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Posts posted by Kon

  1. i heard it had a strong start, with team rocket actually doing things

    Too bad the whole "Team Rocket is competent" this didn't last :<

    Iris and Cilan really got on my nerves too

    And Ash turned into an even bigger dumbass than what he was in the Sinnoh region

    ... I really didn't care for Best Wishes, if you couldn't tell >_>

    [spoiler=Pokémon Shuffle wheeeeeeee]uITeul1.jpg

  2. And asdfasdgafghlkhlkasdf when will the stupid eShop go back up? I just want to play the Lucarionite event ;-;

    And not 5 minutes after I said this I was finally able to get to the eShop

    ... After 8 hours >_>

  3. [spoiler=Do not open this.]

    [spoiler=No seriously. Don't.]

    [spoiler=Do you want to bleach your eyes?]

    [spoiler=Why are you still clicking these spoilers open?]


    [spoiler=I mean, if you're that set on opening this, then...]

    [spoiler=By all means, do what you want.]

    [spoiler=Just don't tell me that I didn't want you.]


    [spoiler=Don't look!]

    [spoiler=This is embarrassing.]


    [spoiler=Go away, I said.]

    [spoiler=You really don't want to see this.]

    [spoiler=Ugh, FINE. But I DID warn you.]


    Aww you look so adorable Neal~

    You just need to put on some glasses for ULTRA MOE \^o^/

    And I kind of figured out what it was from the first spoiler~

  4. Should stop procrastinating

    I interact with you occasionally... yet I still feel as if I barely know you. You stand firm with your beliefs, which I admire. And you're far, far more talented at art than I~!

    But the homework is so boooooring D;

    I really lurk too much >_< But thank you. I'm glad to know at least some people think I'm good at something ;u;

  5. Opening cutscene, Micaiah does the same thing. In part 4 before the Oliver chapter Ike is talking to Volug and Nailah, and we learn the ancient language/old tongue is used in tomes, mages read those to cast the spell. But I still think there's some sort of liquid magic essence. Or else anybody with enough time on their hands could just take a random book and write that in there and tomes would be much cheaper because of it. Or there'd be a black market type of thing...tomes made by mages vs tomes made by people screwing around. The latter would be likely to blow up maybe...

    I doubt that. Even if there are "cheap" tomes, it's not as if normal people can instantly read the ancient language needed to cast the spells. If the tomes had to be special in some way, they're more likely than not bound with some magic to make them more responsive to the ancient language or serve as a focus for the spells. Like, you can say the spells without the tome, but unless you have the tome the spell wont work.

  6. Yes, I know that convo. And Yune mentions the "little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea".

    Yeah, and Stefan is referring to Micaiah, not Amy. He's a Branded himself, and knows that children as young as Amy don't yet show signs of aging slowly, so why would he be talking about her?

  7. FE13's children/sencond gen system was horribly executed. You don't even have to recruit more than one of them ever.

    I seriously hope it doesn't return in FE14. There's no need for them at all in the plot they seem to be going for.

  8. It's interesting that Stefan seems to think that little Amy might be older then she looks, seeing how Soren said that he believed himself to be aging normally until merely 3 years ago. And since Ike described him as a boy his age when they were still in Gallia and Soren looks now slightly younger then Ike (and unlike Ike, is getting occasionally categorized as a child), that's probably correct. It also fits with how Nasir described the Dragon Laguz as stopping signs of aging upon a certain maturity. It would also be a problem for an Apostle if she would keep the appearance of a child for too long.

    Well, maybe they were just looking for an excuse to highlight Amy. At the very least I would bet that Micaiah was only as old as she looked back when she first meet Sothe.

    I think it's convenient to link to the CG in question.


    Stefan is talking about Micaiah, not Amy. That quote came from his conversation with Yune, and he mentions nothing of Amy. ~o3o~

  9. I-I didn't even bother with the stray fairies, looked like too much work

    and I was stuck even with a guide, either it didn't explain it properly or I have poor reading comprehension, maybe a bit of both

    though all I remember it saying was something along the lines of "freeze the cogs with the proper timing to cross them"

    ???? but wheeeeeeeeeeeeen

    Oh wait Youtube exists now, that could help lots there if some day I ever decide to try again

    hooray for outside help \o/

    I never did the Stray Fairies my first time, because I could never find more than maybe half of them when I actually tried looking for them. I really want to do the quest this time through since it would be nice to try 100% Majora's Mask for once c:

    That's probably it. Even with a guide I still get lost sometimes .-.

    I think it's because most guides are pure text, and it can be pretty difficult figuring out where to go without any visual aides

    Ah, for the cogs you just have to freeze the water above the cogs when you're on or past the platforms, since the platforms stop once the cogs do

    YouTube is excellent for clearing things when I have absolutely no clue where to go ;u;


  10. That's why I regularly have a guide with me when I go dungeon exploring. Mostly I's just so I don't miss the Stray Fairies, but it's also so that I don't get horribly lost, especially since I'm on a timer >u>

    The first time I played Majora's Mask my little brother would do the dungeons for me 'cause I was always bad at them >u>

  11. I actually don't remember the Water Temple in Twilight princess at all. Was the gimmick in that one bad?

    You had to constantly return to the main hall to switch the flow of the water to advance

    I might be blowing it out of proportion but it was definitely not a favorite of mine

    Fuck dood that game was made with love

    To think that CAPCOM was involved makes me a bit sad, actually.

    I only wish there could have been more Zeldas like it ;-;

    Capcom used to be such a great company ;o;

  12. I enjoyed Ocarina of Time but unless it was Master Quest, I never played it after my 3-heart run.

    Majora's Mask is pretty much Sidequest Zelda and the whole game's got a really eerie vibe going that I kinda like.

    Wind Waker is great but it's plagued by the boring sea travel.

    Twilight Princess... played it once, didn't bother with it again. A simple crab enemy in Link To The Past more damage than Ganondorf in the last fight of Twilight Princess. Let that sink in for a moment.

    Skyward Sword... After the time I spent getting the ISO to work on my Wii, I loaded the game to see what it was like and it seemed like I was going into another game with a 30 minute-1 hour prologue that's boring and uninteresting. Then I was told to go retrieve a cat and put the controller down thinking "I'll play this later". Then my cousin played through the game and as I watched him play a bit, I never had any desire to play that.

    Ocarina of Time was so god-awfully boring for me. There was absolutely nothing to do apart from story stuff since the world was so empty, and all but a couple of the dungeons were actually fun for me. Like, the only two I didn't hate were the Shadow and Spirit Temples :/

    Majora's Mask is definitely my all-time favorite of the 3D Zeldas. I've always been one to love characters and world building and Majora's Mask did such a good job of making me care about what I was doing. I loved helping to solve everyone's problems and it was actually kind of heartbreaking when I had to take over the lives of Darmani and Mikau. And then there's that punch in the gut when you see the Deku Butler crying in front of that poor twisted tree... Ahhh It's just so good! This game gave me my absolute favorite villain too~ The Skull Kid was a character I really loved despite all the shit he caused in Termina, and it made the game feel so much more personal to me than any of the other games did. Ah, I could go on and on about how much I love Majora's Mask~

    Yeah, the Great Sea was unfortunately a little too great, with not enough islands to really justify the size of it. I really do wish that they added the cut dungeons in the HD rerelease, because I think those would have made the game a lot better overall.

    Twilight Princess... I wanted to like it more, but it was impossible for me to play it more than once because of that atrociously long tutorial... and then there was the Water Temple... once I beat that temple I stopped playing for like a year because it was just such a draaaaaaaag. It's too bad though, because Midna's one of my favorite companions and I liked at least the concept of the wolf form :/

    And Skyward Sword... I paid for the Special Edition of the game. It was the first Zelda game I had bought myself and I was so excited to play it... holy shit was it disappointing. The motion controls were absolute piss, somehow they were worse than the Wii version of Twilight Princess. The combat system was balls, I shouldn't have to rely on luck to get my hits to register on a flubbing Bokoblin. Fi was horribly obnoxious, the dungeons were pretty annoying (the first time) There was even less to do in the sky than in the Great Sea, everything was so limited. And then there were the Silent Realms... I hope they never make another Zelda like this, to be honest./

    Dood Minish Cap is soooooooo underrated

    Only part I found mildly annoying was the cloud dungeon

    It really is ;o;

    Yeah, that's the only dungeon I remember not liking a whole lot

    But the rest of it was just so good ;u;

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