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Posts posted by Kon

  1. We can discuss this until we're blue in the face. I usually don't support yoai and yuri because of the reasons I gave, but that doesnt mean I'm going to treat people who do support it like dirt. I'll just...avoid the art and fics of such like Sain x Kent.

    Bolded the truth...

    I never said you were. I'm not about to rag on you for not being into it or anything ~o3o~

    Hey, it could be worse. As soon as Legend of Korra was announced everyone started shipping her with Tenzin before it was revealed that he was 50+ with three children and a fourth on the way ~o3o~

  2. Sounds good in theory, but there are times when the character just plain shows no sign of being attracted to the same sex. Sain is a perfect example. We don't see him hitting on all the guys, just the girls, and people still pair him with Kent.

    I'm all for headcanons and stuff, but this isn't the place for them imo...

    Back on topic. "Wat" is a perfect title for that pic. And OMG, somebody seriously lost Chrom in that fight? I think I had Sully go up against "Marth" both times...

    Doesn't matter. As long as there are people that want to ship them they will be shipped. I enjoy shipping Oscar and Kieran, partly because it's just funny and partly because I think they would make for an interesting couple.

    Wut? do you mean for sexuality/romantic preferences? People can headcanon whatever they want yo ~o3o~

  3. I tried refreshing and it says I'm good again?

    Apparently the null status thing has been happening a lot, though that's the first time it's happened to me

    I can't wait to never have to use this site ever again

  4. Silly Kon. You don't call Nintendo, Nintendo calls you.

    Oh well ~o3o~

    At least I finally got someone for longer than 5 minutes. According to them I don't seem to have a Platinum account (which I do, I've checked my account and everything), but once they're able to verify my account they'll send a download code to me directly so I can finally get my game.

  5. I meant, to make a script.

    Should be possible to hide the quote from X person

    I'll think about making a request, though I don't know if that would interfere with adblock

    Oh, and I've been trying to call Nintendo so I wouldn't have to keep fighting the website

    And both times I was able to get a hold of someone the call ended ;-;

  6. Er, Ike shares nothing but Counter with Marth. Is one move really such a big deal?

    Because I'd like DLC that I actually WOULD buy?

    EDIT: If Ryu gets to be shirtless, Ike should too! :P

    I never said anything about Ike having the same moveset as anyone, I'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth. He's still a blue-haired swordsmen from the same series as all the other blue-haired swordsmen. Not to mention that Counter was at the time almost exclusively a Fire Emblem thing, since Roy and Marth both had it.

    It's impossible to please literally everyone. If you don't want to buy it, you don't have to. Just because you don't like it, it doesn't mean that no one else will like it.

    I guess the best thing to do in this situation is just deal with it. Being unhappy with completely optional content is pretty silly, don't you think?

    Kon said moveset, not aesthetics. Hair color means shit as shown by all the blondes we've got. I can't believe I have to repeat myself again... :facepalm:

    That really isn't a fair comparison to make. Shiek and Zelda are the same person, as are Link and Toon Link to a lesser extent. Samus and Shulk are from entirely different series, and only three of them share any similarities in weapons (obviously being that Shulk, Toon Link, and Link all using swords). Fire Emblem, on the other hand, has every single rep wielding a sword, and three of them had blue hair. In Brawl both of the FE reps had blue hair, and we had the possibility of having two more blue-haired swordsmen in Smash 4. Thankfully only one more blue-haired sword lady was in as a fighter, but we still have yet another blue-haired sword dude in Robin's final smash.

    When most of the characters from a single game share the same weapon type and similar attributes, people start getting tired of it. Imagine if all of the reps from LoZ were all different forms of Link. Wouldn't you get sick of that?

    Why not both Ike and Micaiah in Brawl, and Roy, that would've been awesome yeah Tellius bias idgaf

    Tbh we just need an FE spinoff like Hyrule Warriors or something, then everyone could have their favourite character playable, and the ones that use mounts wouldn't be as awkward as they would be in Smash. Maybe if SMTxFE does well enough that FE spinoffs become a regular thing.

    Until people started bitching because the super niche series has 4 reps before its popularity boom. As much as I would have liked it it would have been a bad move to introduce that many FE reps when all of it's popularity was still from Smash.

    Too bad Meg would never be playable ;-;

  7. I really would have liked Micaiah over Ike as the FE rep in Brawl, though I would have liked Roy returning more than the both of them. Micaiah would have had a completely unique moveset and no one would have complained about all the blue-haired sword dudes in Smash.

    Uh, yes I do. I don't want Roy back. :/

    I probably wouldn't be playing FE at all if Micaiah had gotten in over Ike. Ike got me interested in FE because I thought he looked cool and I looked up his game. I don't think Micaiah looks that cool. She has a nice design, but not nice enough for me to go all "she's cool!" and look up the game she's in.

    Why should it matter to you whether Roy comes back or not? You're not forced to buy his DLC, or even play as him if you were, so what's the big deal?

  8. club nintendo stop sucking so much jesus

    i've been trying to order acnl all fucking day

    and every time, right when it tells me to finalize the order

    "there was a problem with your request.

    but don't worry, your coins are safe with wario."

    fuck you wario

    i want my fucking game

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