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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Oh geez, that's totally awesome! Basilio isn't Lonky's father, but I can see that happening lol. Now we need Morgan calling Basilio Grandpa...

    Why is Sumia saying "I got beaten by a gynophobe" though...

    Going by the description I'd say she said it because Lon'qu and Alex (the MU) got married like ridiculously quickly, and Sumia kind of has one of the fastest growing romantic supports. So yeah ;p

    TBH before I saw the description I thought Sumia and Virion were both lamenting over not getting Alex xp

  2. Okay, 1. Why is this such a big deal to you?

    2. So I forgot about those instances. Sorry. But again, why was it such a big deal to you that you went and dug around for all those quotes?

    It's not a big deal to me. I'm not the one getting my panties in a knot every time I see an avatar looking like mine that isn't paired up with someone I like

    I literally just searched this topic for the phrase "just like mine" and that's what I found, because I certainly remember this being a thing before. Of course, I've never had the best memory, so I wanted to be sure of it instead of talking out of my ass about it.

  3. The Avatar also has a LOT of hair colors to choose from. It's also the first time I've seen an Avatar that looks exactly like mine. Also, it's not the resemblance itself, it's that I'm basically looking at my Avatar paired with my most hated male character in Awakening (playable male, that is), and it's my most hated pairing in the game, which is not only awkward, but quite unappealing to me.

    I don't blame the artist at all though, they couldn't have possibly known any of this. It's just an unfortunate coincidence.

    There's only 20 hair options, 3 of which are shades of blue. That avatar's hair is light green in any case.

    It's also the first time I've seen an Avatar that looks exactly like mine.

    It's also the first time I've seen an Avatar that looks exactly like mine.

    It's also the first time I've seen an Avatar that looks exactly like mine.

    Grrr. That Avatar looks exactly like mine, but she's not getting with Frederick in this comic. That makes it really weird for me. >_<

    Whoa, the Avatar you have in the pic marked "CAN'T" looks exactly like mine. o.o Same hair color and everything!

    Sorry though, Robin, Kelli's in love with Frederick. :awesome:

    The Avatar in that pic looks like mine. ^^ VERY well done piece there too! It looks like it came right out of an official manga or something!

    Frederick is kind of a teacher for real, but THANKS A LOT TO THAT ARTIST FOR PUTTING MY PAIRING OF HIM AND FEMALE AVATAR IN A VERY AWKWARD POSITION SINCE THAT LOOKS LIKE MY FEMALE AVATAR WITH A MORE BLUISH HAIR COLOR ._. (romance between a student and a teacher is often frowned upon)

    No, it really isn't.

    It's not the artists' faults for not knowing to never use this one particular hairstyle out of five total options to avoid offending you or making you feel awkward because they didn't draw their avatar with Frederick or *gasp* someone you hate.

  4. Couldn't this just be a friends picture? I don't see any indication that the Avatar here is Lucina's mother. If the description says she is though, then ugh, the awkwardness for me due to this Avatar looking exactly like mine. >.> And as many people know, she married Frederick...

    Yes, that Avatar is Lucina's mother.

    I'm not sure why you continue to be surprised/disappointed that all these avatars look like yours. That specific Avatar has only 5 hair options to choose from, so it's pretty fricken hard to distinguish them unless you redesign the Avatar entirely since the customization options suck ass.

    I have several avatars, all of them look like others' avatars, but I'm not about to get in a huff about it just because they look like mine.

    Now if this was Animal Crossing or Fantasy Life, then I would be a little interested, because with all the hair, face, and eye designs, as well as all the clothes and equipment you can have (some of them you can even design yourself), it's nigh impossible to have two characters exactly alike

  5. So, I was playing on my main town today and found Gulliver lying on the beach... the day after I found him in my new town So I decided I was going to yell at him to wake him up. I tried calling his name several times to wake him up, but I was getting responses from Kapp'n and Julien. So I just yelled "FUCKER" and he jumped up and said "AYE AYE CAPTAIN"

    So Gulliver has a new name now c:

  6. A new update released today (1.1.10) The Rayquaza event has ended as well as the second round of Daily Stages, and now we have a Safari event, where the Pokémon is different every time you choose the stage. The Safari Pokémon are Cherubi, Cherrim, Spinda, Carvahna, and Sharpedo. The Safari stages are all 3-Pokémon stages as well.

  7. The thing is Lucinas color schemes should be based on who her possible mothers are. Not the popular waifus, that actually irks me about Lucinas alternates despite them looking nice. Sumia is the only mother possibility that is actually given an alt.

    Yes, yes, and even more yes. I really hated that only one of Lucy's alts were of her possible mothers. Honestly if it were up to me I would have given her all of her mothers' palettes (except for Robin and Maiden, for obvious reasons), Micaiah, Eirika, and Celica. She would represent her fellow lady lords as well as her possible mothers. Lyn would have been included, but she already exists as an assist trophy ~o3o~

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