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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Would be cool if we could something like this - although really hard to plan for - doesn't have to be Fates either. TL;DR: A soft Iron man relay run with 20-25% of the players trying to sabotage the run. Other players have to find out who the traitors are before they achieve the objective, or finish the run without the traitors achieving the objective Could be fun
  2. something something saying anything bad about Israel = antisemitism something something Also regional control and US influence
  3. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/11/30/world/middleeast/israel-hamas-attack-intelligence.html
  4. It waa never that bad, not even 1% as bad, not to mention it was rarely if ever accompanied by a moral crusade or a harassment campaign reaching current levels of fucking people over Fandoms always had toxicity, yes, but it never was that bad nor was it ever that personal
  5. You need to eat pizza Me as well I was in thr UK more than once, never in the US, so checks out 😛 This Not to mention, don't many polls show that Trump is ahead in swing states? Yes But instead of voting for Biden (or for Trump), these people will just not show up to vote due to in their eyes their vote not mattering
  6. Sorry again, and i will try to mind my word choice more But y'all know how this whole fandom topic gets me quite riled up, even though i have been trying to stay away from it lately, it's just everywhere. Another artist i know decided to delete quite a bit of their stuff because they got harassed
  7. yeah my mistake here. Sometimes certain slurs escape my mind and/or i confused their meaning (I know it's not that believeable, but i mistook the slur for something else, then again if you saw what i did yesterday during the linked ironman where i just saw some stuff that's not there...:D) Seriously, go look at my last linked ironman entry and laugh The Teehee mistress herself! Now i remember my dead Trails x FE CYOA. consume, i guess
  8. but can we? The overwhelming majority is fine with the "system" - aslong as they get pandered to and/or get tricked by "We do it for X group" Same company selling stuff to China and Saudi Arabia "X Group? We removed them from out product :D" No. That's not what i meant. I don't know how to deal with it either and what's happening right now is people discover they exist then go on bullying or replace an existing fanbase
  9. wait what slur AH Shit Sorrry sorrrrrrrrrrrry edited
  10. I never said they are bad That said CS3-5 suffer too much from same face
  11. aslong as the writing and gameplay don't suffer for it, and we know how that was in CS 😛
  12. When Morals are used to justify killing and bullying innocent people, what do you call it? and one the main things of capitalism is supply and demand And demand for games is just getting higher. Companies don't need to care about angering their core base if they have enough casual pull to sell like hotcakes. Ofc, but the part that decided to not buy feels insignificant compared to before.
  13. what, you don't think bullying and killing people over "immoral" art is a bad thing? Smh bad Cosmo, get canceled (/s obvs, but these is how Fandom is nowadays)
  14. Because Moralassholery is a perfect way to bully people while "being good" and/or virtue signaling is the only thing these assholes can do to feel good about themselves I am quite excited. I did like quite a bit what i played of his hacks/fangames back then. I think it was one of his videos (Ragefest was it?) even that introduced me to the world of FE hacks and stuff yh, but i am talking more about the industry in general. The horrible practices have been increasing and getting worse - and gaming becoming too big is one of the main reasons for that.
  15. MarkyJoe is so back Gaming really got too big for it's own good
  16. Lessgo 2035 in the west .... Fuck Sony I wish it was limited to Genshin Fandom (remember the Taion wip). This shit of attacking and harassing artists over art some found "offensive" iis quite the norm nowadays. Alot of times it includes doxxing, many times they try to destroy an artists social life/job, sometimes even to the point of death. Yes, people lost their jobd and died over drawings and stories, and those "moral" types celebrate it. Also more often than not these people who harass artists turn out to be criminals themselves Or Minors. Minors who should be nowhere near fandoms while thinking they are delivering justice. Meanwhile jp games are selling like hotcakes And nothing is wrong with that - it's a fandom classic Just tag appropriately. No one should get attacked over any ship, ever. At the same time, no forcing headcanon/ship down people throats - like those idiots who attacked the artist Jo? Still Democrats picking Biden is super idiotic He will not win
  17. Welcome to Ch.14! This map has alot of dangerous and quite a few promoted enemies. The League of A's is raring to go! I should've waited until i'd gotten better before playing Anyway i have a killer headache and i need to sleep - I really really shouldn't have played just because i felt slighly better
  18. why search for it online when you can have it ingame?
  19. Thanks! well, they are small after all ...i will see myself out
  20. FE fans getting Outdegen'd Still wtf is that list 😂
  21. I just checked back on the thread and i did talk about it quite a bit - but also finished it quite fast iirc Last year August. ahhhhhhhhhh lol
  22. I finished it, yes. After it was localized. I started the jp version at first but then localization was announced and i waited. *Insert Garuben here*
  23. ....i don't remember this lol? probably nowhere Especially with all the ideas i have kek I wanted to make something serious and not a meme kek
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