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Posts posted by Kon

  1. Tero's fully-open not-smiling talk frame has a skin-tone-3 pixel next to where his chin? falls magically change into a skin-tone-2 pixel which makes me cringe every time I notice

    Vadir's chin goes from 3 to 2 to 4 pixels wide so it looks really awkward to me

    Oh, those are easy fixes~

    I plan on reworking most if not all of the sprites in the hack though, so I wouldn't worry too much about nitpicking for now ~o3o~

  2. Some asshole stole my neighbours' car tires last night

    All 4 of them

    He can't even go to work now

    F*ing lowlives

    If you need to lower the damage output for 5 coins

    You can get 1 weak mon in your team (preferably ghost type)

    And mostly clear things at the top of the board

    Don't use mons that have the ability to clear other tokens when matched as well

    Also aim for 4 coins (sometimes even 3) instead of 5.

    What the fuck


    What a fuckwit

    I'll have to try that when I get back to grinding

    Thanks for the tips~

  3. how so

    afaik, you need to get the coin combo (3 for 100, 4 for 300, 5 for 500) and deplete its health (or you get no reward)

    you kinda need an odd balance there

    it's okay kon

    Mostly in finding the balance between Meowth combos and not utterly killing him or taking to long to kill him. I'm thinking of taking at least one of my stronger Mons to chip him down

  4. I only maxed Slowbro today

    The others are level 7-8

    Still have 60k coins in the bank

    It's my own fault, really :/

    I kept using EXP X 1.5 because otherwise I would have been driven mad before getting even Azumarill maxed :/

  5. still top 800 here, so not worried

    I'm far from worried, I just want to see how high I can get on the list. It's funny though, when I first tried it I had gotten like a 17k score and was in the top 800, and then I got 19k and shot up to the 400's

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