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Posts posted by Kon

  1. I don't know anything about EO though. Maybe if I stumble upon an article on it or whatever. But if it's not on any Nintendo systems, then I definitely can't play it because I don't own any non-Nintendo systems besides a computer.

    Well, what I've seen so far from Atlus consists of genital monsters and girls in their underwear, two things that disgust me. How was I supposed to react?

    See above for that medical game.

    I doubt a game would be given an M-rating just for an alcohol reference. PoR is rated T, yet has them because of drunk Shinon late in the game.

    Etrian Oddesy is only on Nintendo consoles, specifically on the DS and 3DS

    Not immediately assume that all of Atlus's games are like that, maybe?

    That's fine. If it's not your thing it's not your thing

    I know, it's why I didn't just say alcohol references. Having religious themes is almost guaranteed to give the game an M rating unless it's like a bible game or something like that.

    IIT: people obessing over what one person doesn't like and trys to convert them.

    As I've said before, it's not liking the game that bothers me, I couldn't care less if she doesn't. The problem is judging an entire company because of it.

  2. Kozaki's quality is way too inconsistent for me to really like him. I mean, some of his characters are pretty solid, and FEif's designs so far are a lot better than in Awakening (Camilla withstanding), but some of his designs are just ridiculous

    I mean, at least he ranks higher than Shirow Masamune, but that's not saying much

    For the best character artists, that would be Senri Kita and Sachiko Wada. Their designs are just so good ;-;

  3. I already did.

    Granted, I seem to have been incorrect in saying that Atlus only makes M-rated games, but so far, absolutely NOTHING I've seen from them has appealed to me. I don't want to see any genital monsters or women in only their underwear. I'm also not really interested in M-rated games. They tend to be too full of blood or sexual content which I'm not into.

    EDIT: Where did I bash any game companies? I never said Atlus is shit or should die or something stupid like that.

    M-ratings are more than for blood, sex, and violence. Some of the M-rated games Atlus has weren't even M-rated in the first place, but were given it in NA because of things like religious themes or alcohol references. Even then not all of the Persona and SMT games have an M-rating.

    And I never said you were bashing Atlus, but you've been showing a very negative attitude towards the company

    Oh, and I can vouch for the Trauma Center Series, as well as Radiant Historia. Neither have super fanservicy characters and are both rated T, IIRC. I also have Riviera and Yggdra Union, though those were only published by Atlus.

  4. I'm okay with not liking the game because they don't like one of the series

    But avoiding an entire game company just because of this one game is horribly narrow-minded and genuinely gets on my nerves, especially when they start making incredibly wrong generalized statements about the company just for a single game

    Oh well, at least that means I can enjoy this game without many people ruining it for me :3

  5. Finally got one of the character ends in VLR~

    Too bad the end was Dio's :|

    Come to think of it, I think Dio was the first character end on my first play through too, but I had gotten at least K's bad end first, IIRC

  6. Wow.

    Congrats, and what happened in the ending you got?

    You mean the locked ending?

    [spoiler=VLR spoiler ~o3o~]

    In the locked ending I got, it was on the route for the K End, I think. Everyone but Sigma, Phi, Quark, and K are alive, with Tenmyouji and Clover MIA and Luna, Alice, and Dio murdered. Sigma has the bracelets from Luna and Alice to open one of the doors, but Phi and K are fat out of luck since whoever murdered Dio smashed his bracelet. Sigma doesn't want to leave Phi and K, but if he stays they'll all be penalized and die. As they're all panicking about what to do, the screen fades out with a TO BE CONTINUED, then it lets me jump to another point in the game so I can find out how to possibly save Phi and K.

  7. I beat 999, and now I'm on VLR~

    I haven't even gotten any of the bad endings yet, just one of the locked ends. I'm not going to look up guides on which choices lead to what though 'cause I want to find out where I'll go when I can't remember most of the separate routes. Might lead to fun things like getting the Safe ending first try in 999 ~o3o~

    [spoiler=Zero Escape 3 maybe???]Oh, and this is a thing:


    It's driving me nuts on what it's supposed to be because we have nothing to really go off of. People are still making up all sorts of theories on what the numbers mean, 'cause it seems like a countdown, but it's only changed numbers 3 times so far. The first was 0303, then 0302, then 0301, but now it's 0204 with the word ring under the second 0

    And the writer has put up some really suspicious tweets, like these two, which he later deleted


    When you use a Caesarian Shift of 9 on the first, it spells out "We are all men of our word" and using a Caesarian shit of 17 on the second gives us "The longest night will have an end"

    What does it all mean ;-;

  8. Shiida is Caeda's name in the PAL version, lol

    And I've never heard of anyone using Rena over Lena

    Though for most of the names it's mainly a matter of what they're used to. There was a very, very long period of time when no characters from games 1 to 6 had any sort of official translation other than whatever they decided to put in SSB Melee, which was limited to Marth and Roy. It took 17 years for FE1 to get official names, and it wasn't until 2 years ago that we got any more official names from the older games. It's kind of hard to use "official" names after spending years upon years of using fan translations. I still have a hard time calling Celice Seliph and Sety Ced. It's just not what I'm used to :/

  9. For some reason, I felt like looking at the trailer again, I dunno why. I guess maybe I WANT to be interested in the game, but just can't.

    I think the two people at 0:33 are Ike and Elincia. Which would really annoy me because "Ike" is scrawny as all hell. And "Elincia" is dressed like Velma Dinkley (from Scooby Doo. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Velma and I find her outfit kind of cute, but I don't think it works for Elincia). >_>

    But "Ike" has very VERY similar hair to RD Ike, is wearing blue like in PoR, and also may have blue eyes. "Elincia" has the right shade of green hair, a similar hair style, and is wearing red and orange, which was her color scheme in PoR. She also might have golden brown eyes as Elincia does.

    Yeah, if these two are Ike and Elincia, I'm definitely passing up this game. I don't want to see two of my favorite characters get ruined like this. I could ignore scrawny RoboIke in Awakening since that design didn't actually get an in-game model, but this is just awful.

    Nah, they're not, they're the MCs, Blue's the Marth/Sigurd looking guy and Clippy is the girl who keeps wearing the weird bunny ears in most of the trailer. Their names are Itsuki Aoi and Tsubasa Oribe, btw

    Their hair is also shown as being closer to black in the anime sequences ~o3o~

    Blue hair and blue eyes doesn't mean he's Ike, lol. It just means he's the Lord by FE standards

  10. i guess you're okay. i love it when super awesome spriters post in fftf, its so out of place.

    you also have too many usernames, and you want people to call you draco? are you like 14?

    Is that so? I guess you normally just expect to see them in Creative and maybe ROM Hacking?

    Draco's 13, IIRC

  11. Yep, the birthmark is still where it's supposed to be, that's not a problem.

    If I ever fangame WoC, it would be with FEXP instead of a romhack, so I'm not worried about color count. You get a cookie for knowing who I used...I mean Glass' hair is kinda obvious, but the others...wow.

    I used to splice a lot, so picking out parts is pretty easy, especially on simpler sprites ~o3o~

    And even if you're not too concerned about the color limit. it's always a good idea to try to stick to the standard color limit, so that you can get used to properly managing your colors. It's also really handy to keep some color samples so that you can avoid all those stray colors you have in your sprites

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