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Posts posted by Kon

  1. PiKon's luck indeed.

    Oh, now I started getting them :o

    Good thing too, otherwise I would have actually died ;-;

    But now I finally beat the boss with half of the last day to spare :D

    Pilot's Luckon

    I never got much into 3d zeldas

    other than the boss battles and the songs i never found oot to be the best fucking game ever

    I honestly think that Wind Waker and Majora's Mask are the best 3D Zeldas, honestly. I never really cared for Ocarina of Time :x

  2. Ahahah. That is mostly true, unless you're trying to 100% the game as there are 3 Gold Skulltulas to get.

    Yeah, if I were that determined to get 100%, I would have at least grabbed the Skulltulas, but I didn't give a damn about collecting them once I hit 50 since infinite money means jack shit in this game

  3. You must've loved the Well in OoT then. Speaking of OoT, have you ever played the Master Quest version?

    I hated it ;-;

    I never even "finished" it, I just left as soon as I got the Lens of Truth

    I couldn't get used to the flipped map in Master Quest

  4. You're too dependent on it.

    For good reason

    I'm a notoriously slow player, especially at Zelda games since I want to explore everything

    Wooo I got all the Stray Fairies~ now I just need to beat the boss and I'll be all done~

  5. ig3erVt.png

    Made an edit of the fox with some of Lenh's edits. Made the body longer and made the legs shorter to differentiate it from the wolf and coyote. Also remade the ears entirely so it would look more "battle ready" than it did before.

    I'm going to make similar edits to the wolf and coyote as well. The wolf in particular will be pretty massive comparitively since, y'know, they're kind of huge

  6. Where does it say they are? I thought Stefan's branded village was, well, a place they can go and not be treated differently/badly.

    I should have clarified, "among the same Beorcs"

    All of the Branded with the exception of Soren have spent their entire lives relocating from place to place since once it became apparent they weren't aging like everyone else they would be outed as a Branded and ostracized as a result.

    Micaiah: I've avoided people most of my life to conceal my brand...and my powers. But there's no way to hide how very slowly I age. I just keep moving through Daein. The same holds true now... I won't be able to stay in this army long.
    Stefan: It's easy to hide among beorcs. You just cover the brand, avoid getting close to anyone, and never settle down. Pretending you're normal.

    Oh hey, I dug some digging and here's the part about their slowed aging. Thank you Stefan~

    Stefan: You're Branded--there's no doubt about it. I can tell. I'm just like you.
    Soren: ...
    Stefan: You've grown quite good at hiding it. But, it's merely a matter of time before your heritage becomes...evident.
    Soren: ...Evident?
    Stefan: You may have already started to notice. We age differently than the beorc. Of course, the specifics of it depend on the type of laguz blood that flows in your veins.
    Soren: I thought I was aging normally... Well, until about three years ago.
    Stefan: You won't be able to remain in the same place. Beorc aren't very observant, but even they will soon catch on.

    Soren: That may be true... But I will not leave Ike's side.

    Stefan: One day, the laguz blood shows itself, marking the child's body with a brand. How old is that girl, hmm? I don't think she's as young as she looks. The other curse is that we age differently from beorc. It depends on what laguz blood the child has, but it always slows how fast we age.
  7. Not to the point that every Branded ever only lives ~20 more years than the average Beorc. That seems a bit ridiculous. It also doesn't make sense due to how Micaiah is stated to look the same as she did 10 years ago by Sothe, unless you're saying that despite their appearances Branded never outlive Beorc by long?

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