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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. https://www.gematsu.com/2024/02/splatoon-3-dlc-expansion-pass-side-order-overview-trailer-details-and-screenshots 🤔 Yeah if we get a direct it will be a Partner one - Rip Jugdral Broskis
  2. 1 2 3 By my arts You will restart on normal mode!
  3. Man Weather outside too good and i am stuck at work <.< >.< >.> Why is life so meaningless
  4. I keep coming back to the Salvager's quite often lately Rex the Wise
  5. If you can't solve the problem with Punches, you are simply not using enough punches
  6. 参加してください、レイスちゃん
  7. 「うるさいな」 ひとりでも欠けたら 意味を失ってしまうから つながりを何度も確かめて 信じるだけ ほどけて散るのなら 全てが終わった後にして ゴキゲンに咲かせた花束を 届けるから 踊り始めてる音像 微笑みを浮かべて 消えるほど遠くまで 歓びの歌 鳴らそう 運命が変わるまで
  8. Just listening to the music and singing/dancing
  9. その翼は ヴァルキュリア 傷ついた戦士の前 ヴァルキュリア 舞い降りる幻想の 恋人 その魂 導くため虹の橋を渡る ヴァルキュリア 運命に背いても ヴァルキュリア 涙に引き裂かれても ヴァルキュリア 夜明け前に 輝かない生命はない 愛してる 光の鎧 この身にまとい 空を翔る ヴァルキュリア サヨナラノツバサ
  10. ギリギリ愛 いけないボーダーライン 燃え尽きながら まだ輝いてみせる キリキリ舞い あなたのために 未来のために 何度砕け散っても
  11. https://www.gematsu.com/2024/02/xbox-official-podcast-special-edition-set-for-february-15-featuring-xbox-business-updates Well, the week is starting - MS got dibs on Thursday
  12. Nah, it's understandable - and i do have places/circles where i do let this out - so i completely understand you - no need to apologize.
  13. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/1ap4hld/the_results_of_the_rank_the_fire_emblem_games/ Man, VN series when. Then the series can focus about what's truly important and ignore this pesky little thing called gameplay I will say, when i first saw the meme my immediate thought was "drawing up another genocide" Didn't post to not ruin the mood tbh
  14. I find all that fun :sip: Ultimately, fun is the main reason why i seek stuff, and i did mention before i enjoy dark & twisted experiences That's a different kind of fun!
  15. Has been a while since i last Nasu'd Or VN'd in general Kinda excited. Let's if the old Mushroom is up to par! >Monday Excitement ->0
  16. I really feel like finding my inventory pictures again Iirc i had 2 (or more?) repair strones at endgame, and had inventory management hell lol
  17. No, they will have to work with other parties We have 3 Parties in our current gov. even if it super sucks
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