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Posts posted by Kon

  1. this is the internet.

    more specifically, we are on an internet message board

    a fire emblem message board

    serenes forest

    you wish for the impossible

    I know ;-;

    Yes Kon, it is too much to ask. When an opinion is shared with many, you'll always find people who disagree without manners and understanding.

    They can't care about you Kon.

    Just. avoid. whatever. stresses. you. in. this. forum. Chill and let chill.

    Which would be... everywhere but the FE4 Thread and maybe ROM Hacking

    I'd say Creative and Sprites too, but... :/

  2. Well at least it's somebody else today.

    I'm not going to be getting into any arguments, at least. I have better things today

    That's who I thought it was. o: After a minute of thought.

    Poor Kon, can't catch a break.

    I'm used to it. :/


    he's Priam's Ana.

    He's such an egotistical ass

    Kon, just stop participating in discussion related to these 2 characters.

    I only mentioned Ike as an example of a well written gay character because someone said that since Heather wasn't a great gay character that means that IS shouldn't do any gay characters ever

    I just want to talk about my favorite lord without a bunch of stupid arguments

    Is that really so hard to ask? ;-;

    Or how about anything stupid related to fiction that causes stress or simply isn't something you need to concern yourself with?

    Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan it goes without saying that those are just the worst.

    I care too much about fictional characters, I know .-.

    I also really like talking about shipping stuff

    I'm just destined to suffer, I guess

  3. what happen

    Nothing really noteworthy

    I'm just getting tired of arguments involving him and Ike

    > Ike and Soren would make a great example of a homosexual relationship if that's what IS was actually going for

    > But Priam exists

    > ...

    My guess: Ike + fangirl


    but he does

    i'm sorry kon, ike's beard cannot be denied


    always anakon

    Priam exists

    That's all I can really say.

    Actually not this time

    I mean she's responded to a post but she's not the one who started anything this time

    It was NinjaMonkey who started it

    yup, the guy uses priam as his avatar iirc

    You mean Radiant Head, right?

    He's... really obnoxious >_>

  4. FFS...

    And oh hey, we're talking about Ike again.

    I mentioned him as an example. It's not my fault people are so eager to argue about him that even something so small as a mention sets them off.

    The difference there is that that was later stated to be wrong. IS has yet to say that Priam was lying or mistaken.

    Hence why I said that it is neither denied nor confirmed, even with Priam's existence because even his legitimacy has not been confirmed directly. NM stated that because it is in Priam's bio, it means it's official. I presented a similar case with Pelleas to demonstrate that what is written in the character's bios is not always 100% true.

    That has zero relevancy to Priam's legitimacy as a descendant of Ike, let alone in dismissing canonical information the creators have provided on the assumption that it may receive a retcon. I sincerely doubt that Intelligent Systems has any plans to further detail Ike's bloodline or any successors between him and Priam or his orientation, let alone if Ranulf or Soren or both leaving with him did occur. I also imagine they don't have any plans to explain where Grima came from since Ylisse is just the continent of Akaneia after a millennium, but that's besides the point. Frankly i'd rather not derail the discussion further than it has been by one the many retcons Radiant Dawn delived.

    They have similar situations, which is why I chose him as an example. Both claim to be the son/descendant of someone, and even have some semblance of proof of their claim (Pelleas' supposed familial resemblance + Izuka's word and Priam with his "Ragnell"). The only difference is that Pelleas was confirmed to be entirely unrelated while Priam is still up in the air, since there is nothing absolutely confirming the relation. Now, if there was some sort of official family tree or something similar, I would take that as proof. But nothing of the sort exists yet, so the comparison isn't inaccurate.

    I know full well that official word regarding any of these issues isn't likely in the least. They didn't exactly give a damn about keeping anything in Awakening faithful to any of the other games in since it's all for the sake of fanservice, so expecting anything of the sort is ridiculous, unfortunately.

    I have no intentions of furthering any arguments about Ike or Priam. I'm honestly sick and tired of the whole thing.

  5. And those are the grounds to keep same sex pairings out of Fire Emblem. IS has yet to show it can handle them properly.

    Heather is also a character made 8 years ago who also isn't any sort of major character in the game. And like Fox said, it's kind of hard for them to show how well they can handle characters like that if they don't actually try more than once.

    How are they supposed to show they can handle them if they don't, you know, go for it?

    I don't think Heather is a good indicator either way, though.

    If they really intended for Ike and Soren to be gay, that would say a lot about their ability to actually write a homosexual relationship without making it a joke or devaluing either of the two. Though of course that's never been 100% confirmed, but it's never been 100% deconfirmed either, so ~o3o~

    And before someone comes in to argue saying Priam deconfirmed it, don't. IS has not released anything explicitly confirming or denying Ike's sexuality and the words of a video game character do not count as official word.

    She really isn't. I'd love more homosexual characters, but not any like Heather, since she is about as one-note as the Awakening cast, with her one note singing about how she might have kissed a girl and liked it.

  6. It shows too. o/

    Were there any changes made at all when she got the advice? Or was it just none, and then you got to them?


    Before, it was like this:


    Then she was given all of that advice + references.

    Then it was this:


    She was asked what was changed since she said she took everyone's advice.

    She made the fox's legs a little shorter :|

    I had already worked on the fox and was working on a wolf as an example of making them more distinct from each other

    So when she posted the most recent version I just figured I'd remake all of them and keep them for myself if she has no use for them ~o3o~


    Thanks Rei c:

    Pretty good fox you edited there Kon.

    And the concept of making the laguz different kinds based on stats is a pretty interesting idea of her.

    I worked really hard on it \^o^/

    Yeah, the stat differences between them are really cool, I just wish her sprites were better. A lot of people have been trying to help her by giving her references to work off of (the fox sprite was one of them) so that they wouldn't look so similar too each other, but she doesn't seem to be taking in much of the advice. :<

  8. With all this editing I've been doing on Dragoncat's beast Laguz, I think I might as well keep the results since they barely resemble what she has anymore. That and I'm actually really enjoying doing battle sprites of animals c:

    Fore reference, here are her Laguz:


    And here's my heavy edit of the fox.


    I've been slowly working on the rest of the Laguz too, since the super pillow shaded Mauthe Doog mutations have been seriously bothering me

  9. You can recruit Devdan with any "kid" character (Soren, Mist and I think Tormod).

    Marcia and Jill are like...the best units in the game. Before they join, the only units I can think of that are worth any BEXP are maybe Kieran if you want to bring him equal to Oscar and Mist if you want a mounted healer.

    Soren, Sothe, Rolf, Mist, and Tormod all can recruit Devdan.

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