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Everything posted by Fitz24

  1. I don't believe I did. How would I fix it if I did?
  2. It's odd. The tilesets are all in place, matching the ones I used. I changed the event hex, wondering if that was the problem....no luck. I might as well re-save the MAR file somewhere else and see if the actual map file is corrupted.
  3. Jeez, this topic feels like argument central. I'm just going to stay out of that and keep working on my game. :P Regardless, I'm here mostly to discuss a little update. After losing my text events just before backing them up -___- I re-did the events for the Prologue and Chapter 2. I also re-did the Prologue Map to look less blocky. Chapter 1 events are fine as of now, I've played threw it a good 3-4 times making sure there aren't any issues so I'm leaving them be for the time being, probably going to re-vamp them eventually. For now I wanted to get started on Chapter 3 of which the map isn't working I found different hex's for each the map and events and nothing has worked, any suggestions? I'm hoping to have up to Chapter 5 completed by FEE3.
  4. Hey guys! Nothing much of interest to show you as of now. I have been cleaning up the Prologue and Chapter 2 because I somehow lost all my events.... Regardless, I wrote more storyline which can be seen in the first post. I've been doing a ton of work and hope to get started with Chapter 3 sometime soon.
  5. Well, my hack isn't as well-known as others, but depending on what I have done at that time will greatly affect whether I'll ask to do an interview or not. :P And the fact if you accept it or not.
  6. Fire Emblem Hacked: FE7 Name of Hack: Fire Emblem: Heart of Steel Creator: Fitz24 What You'll Submit: Demo(Hopefully I will be up to about chapter 5) and Trailer Anything Else?: Maybe an interview? If it is necessary?
  7. This looks pretty neat. Not many FE8 themed games IIRC.
  8. Yes, I knew I could ask for help, but I liked to try and do things myself and see what I can do. I never said I didn't like working on my own, I just said it was difficult. By Let's Playing I mean uploading the videos, not just doing them. I actually have a few already recorded and ready to go. Well, I don't have any spectacular hacking talents. I'm alright at some things, but not spectacular. I am still learning basically everything. This hack again was primarily to say, "Hey guys, I've been working on this for a while, and I'd like to show you what I have so far."
  9. I never said I wasn't going to fix it. I left it as it is for the sheer fact it was to be unveiled in my 100th video on Youtube. I worked for a good half hour trying to fix that exact bug. I finally just said "screw it" and wrote it in the description that it was a known bug. I had every intention on fixing it, but I wanted to continue doing my LP's, which I couldn't do until I got video #100 uploaded. The entire demo was primarily to say, "Hey guys, I've been working on this for a while, and I'd like to show you what I have so far." No, this hack isn't in anyway a "perfect" hack, but it is pretty damn good for what I could put up seeing as I learned how to do everything there is to know about hacking. No, I'm not the greatest at all of this, but I give a shit-ton of effort. I do all sprites, mugs, events and maps myself., so it takes me a long time to finish even one chapter. I don't appreciate you coming in and saying, "Oh, he has one bug that he didn't want to fix, so I'm not even going to care." The fact I've gotten this far impresses myself. I respect a lot of you guys on here, but that comment really annoyed me.
  10. Haha. Yes, I knew this, for some odd reason, the events just didn't pick it up....sooo....it was just like that. I said it in my 100th video special. However, you would only get a vulnerary from that house.
  11. @Prime Yeah, it just for fun because i got bored with no internet connection :P In other news.... The demo patch is available. It goes to Chapter 2! Patch
  12. Well, randomly I decided to Let's Play Fire Emblem Thracia 776. No idea what I have gotten myself into :P To many, this is their favorite Fire Emblem along with the most difficult. Here's Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCUwrrm_DB8 For some reason, the translation patch I used did not translate the in-game text.....so I have to skip it. :( Oh, and some critic would be nice, I'm still relatively new at LP'ing.
  13. @deranger I do see what you mean. I will check it out! And, I got bored, so I did this in a half hour. :) It's a freaking cannon!
  14. Well, I decided to do Chapter 3's map: WEEEE!
  15. Screens a plenty. [spoiler=Click if you dare]The Chapters, in order. PI stands for Part 1. WTF is that? It's the tactician attacking! :D What!??!?! Dance? Tactician? "Dance" will be changed to "Strategize". The "Strategizing" animation. Woo! Comedy! Kinda Sean is impatient. Questions? Now? Why?
  16. Well, I am near completion with the demo of my hack. It includes the Prologue and Chapters 1 & 2. This entire demo is just a chance to show off my work. The demo should be done around the end of the week if everything goes as planned. Also, the patch will be unveiled in a trailer which will be my 100th video on Youtube, and eventually on all the forums I visit. For Spoilers, you will have to visit Fire Emblem Shrine, due to the fact it houses everything about my hack from it's humble beginnings of suck.
  17. Woo! Progress! I have completed Chapter 1 finally -__- and I have to say it is a pretty tough chapter. It took a lot of time, and it is probably the most detailed chapter I've made yet. (Event-wise, map - wise, enemy -wise, difficulty - wise) There are only two known bugs that don't effect the gameplay so no big worries, should be a quick fix once I learn how to fix it :P Screens are coming!
  18. FE7 is the way to go......always.
  19. Holy broken Aran. I'm a fan! :D Probably the only unit I always use from the DB besides Edward. Probably because I love Sentinels. And, that Haar is normal for Haar. He always wrecks everybody.
  20. The Scholar looks alright, but the coloring/shading is off. It doesn't look like an animation. Try using more animations to base your scholar off of.
  21. He sounds like an idiot in that video........I shouldn't be this surprised.......
  22. Little update, just moving along with my custom animations especially made for my hack. Couple things about the animations I've been doing. -Spearman, Swordsman, and Axeman all are common soldiers using the weapons of man. -They are all custom animations of my own doing except the Spearman, obviously -They will all promote into Great Knights(FE8) Other animations planned for my hack: -Pupil(FE8) used for the tactician - Equip: Anima, Something else planned :o -Necromancer(FE8) used for the strategist (tactician promotion) Equip: Anima, Staves and the thing planned -Mage Knight(FE8) used for a Mage Knight :P - Equip: Anima -Mage Paladin(custom) promotion of Mage Knight - Equip: Anima, Dark -King(FE6) used for nobility(Marquesses, Kings) Random animations that have a possibility of being included: -Crossbowmen(custom) that promote into Hunters(custom) -Ranger(FE8) may find a use -Custom animations for Scott, Ryan and Jenn(small possibility) -Recruit(FE8) renamed soldier, will promote into Halbrediers(custom) -May make a pre-assassin animation and have a Thief-Rogue(FE8) animation -Summoners(FE8) as an epic boss -Journeyman(FE8) would promote into Reaver(custom) Things that probably won't happen*: -Dragons(FE6) -Monsters(FE8) *Unless they are included as minions for some crazy summoning badass So, since I like to create custom animations, there is a very good chance that many of these will be implemented into my hack.
  23. Phew been awhile. Things have been moving, I have the Prologue completely done, check out the first post for a video preview. Some LOLsAnd here is Chapter 1's map. (Worked very hard on this map) And, one last thing, the end of the mountain is fixed. Had trouble finding the correct pieces.
  24. Woooooo! Progress!!!!!! Prologue is completely(basically).
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