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Posts posted by Kon

  1. I've found a glitch in Unwanted Visitors, where an enemy Assassin activated Silencer on Louise, even though the displayed crit chance was 0. It left her at one HP, though. It also happened to Douglas a turn later. Is this intentional?

    No, it isn't a glitch. Instead, it's the Bane skill from FE10. It's activated by Skill/2 and leaves the target with 1 HP if the crit wouldn't otherwise kill the enemy.

  2. you tell me

    I don't know? I don't even play MMO's

    Though being reminded that my name is not as unique as I want it to be makes me kind of sad

    What are you doing, Konstantine?

    Being lazy on my one day off

    Definitely not whatever that was

  3. When I go back to clean them up, that's the primary issue I want to fix. All the shading and glaringly obvious flaws I'm well aware of.

    I think I might be missing something. I didn't use a palette. These were all done in GIMP, and any odd coloration is the result of me altering it with a slider. My plan is not to hack this into a ROM, but to have as many assets as possible ready to use in FEXNA when it comes out. Will not having a limited palette be an issue in that case? If so, are these portraits salvageable, or have I been wasting my time, and have to start all over?

    Keep in mind also, these aren't the highest quality exports. If you want a clearer picture I can try to get them pixel perfect.

    EDIT: I remember I resized them in imgur to be bigger, which may have messed with the quality somewhat.

    A palette in this case is just the colors making up the sprite. Though there aren't any strict guidelines on how many colors can be in a sprite in FEXNA, it's always a good idea to (at least mostly) stick with the limited palette of the GBA sprites to keep true to the style. And the portraits are technically salvageable, though you might be better off putting them aside and giving it another go

    Pixel perfect is much preferable, yeah. It wouldn't matter so much with regular images but with sprites they're quality is pretty much destroyed when they aren't pixel perfect.

  4. Anything specific you would recommend? This is my first time splicing.

    Not the one you asked, but I figured I'd throw my two cents in

    A lot of them have very mismatched angles between the hair, face, and body

    The palettes are incredibly messy, you should not mix FE7 and FE8 palettes. Also, the colors I assume you pulled from the SNES sprites are way too dark to be used with the GBA palettes

    Shading is pretty well nonexistent

    People have chunks of skin missing

    There are stray pixels everywhere

    It's not much, but I can whip up some simple splices to give you some cleaner placeholders until you find a spriter or improve your own skills if you want me to

  5. Considering we already have feminine looking Pokémon that have an 87.5% chance to be male (see most of the Eeveelutions, Zorua line, Chikorita line), I honestly could not care less about Popplio's design being feminine

    Even then, the reason for the uneven gender ratio was to make it more difficult to breed them, since all of the 1♀ : 7♂ Pokémon are gift/fossils or otherwise very uncommon Pokémon

  6. Where was that old Japanese product came from anyway? I'll be really surprised if Exeggutor's Alola Form was originally used from that idea before they used it for Sun and Moon?

    Ash isn't a canon character, he's anime exclusive and he only appears in Pokemon Puzzle League.

    It's from a very old TCG set. From... '97, I think?

    I'm pretty sure that those are anime reference images, so Ash isn't out of place in that image

  7. Random FE4 update after absolutely nothing because I need a distraction from my shitty job rn

    Got to chapter 3! I'm now further than I've ever been in FE4, lol

    And I forgot to take any screens for chapter 2 because I'm a fucking scrub orz

    Anyways, here's everyone at the start of the chapter, after some initial arena shenanigans

    Sigurd keeps on being Sigurd. Only has his Silver and the Barrier Ring because that's all he really needs right now
    Noish what the fuck is wrong with your speed. like seriously. By some miracle he got through the Brave Lance dude, but the RNG keeps fucking him over on the Brave Axe guy, though I've got the rest of chapter 3 to fix that. Maybe he'll gain some more speed for once.
    Better than Noish in literally everything but defense and magic. Noish can eat a dick
    Arden tries so hard. I'm so proud of him for getting past the dark mage asshole
    Finn is great
    So is Quan
    Midir really needs to gain some strength and skill, but otherwise he's alright
    Lewyn has speed for days. Also I really should have given the Bargain band to Sylvia, but oh well, he still wants it for Holsety
    Holyn is pretty good. He's getting Ayra's Silver since she got the Brave Sword now
    Azel got fucked over by the dark mage dude, but it's okay I still love him <3
    Jamke is pretty baller. It's too bad I'm not pairing him with anyone in this run ;p
    Beowulf isn't doing too badly. He seems like an okay unit at least
    Lex is fucking nuts
    I shamelessly grinded him on Shag all in the last chapter because I have a massive shota bias
    Deirdre is pretty good I think? She at least managed to clear every chapter arena, so that's cool
    Ethlyn is surprisingly stronk
    Lachesis is a monster. Nanna is gonna be gr9
    Ayra is all set now that she has the Brave Sword~
    Erin is pretty good, especially now that she has Finn's Brave Lance
    Dancer/10 She's getting paired with Claude for dat Valkyrie Staff. Also, I'm guessing she gets a butt ton of magic from her minor Blaggi?

    Aideen is very fast and very stronk. Too bad she'll be stuck with that crappy Fire tome until Azel upgrades to a Wind tome

    Oh yeah, and for pairings I'm doing the most basic shit lol.

    Aidean X Midir

    Ayra X Holyn

    Lachesis X Finn

    Sylvia X Claude

    Erin X Lewyn

    Tailte X Azel

    Bridget X Dew

    Dunno what all I need/want to do for inheritance yet though

  8. My only real issue is all the Akaneia/Ylisse bias, because they're my least favorite continents and I feel like there were far better character that could have been chosen, though I understand why they went with them, considering their popularity. But I'm not about to go hating on the game just because of that. That's just ridiculous.

    If I had a Wii U I might pick it up and enjoy the cheese fest, but alas, I can't :<

  9. Alec and Noish are pretty okay units, even without Holy Blood bonuses, lol. They even have some good skills to use and pass down to kids so I don't really get them being absolutely bad?

    And I'm tempted to say that Hannibal is worse than Ardan, because at least Ardan gets points for netting the Pursuit Ring, and he can make some tanky kids if you're in the mood for some weird shenanigans ~o3o~

    Wendy and Sophia are absolute garbage though, especially Wendy.

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