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Everything posted by Fitz24

  1. You just aren't good at using Leif. :P lol I've actually gotten him to level 5 before. His growths aren't too bad.
  2. Alright, so I'm adding units for a chapter, the only issue is that somehow they duplicate and there's a second unit next to it. Is this like a glitch or something? Should I start my events over?
  3. No, that wasn't it. The weird thing was that "Align 4" wasn't there on my events sheet. Copy & Paste Fail. lol Still not sure, should I just re-do the events? EDIT: Deleted the whole location_events altogether aaaannnnd, oh lookie! It fixed it. Weird, eh?
  4. So I'm working on some events, all are running smoothly as I programmed but when I attempt to move a character and click "wait", the character freezes, not the game, the character. Is it a ROM borkage or something aside from that like events being weird? [spoiler=Events] #define DISABLE_TUTORIALS #include EAstdlib.event #include definitions.txt EventPointerTable(0x09,Pointers) org 0x01007DC0 Pointers: POIN Turn_events POIN Character_events POIN Location_events POIN Misc_events POIN BallistaData BallistaData POIN Bad Bad Bad Bad POIN Good Good Good Good POIN Opening_event Ending_event Bad: UNIT 0x9A brigand 0x0 enemy2auto [10,5] [12,6] [ironAxe,0x0,0x0,0x0] [defend] UNIT Good: UNIT scott 0x01 0x0 player1auto [1,6] [1,6] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT martin mercenary 0x0 player1 [1,6] [2,7] [ironSword,Vulnerary,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT brock fighter 0x0 player1 [1,6] [1,8] [ironAxe,Vulnerary,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT fletcher paladin 0x0 player1 [1,6] [0,7] [silverSword,SteelSpear,Elixir,0x0] [noai] UNIT Turn_events: ALIGN 4 TURN 0x1 Opening_event [1,0] 0x0 0x0 TURN 0x2 Ending_event [0,0] 0x0 0x0 CODE $00 Character_events: CHAR Location_events: ALIGN 4 Village(0x8,vulner,5,2) Village(0x4,gold,14,7) Village(0x5,npc1,1,6) Village(0x6,npc2,6,6) Village(0x7,npc3,11,11) Armory(weaponshop,5,11) CODE $00 vulner: ALIGN 4 FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x81D REMA ENUN ITGV Vulnerary ENUN ENDA gold: ALIGN 4 FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x81E REMA ENUN MONE 0x4 0x5000 ENUN ENDA npc1: ALIGN 4 FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x81F REMA ENUN ENDA npc2: ALIGN 4 FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x820 REMA ENUN ENDA npc3: ALIGN 4 FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x821 REMA ENUN ENDA weaponshop: ALIGN 4 SHLI IronSword SlimSword IronAxe HandAxe Misc_events: ALIGN 4 CauseGameOverIfLordDies DefeatAll(Ending_event) AFEV Opening_event: ALIGN 4 MUS1 0x23 CAM1 [0,0] CURF [1,6] FADI 0x24 BACG 0x01 FADU 0x24 TEX1 0x81B REMA ENUN LOU1 allied LOU1 bandits ENUN TEX1 0x81C REMA ENUN ITGC scott IronSword ENUN ENDA allied: ALIGN 4 UNIT scott 0x01 0x0 player1auto [1,6] [1,6] [0x0,0x0,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT martin mercenary 0x0 player1 [1,6] [2,7] [ironSword,Vulnerary,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT brock fighter 0x0 player1 [1,6] [1,8] [ironAxe,Vulnerary,0x0,0x0] [noai] UNIT fletcher paladin 0x0 player1 [1,6] [0,7] [silverSword,SteelSpear,Elixir,0x0] [noai] UNIT bandits: ALIGN 4 UNIT 0x9A brigand 0x0 enemy2auto [10,5] [12,6] [ironAxe,0x0,0x0,0x0] [defend] UNIT Ending_event: ALIGN 4 MNCH 0x02 STAL 1 _0x1 ENDA BallistaData: BLST MESSAGE Events end at offset currentOffset//The map for this chapter is at offset: 01007900
  5. So, I was thinking for my hack....that I'd have a custom character. I figured you can go into a choosing screen where you pick your class and then after you choose it you have all the other choice die from the "KILL 0x0" command. Then I figured they wouldn't show up in any cut-scenes or the rest of the game being that they have been killed. However, when I program the characters to do all the same thing, being that whichever was still alive after the player's decision, to do a simple thing like move. It shows all characters still there and causes my game to freeze. Would there be anyway of preventing that? Or getting around it?
  6. I can do maps pretty well now. Thanks Prime's Reliquary! If you need some simple boss portraits I can do those too. I'm a free agent basically now, so I do have the time until school starts up again.
  7. Fitz24

    FEditor Issues

    Oh, I see. I didn't notice that it had to be word aligned. Never happened to me before........
  8. Fitz24

    FEditor Issues

    No, it starts at 16,384, and when I edit it, it goes to 16,385.
  9. Fitz24

    FEditor Issues

    Well, I downloaded like 5 other ROMs, and one worked. For the time being at least.
  10. Well, I've been having issues with my FEditor lately, and I have finally figured out a reason for why it cannot open my ROM. I figured I'd go step by step and see which program of mine causes my ROM to not be read, I have concluded that if my ROM's file size isn't EXACTLY 16,384 KB, my FEditor will not read my ROM. How do I fix that?
  11. Don't care if this is on topic or not. Chapter 3 is ridiculous. SO many enemies, so little potions.....why!?
  12. Whenever I played, my Reid came out awesome. He's a freaking tank......and yeah...Luke is pretty good too But, I'm still a Leif lover.
  13. I do need someone who could polish events. Maps as well and playtesters are always good.
  14. Link to the new Patch which includes Chapter 3, and a re-vamped Prologue and Chapter 2. Patch And, while I'm here a little information on future events: I looked at FEE3 and as everyone plainly saw, my hack looked pretty shitty compared to everyone else. No, I won't stop hacking but I would like to put out there that I'm looking for a partner or two to help me with this game. I, myself, can do everything to a moderate basis, but the main theme I found out in FEE3 is that everyone worked with someone else. I was I think the ONLY one person hacker. And, by that, it lowers the quality of my game because I'm rather limited to what I can do. The interview in FEE3 that made me think had to have been with Arch. He described that if people don't like your hack, don't continue it on that same path and should make a game that pleases the player, not the creator always. The players positive input really keeps me and almost everyone going. I feel like I have the pieces to make a good hack, however, I need someone/something to help me put all the pieces together. So, in other words, I could use people to work with in my hack.
  15. Youtube, over 20 minutes is not a few. I do not want to check back later, I want to see now.
  16. So, now I need something to occupy myself for two hours. .........crap.
  17. Yeah, it should be a while before it gets uploaded
  18. I'm sensing the epic-ness of 7 hours of this. Very impressive seph, I sure as hell wouldn't have the patience to put this all together.
  19. YEAAAAAAAAAAH! I searched through every trace of game I had left and I found a very recent working copy! Phew this makes up for everything unlucky thing that has happened :D
  20. Well, looks like I got some work to do......Sorry Arch, I have the trailer ready, but your going to have to give me until maybe last minute for the patch hopefully.
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