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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Gonna make a quick ref and give you a run-down of stuff


    Not sure why you made Wil's face fatter like you did. It messed up the far side of his face, and with how you pushed his nose over, it really screwed up the angle of his face

    So, I shoved his nose back over and did some replicing to regain Wil's face shape, with a little fiddling to keep the shorter face, because I think that was what you're going for?

    You need to be more careful when recoloring your sprites. I found like five or six stray colors from recoloring Treck's armour

    Related to above, you also neglected to take out a bit of Wil's collar when splicing him and Treck.

    With using Lowen's palette, you can get away with using the darkest skin tone in some of the darker parts of his armour

    You can also get away with using it for shaping the trim more like how it is on Treck

    I took the liberty of fixing up the part of his armour-collar thing that looked kind of broken. I imagine it looks that way because you didn't figure out how to redefine it after erasing Treck's head

    Also, his hair/line was kind of messed up. so I respliced Glass's hair to regain the original shape, with a little but of cutting to fit it on his head better

    I also made the hair behind his ear and neck flat, since his hair isn't long enough to stick out in the back like that.

    And I gave Will his ear back, since Glass's ear looks weird and is too high up compared to Wil's

    Fixed the weird shading on his neck, and reshaded some parts of his armour

    And I fixed the shading around his eye so it's more obvious that it's a splotch on his skin rather than a really badly shaded eye, as well as taking the extra third shad above his eyebrows. Wil's eyebrows are thick enough on their own ;p

    Oh, and while I took out all of the stray colors, you still have like 18 colors on the guy. I dunno of you ever plan on putting him into a hack, but if you do you're gonna have to reduce his color count by three. I think the easiest way to do that is changing the silver trim with skintone, since that seems like it would save you the most trouble, but it's your choice

    Most important thing!

    I really hate Glass's hair D;

    It's so badly undershaded it hurts

    So I tried playing around with the shading in his hair so it would bother me less

  2. PoR!Ike is my most favorite lord in the entire series

    I really hate RD!Ike though

    Ike x Soren is my only OTP in all of Fire Emblem

    I have an intense love for archers, even Ronan

    Same with Mages

    I have made it a point to rob and kill Orson in literally every playthrough of Sacred Stones

    I always kill Jagen and Frey to get Norne, but I've never gotten any of the other gaiden characters apart from Nagi

    I'm actually legit excited about SMTXFE, even with the recent trailer being absolutely nowhere even remotely close to what I was expecting

  3. How can you hate Ilyana. She's purple and pink and eats everyone's food.

    She has less personality than most of the Awakening cast

    And that's no bueno

    i always felt like he was really popular

    or is that just ike x soren

    I'm actually not sure how well he fares in terms of popularity

    I know a good many that love him

    But I also know a a lot of people that hate him or just really dislike him

    Like my bf ;o;

  4. He's my second favorite, with my top being Soren, obviously~

    It still makes me sad at how gimped he is in Radiant Dawn ;-;

    Though that still didn't stop me from my massive favoritism getting him to third tier by the end of part 1 >u>

  5. Y'know, more and more I'm starting to realize just how few people actually use the Tormod badge :o

    Ah, and I'm replaying 99 and VLR for the first time in a while :o

    And somehow, without any guides, I managed to get the Safe ending first. I honestly thought I was going for the Submarine ending >_<

  6. Er, no, the Direct isn't until 3PM Pacific time/6PM Eastern time. It hasn't even officially started. xP

    Anyway, amiibo appearances confirmed! :D Robin preorder and a Daisy amiibo with MP10 update to include her plz?

    The YouTube steam is often posted early, though the stream obviously doesn't start until 3PM PST

    Most YouTube streams are up at least an hour in advance, so it's easier to tune in at he beginning of the stream ~o3o~

  7. You know I just realized something

    you know how people use '4' as a subsitute for the letter 'A'

    The FE4 thread could really just be the FEA thread

    Which could then be interpreted two ways, either an Awakening thread

    Or a fea thread (a fee-uh)

    Fea kinda sounds like Fia

    The one who created the thread

    It finally makes sense why it has nothing to do with geneology

    It's a Fia thread, dedicated to her.


    wtf are u talking about Shezzy, just stfu

    Conspiracies everywhere

  8. Priam

    Tho, its hinted in Awakening that Sigurd is related to Marth in MRobin's support with Tiki.

    I originally thought she referred to Anri but the dates don't match, however Geneology does match date wise

    I don't see how that makes him documented. All of the Awakening characters acknowledge literally every lord from the past FEs, so ???

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