activate a collection point once you just need to move over it to auto collect them. Pets allow you to explore fastes & normally unreachable areas, and sometimes you can hunt small little enemies on the field for collection as well (especially early on). There're also quite a few secrets here and there - very easily missable - and alot of extra/secret areas where you fight the extra bosses. I do with the dungeons were you get the blessings were longer and that there were more puzzles tho - the games does have some here and there - usually in the dungeons where you get the blessings - but i do wish there were a bit more meat to the dungeons. Story and Characters Pieberry, all alone in her forest, has to defend herself from Warriors, as a Witch Hunt is ongoing. She is a lonely Witch that loves Pies...and once she eats a Pie she looted from a warrior she defeated...she decides to leave for the human world to get the Pie of her dreams. And that's how our story starts. Pieberry is a great protag - and despite her Pie brain at the start, which has a valid reason - she goes through great development. Right from the beginning, when she first contacts humans that don't wanna kill/capture her - she starts to learn about how humans live. For example, when she first meets a merchant, he offers her money for some of her loot, and she goes "Money? Gimme Pies!" - Girl didn't have any idea how humans live since she lived all alone, isolated & abandoned in her forest all her life. And so not only does she slowly learn about humans, but also forms various bonds - friendship, family and romantic (even though the romance is halfbaked imo), etc. - learns about the world in general...and humanity, the beautiful, the ugly and the hypocritical. You see, despite the game having the appearance of being cozy and chill...this is still a witch hunt setting where our Protag is a witch - and you can imagine what that means - although the games doesn't really go edgy with it - even if i wish it did sometimes. I wanna talk about some really good scenes tho but i don't wanna spoil you the fun 😉 And so Pieberry starts her journey around the country to end the Hunts. The games does start a bit on the slow side, what's with the first chapters being Pieberry trying to sneak into a village while evading the warriors and not trying to really get anyone's attention to not face capture or execution while trying to satisfy her curiousity - but that usually goes south lol. One thing the game does well imo is highlight that despite the Witch hunt going on, not everyone is on board since it's quite a recent thing (~10 years before the story started), and so you meet humans who had bonds with Witches from back then, those who betrayed them, those who are just following orders, those who are against the hunts, those who give up and wallow in despair, and more! And honestly, quite a few of the enemies we meed the games tried to humanize - usually well, sometimes eh. Ofc a game wouldn't complete without a side cast - and the game has a pretty cool one - which the game develops through the story and very missable side quests. You see, aside from Merchant requests, you have no ways to keep track of the side quests/stories. Which is a bit of a shame, as the side stories do develop the world and the cast quite a bit. I missed the final part of one such quest - Big F. Tbf, the game can also be a bit cryptic with them sometimes. Side characters do join the Party from time to time to fight alongside you, and of course for finale you have a classic 4 man party setup...well Remember how i said above Berry starts alone? The dichotomy between the beginning where Pieberry was alone and finale where she's not only in a 4 man party but can summon 4 pets as well not only highlights her power development, but her character development and and the bonds she formed as well during her journey. It's great. And ya know, despite having what's effectively an 8 character party (+bird), the gameplay is still smooth & snappy - you don't hear that every day. Speaking about finale... Fumbling at the end The reason that stopped the game from getting over my "fav. game list" barrier, the finale. You see, i love my JRPG finale meaty, i love my hours long final dungeons, the turns, the challenge, the feeling of "This is it, let's fucking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", the end of the journey. So when the game was preparing me for just that, i was getting hyped up, i was getting ready, the point of no return is coming. The final dungeon is here,.... Only to be faced with 3 hallways with a battle each, 2 of which were boss battles, before the final boss. It left me wanting for quite a bit more. I wanted to use my full party for a whole dungeon and not just a couple battles - especially since the final party member joins right before the final boss... It was a "Where's my final dungeon? There's more coming, right?" moment. The game also drops quite the lore bomb at the end, which had me scratching my head ngl. Also Sequel setups. The finale itself resolves the "current" conflict, so it's not that bad, but ya know, expectations. Music The music is not bad, i do quite like what's i've heard...it's just there wasn't enough variety imo. Conclusion Pros Fun and satisfying gameplay loop, rewarding battles, exploration and crafting Challenging extra bosses Great Protag and good side cast A fun world oozing with charm to explore Cool Story Cons Finale left me wanting Halfbaked Romance Cryptic requirements for some side stories/quests All in all, it was an amazing journey. In alot of ways, i can call it a modern 90s-early 2000s JRPG, it hits all the notes for that imo, even if it's actually made by a korean dev in 2023 as a remake of a 2015 mobile game (and not a gacha one, but a paid mobile rpg, a rarity). I definitely recommend it, and am planning myself to explore the rest of the series...if they come to PC. 3 is on PC afaik, 2 and 4 not yet. I do hope they get the R treatment as well. I wanna see how the story advances and have some of that fun gameplay loop. 2 is afaik same story as one but different PoV (that of the final Party member - so stories converge on finale i guess?) while 3 and 4 take place somewhere else and advance the story. Ratings Gameplay - A Characters - A Story - B Music - B Misc. - B 8-8.5/10
  3. Because, despite people looking down it and that number increasing, lotsa people still practice it, it's not really as dangerous as Sibling incest (as long as you don't keep doing it over multiple generations in the same family), and cousins not being as close as siblings or growing up together, there's no real moral reason to ban it. Also historical & religious reasons worldwide. Stigma against cousin marriage is "relatively" modern. maybe not in the US, but when americans see it outside, wether in media or otherwise, they tend to go apeshit over it, not knowing that it is not illegal in most of the world.
  4. I meant they are the ones who usually make a stink over it lol
  5. only if it doesn't completely break the balance or make the game bad. Gameplay should always, always, always take precedence over everything else, combined. just a reminder even if most of the world sees it unfavorably (and rightfully so), you guys over the pond are one of the few ones that make it super weird, especially legally.
  6. That's what the demo is for 😉 They have a game on 75% sale on the eshop atm
  7. WitchSpring R is a remake/overhaul of a mobile one as well - although all the games are "full games" - no gacha or monetization - you pay once you get it. 3 has a steam version and Switch version as well - but it doesn't look nearly as good as R is (and i don't mean just graphics, but comparing both you can notice a massive difference) Might grab 3 if it goes into a deep sale or smth - and hope 2 and 4 get the R treatment - although 2 is just 1 from a different PoV and you see parts of that in R so they might skip that? she sounds fun lol hmmm i do not like this, especially with how open the game is but who knows Or maybe they scale with areas cleared instead of levels - that wouldn't be so bad
  8. Well GG, wrap it up How many Jebaits does Endgame have? Xd Fire Emblem 19 confirmed How romantic, but ya know... Yeah tell them, there's a FE dragon rampaging outside xD Dragon dogfight O: The gang, assembles 🤔 So the gang failed to purify Dark Magic, so he took it upon his own hand to do it, no matter the sacrifice? Look at how much pain you brought to the world bro We getting too many lore bombs for finale what ideal? Yeah tell him Wait...so you orchestrated all of this so human can purge dark magic by themselves? So you want Lucia to lead the new era? :thinking: Yeah i feel you, Non-so-FE-ish not-evil dragon Hmmm It do be like that - although usually starts with a cat and not strawberry pie xD like the Witch hunts never happened eh? ...ya know, i would've liked to see that in a flashback Damn it, birb Hmm? Indeed lmao Capitalism, ho! Oh damn, the platoon she's in will become the strongest in the continent - she has warp and rescue staff access - insta GG WitchSpring 4 _ But i already defeated that guy The now dark magic is everywhere - and the consequences are still to be felt - defo sequel material Stop being so cryptic By that you mean Lucia/Pieberry? Elysion is Lucia's mother after all, and you said you wanted her to be a milestone in the new era.... You could've stayed dead Date on the bridge eh? That's WitchSpring 3 -Fin- Well, that was fun - and mostly an amazing journey Even if i think the game fumbled the finale a bit - "dungeon" too short (basically 3 hallways with a boss fight each, that's it) - and too much lore drop at the end - could've spaced that quite a bit better Full thoughts later
  9. is it? Wouldn't be a JRPG otherwise 🤔 But you are the one who started it? 🤔 Lessgo? Something is fishy hah From my little research - the 2nd game tells the same story as the first game, but from the PoV of the other Witch - the last party member that joined us - basically their stories converge at Finale? 3rd and 4th game advance the story - and 4th game takes place in another continent mentioned in the first game and even on of the NPCs i helped appears there WitchSpring R
  10. Actually i am like 50% sure this isn't really the final boss - there're quite a few plot points still open....or are they gonna pull a Trails and sequel bait me lol ....All 4 games are connected after all from i read - Problem: The other 3 don't have a PC remake yet.
  11. Tis time WARP STAFF It's a Rebellion, after all Emblem Miccy confirmed Mechas > Magical Golems confirmed? I am coming for your head Ayy joining the Party right at finale We're here Fighting through his Elite guard Every Game ever A bitch until the very end So we get our last Party member right before the final boss?... Old man with the protag speech! Anyway, i hope there's more to go because this has been a pretty short "dungeon" The Man, the Myth, the Legend You don't say? The Final(?) Battle is a go! Ya know, from Berry all alone in the very beginning to 8 Party Members (+bird)- This has been a Journey for sure! Let's kick some Pope ass! Try #3 while writing this
  12. I love how everytime i think "this is kinda stupid, game" the game comes with a reason that actually makes sense XD
  13. Yes, no mercy ...she does make a pretty convincing argument ngl Tis time This has Trails Endgame vibes
  14. I love how the title screen evolved From lonely Berry to Lucia with her friends, and the rebellion is about to start Not the first nor the last game to do this - but i love it nonetheless Rude yeah better not now then xD
  15. This sounds OP Then again, it is the last blessing Angry birds xD Mood I can summon a Lightning Dragon too now 😮 Wait a min....this Sword... Is fucking broken xD It even gives me more Magic than my main staff - although Ice staff still better Why Magic when you can just Sword Get Astra'd, bitch Well, you see...I fought that super hard Dragon and got that super OP sword XD Tomorrow: We go whack a Pope
  16. Not sus at all For real Squad, Assemble! Little Ice Dragon > Giant Fire Dragon Sus I get to summon a giant Dragon? O: Bro wth is that MP cost lmao The only way to use him lol Ya know, for a single player turn based JRPG it has alot of extra bosses - then again, hunting them to get stronger crafting materials to hunt stronger extra bosses is one of the sellings point of the game me thinks - and that combat is at it's most fun there honestly
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