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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. So Rosa, Ochlys or Virginia hmm Ok, not thaaat bad xD
  2. Otoh that would make the game even easier, something the game defo doesn't need Hmm I quite disagree. Even outside of main plot i am quite eh on writing, world building aside. Supports are too Alain-centric, romance whatevs, quite a few 🤨 decisions, side quest writing is no better than main plot, in some cases worse even, etc. The one good thing writing wise is that the side cast is involved in the plot, but that's it imo. And well, ganeplay-story-integration is superb So many promises lmao Also Scarlett smh my head
  3. I am 100 honor points away from the last squad without any grinding - and you're ahead of me....
  4. Lex: "Why Elves nekkid?" Railnoar: "Fairies hate armor" Lore moment Not that far yet - have to try and sleep because gotta work in like 4 hours You should have 10 5 man Squads at this point no? That should help Also use Valor attacks to stop reinforcements from spawning. Heavy Swing is cheap and is ideal for this
  5. >Leafy Boy >We got trouble Eh it was fine Unless you did it before finishing furryland? That said yeah i had to go zooming, and those Angel Archers with blind are pretty annoying...thankfully Elven Archers hard counter them lol (but i am only using one Elven Archer...) Ye lol
  6. something that is fun can never be bad for you 😉
  7. Btw Where is IO? Last i remember he got UO then he disappeared. Did he got lost in the game as much as i did the first werkend i got it?
  8. Time stamp'd a track that gives me Yggdra Union vibes
  9. +10000 The only 2 same-y classes are Muscle Humans and Muscle lions, as they have almost exact the same kit. Lions just get night boost extra
  10. Engage for pure gameplay experience Unicorn for Uniqueness With how complex battles later get that won't help, as you will have like 30 different actions and it's better to have an idea how your solution might solve the puzzle
  11. To be more exact Forecast takes RNG into consideration. However if you do an early forecast and then have a bunch other squads do some battles, the RNG naturally will be different. Assist attacks burn RNG as well
  12. Note that the "early forecast" might not be accurate due to rng getting burned until then Yeee
  13. Will stop Brexit after Furryland The forecast directly before battle to be exact
  14. Neither Or more akin inbetween? Damage calculation is pretty easy, it's akin to FE But then you get the squad battles, the abilities, turn order, etc and the numbers don't matter much. Squad compisition, skills and conditions are much more important
  15. Gotta say tho Clive has some great supports
  16. Queen I wonder why I dunno they orbit too much around him. Doubly so for Scarlet You know what i wanted from her supports with Alain? Shared experiences due to war, priestly and knightly duties, etc. And not the most generic childhood friend tsun
  17. That's why you get a Swordmaster with Parry! 😛 Dunno Feels less recognizing and more complaining, and when she gets the chance she bacķs off Meli has more going on than her Alain simping. Nobles, Ojou-sama shtick, keen eye, Sword'ing, handsome simping, etc. That was funny Still about Alain. Elto was curious about the flower thing, while in Rosa's case Scarlett was the one that was jealous of her. I mean In the A support with Alain she basically says why aren't you looking at me.
  18. Evasion ftw What? The one with Alain is more jealousy than communication. Both her A and S supports are honestly awful, especially since they ramp her jealousy up there. The one with Chloe is also about Alain. Most of her supports are either about Alain or are in the style of "Alain is mine bitch, fuck off. Also we bffs now." The one so far that isn't Alain involved that i got was Yunifi's i think?
  19. Also Furryland up'ing difficulty which was needed. Nice Also, it has a Thracia Fog map - which was fun btw And i love terrain shenanigans in this game lol
  20. >Scartell goes full Tsun during S-support Yeah girl you doomed It's a problem when it's basically her whole personality Lmao
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