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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Maaaaaaaaan the one trend I noticed over time

    Not always the case because I'm an exception

    is that most women/girls I know are absolutely disgusted with white castle

    and most men/boys love it

    Integrity is not an exception being a princess

    I just can't say how correct that would be though because I don't know many people ;u; It's just the trend that I'VE seen

    That's an awfully weird trend :o

    It's not very often that eating food makes me that sick though, even though it wasn't the first time I've had bad food like that

  2. Just because Sceptile's highest stat is Speed doesn't mean he's guaranteed to outspeed everything. His base Speed is only 8 points higher than Purugly's, so it's not impossible for Purugly to have enough of a Speed investment to outspeed Sceptile.

    And like I said, I was making a guess. It's not as if I have your game or anything, so all I can do is make guesses based on their base stats.

  3. If I had to guess, your Sceptile has a Speed lowering nature of some sort. Other than that, IIRC the Pokémon in the Maison actually have EVs and IVs, so even though Purugly is naturally slower than Sceptile, it may have the EV/IV combination to still outspeed him. And if you were wondering, Purugly's base Speed is 112, Sceptile's is 120, and MegaSceptile's 145

    The Battle Maison is supposed to be a challenge, so it makes sense that the teams are actually challenging

  4. yes

    Don't remind me of that :(

    Well then

    That damned Charizard was the bane of my existence

    Animal Crossing~

    I started playing it again :D

    I'm finally going to go and try decorating the shit out of my town, since all it has is a crapload of flowers :<

  5. As long as one of Ponyta's parents know Morning Sun, the child will always inherit it.

    The items that pass down IVs are as follows:

    Power Weight - HP

    Power Bracer - Attack

    Power Belt - Defense

    Power Lens - Special Attack

    Power Band - Special Defense

    Power Anklet - Speed

    Each of these only pass down one guaranteed stat, and only the parent that holds the item will have its IV passed down. Of course other IVs can be passed down, but these are the only guaranteed IVs. There is also the incredibly valuable Destiny Knot, which passes down a total of 5 IVs of the parents to the child at random. Like one time 4 IVs come from the father and 1 from the mother, and another time 2 IVs come from the father and 3 from the mother. I don't think it's possible for the Destiny Knot to take 5 IVs from one parent though.

    The Everstone is the item that passes down Natures, and there isn't any item that guarantees Abilities. Any Pokémon that has two normal Abilities has a 50/50 chance of passing down the one it has to the child. However, if the mother has their Hidden Ability and breeds with a male in the same egg group, the chances that the child will inherit the Hidden Ability becomes 80%. The father has a 20% chance to pass down their Hidden Ability, but only when they're bred with a Ditto, otherwise they can't pass down the HA, even when bred with a member of the same species/egg group.

  6. Welp got the dreadful phone call just now. I will not be getting my Lucina and Robin amiibo preorders and my entire order has been cancelled. I will have to go back to the store to get my full refund.

    Oh no, that's awful D;

    At least you get your refund? ;-;

  7. EDIT: Kon: Except Glaceon uses phrases like "shit lord" and "should die in a hole" and stuff. I don't say anything that harsh and insulting.

    Apart from the specific words, what's the difference? You both are being unnecessarily negative towards things you've both claimed to not like already.

    The comment against Splatoon wasn't even warranted, since this topic is not about Splatoon, just the amiibo. It's like coming into a topic about Persona and whining about how you don't like Fire Emblem, entirely out of place and uncalled for.

  8. Was responding to it really necessary? Seriously, we both know that you're in love with Splatoon and I hate it, why don't you just stop complaining every time I mention my dislike for it (which isn't even really often)? I don't complain in your Splatoon thread or anything, so leave me alone already.

    Saying it was "so dumb" in the first place was pretty unnecessary, Ana. It's similar to you complaining every time Glac would mention her hate for Ike, if you think about it.
    You have made it known on several occasions that you don't like Splatoon, so it's not like you have to reaffirm your opinion on it whenever you mention it.

    I believe there's a saying for things like this: "It's okay to not like things, but don't be a dick about the things you don't like"

  9. Maybe, but regardless, that's a dumb thing to name an account.

    I dunno, you seem pretty cool. You don't seem very approachable though, to be honest. I think the charming sprite art you use as your avatars tend to help it though. Speaking of, I do like your sprite art, like the one redhead girl. Your current one is pretty though.

    7.8/10. I still feel terrible about the UN joke I made on your birthday. ;n;

    I won't deny it. Sometimes I wonder where people get these un ideas from ~o3o~

    It's probably because I'm really shit at socializing, lol. Well, that and probably butting heads with some people .-.

    And thank you for the compliments, Draco. I'm honestly really surprised that so many people have been commenting on my sprites/avatars and I just don't know how to deal with it ;u;

    Oh don't feel too bad Draco, I've heard far more terrible ones on just the FE4 thread on a near constant basis ;p

    They even have Konday sometimes .-.

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