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Posts posted by Emperor

  1. On 8/23/2017 at 0:59 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

    I think you can also Berserk Reinhardt I think

    Got you psyduck.  I regret scroll abusing, Shiva and Olwen (I think) destroyed him the old fashion way but I do feel as if I cheated. He was a cake walk for me w/o berserker or status ailments. The moment a new patch comes in ama replay it w/o scroll abusing. 

  2. 48 minutes ago, Sweet_Basil said:

    I know it makes things convenient, I'm doing a lunatic classic on Conquest rn and about 3/4 of my army is dead (ironman run). Makes me miss the save button from my previous runs.

    atleast you can do iron man. I was to much of a bitch to go throw with it in FE6 HM when Lilina dead. Good luck.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Sweet_Basil said:

    If I play on Fates Lunatic difficulty but on Casual because of the save button, am I a casual?

    Save button negates the point of the challenge tbh. Same thing with save states so yea. Idc what you do in your own spare time. Not gonna take the dildo out of your hands but lets not beat around the bush. 

  4. 58 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    I never said it was challenging. In fact I said it was easy. I just said it was less easy than anything on Path of Radiance. I don't understand what's your purpose here? Do you want everyone to say Thracia is perfect? It's not. I like the game, but not everyone does. The reason many dislike it doesn't even have anything to do with difficulty, since, again, Thracia is NOT a hard game, and pales compared to SD H5, NM H3/4 or Conquest Lunatic, and there are plenty of people here who dislike Thracia and like those other modes. You just need to respect others' opinions and understand that not everyone will like what you like, that there are plenty of people who dislike Thracia and yeah, that many of them might as well be way better at Fire Emblem than you. I don't doubt there are LTC players out there who are not fond of Thracia.

    It got out of hand because I am not used to a community that is so thin skinned that would get trigger over some one saying that its rather casual if you cant handle difficulty or something I forgot my original quote. And I never said thracia was perfect but alot of the complaints are down right not an issue. And I love it when people say you need to respect others opinions. I have stated many times to lets agree to disagree so I dont get that point. 



    Also not once did I replay to a poster saying they did not like thracia and try to convenience them to like it. It was to posters who said, thracia sucks because of x y and z and telling them x y and z arent a big deal. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    For me, if you haven't beaten New Mystery of the Emblem on Lunatic, you're a casual. In my eyes, you're a casual, TC. I mean, you even found the Illyana recruitment chapter in FE9 challenging even thought you were playing on normal, which is actually the lowest difficulty in the Japanese version (FYI it's easy even on maniac).

    I think people are having an issue with you because you're acting on a high horse, and thinking of yourself as a Fire Emblem "pro" just for beating a game that isn't even hard (Thracia).

    Nah thats you and others projecting tbh. Ill be the first to say I suck at FE. My score in Thracia was god awful. And only 5 units lived the first time I played FE6 on normal. And you said that fathers and sons was challenging and that chapter was easy even on hard with no grinding. You can call me a casual thats fine. I just dont get what kind of community gets all triggered one somebody calls another a casual for playing on, casual mode. Or plays a game on easy, or complains and wants difficulty to be downgraded etc. And also not to back peddle but its been a while since I played PoR. So maybe I got gud by that time. 


  6. Just now, Armagon said:

    >Implying you haven't done it before.

    Yeah, i'm really not taking you seriously anymore. And probably no one else will take you seriously either because of that bolded statement. 

    I don't care if someone is a casual are hardcore gamer. The problem is that you throw out the term "casual" in a negative context. That's what makes you an elitist. See ya.

    The difference is I dont care enough to point it out. And no I dont think I have't. 

    And I dont care either but lets not beat around the bush now. If you play games on easy mode, you are a casual. And it seems to be true if people get all high and mighty when some one calls some one else a casual. 

  7. 57 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    Man, nice insult. 10/10. Why should anyone talk you seriously, honestly? Give me one good reason why anyone should take you seriously at this point? You've already been labeled an elitist by not just me, but several people in this thread. Calling me a smartass probably gives them further reason for people to call you an elitist.

    I mean you were being a smart ass by typing "LOL" and giving an example that is not comparable. And honestly Its not a big deal dude move on. And its also because you missed my point about the gaiden chapters in SD. It goes against FE type of game play. Iron man does not.  The fact that you can skip them is ok. But What I was going on about is that how to unlock them GOES AGAINST FE. If you want to unlock them kill of your units that you dont use. Thats what I did because I was curious about the maps. And I wanted more bang for my buck. I kept 15 great units and killed the rest. In a FE game I should not be actively trying to play bad to unlock them. I know its meant to help up new players but it should not do that by rewarding bad play which goes against FE and really any game. No game should reward you for bad play. Its the idea that annoys. Not so much the maps themselves like you and 24x. 

    Seriously is this forum just filled with a bunch of paper thin skinned vaginas? Any other community I could say, if you play games on easy you are a casual without being called an elitist. This really is new to me. If you play NM or Awaking on Casual or god forbid, phoenix mode in fates you are a casual bite me.  

  8. 12 minutes ago, Valkama said:

    I actually like the SD gaiden requirements unlike most. While I've personally never been to a gaiden chapter they pretty much exist to get players who screwed up back on their feet. The problem with them ends up being the fanbase is obsessed with keeping all their units alive so most players, even if they are struggling, will never see them and feel like they missed out on content.


    Thats the thing, the game should not reward you for that. Those characters, the pre pomotes like Nimme and yodel in FE6 exist for those reasons. 

  9. 14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    So everyone who does an Iron Man run goes against FE principles? LOL ok.


    No I meant that, in FE you, the player, shouldt want to kill your units. You actively try to keep them alive. Only for SD to make it that, if you want to have all the content, you have to kill off units instead of beating a chapter withen x turns OR keeping a unit alive. When you Iron, you still try to keep them alive you smart ass. It does not go against FE at all since, you still care for your units instead of sending of "useless" ones out to die to unlock a chapter. You missed my point completely. That example is competently different. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    The Gaiden chapter requirements are indeed dumb but i'm gonna use your logic against you here. The Gaiden chapters are optional, so the requirments, for as dumb as they are, are a non-issue.

    They are skippable sure but they reword you for playing bad which is what I dont like in video games. They incentive's you to kill of your units which is odd in a FE game. In FE you WANT your units to live, you shouldt wanna to kill them off. Its not just that they are dumb, its that they go AGAINST FE principles. Also honestly it being ugly as fucking sin is a bigger reason. SNES and GBA FE games looked better. NES games looked better what happend IS? 


    4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    That's not artificial difficulty, that's basic difficulty. Basically difficulty is where you just make things tougher. That's what you described. Artificial difficulty, for example, is basically every Mario Maker level ever made. An example of a legitimate difficult game would be Crash Bandicoot. It's designed in a way that challenges the player, without overly relying on the things that make it hard. Aside from the bridge levels, if a player fucks up in Crash Bandicoot, it's their own fault.

     Basic difficulty is when you make things tougher yes, but if you make it tougher by artificially inflating the states to an absurd amount and add no new moves/enemy placement/reinforcement etc, then it became artificial. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    FE5 is artifically difficult because of all its mechanics:

    • no guaranteed hit and miss
    • sick throne boosts (as issue no one mentioned btw)
    • status affects last the entire chapter
    • Leaf has to escape first
    • heal can miss
    • warptiles in chapter 24
    • fatigue



    Everything you mentioned is not artificial. Artificial difficulty is a term used when describing a game thats difficulty is based around higher numbers and thats it. Ex: Normal mode has random dude with 5hp, hard mode has the dude at 50hp or something to that effect. (Ever since dark souls came out people have been using that term incorrectly I swear). Its pretty much just numbers and everything you mentioned has nothing to do with numbers other then Guaranteed hit and miss (by one) and heals can miss which, like is really not a big deal. Fatigue teaches you to resource your units as you would items, leaf having to ascape makes escape maps, actually escape maps since before and after its more of a seize the throne. Every should make it out first before the chapter ends. 


    Warp tiles suck but are miss able/skip able so whatever. 

    No guaranteed hit and miss sucks though but its by 1%. unless you just walk by a black cat, under stairs inside a house with an umbralla and broke a mirror, you wont be noticing that much. 


    8 minutes ago, Aya Shameimaru said:

    Ballistas got a huge buff compared to FE4 though, you fight tons of them in FE5.

    Honestly, maybe because I was scroll abusing Karrin, I never felt Ballistats were any more scary in FE5 then other games in which they kill instead of just damage (fuck you conquest). I find them more scary in FE6 because some of them can crit (Killer baliisatas really IS?) 

  12. 6 hours ago, Devnad said:


    I consider Thracia a hardcore Fire Emblem jaunt that only dedicated fans should try, and they pretty much can't go in blind.

    False just false. The one thing you might have to look up is what do scrolls do since, translation error but other then that not really. Yea there are some bullshit maps that everyone says are a bit bullshiti but every FE games has a bad map or two. We aught to look at the game as a whole, the sum of its parts. 


    And yea the capture mechanic needs to come back and is one of the many reasons why I loved Thracia. Like, I cant wait until it gets a new/better translation because I wanna mug people again. Hopefully in the remake, since EVERYONE loves Rienheart because of the gacha game, they make him recruitable if you capture him or something, like Shiva. And have some crazy elaborate way to make him join like Michilies in NM. 

  13. Ghost ship is the only map in FE8 hard mode that gave me any trouble and I recently played/beaten Ephraim hard mode. I have not beaten FE9 on hard, and I dont think I can say anything on FE9 hard mode since I did not finish yet, but on Normal SS Erikia's route (only normal I played) none of the maps, really stuck me as hard) But as for father and son, really? I thought that was a really easy map. Like I said even with no grinding, on hard mode only Ghost ship gave me any troubles on Ephraims on hard. Everything else was a cake walk. The map to defend in PoR and getting the hungry mage was harder then that for me and that was still easy. 

    And I thought Lunatic of NM was like Lunatic/+ of awakening so I just tried on hard. Ill try it one day. Still need to finish TRS, and Hard mode FE9 and Hector hard mode.  in that order first. 


    And yea sorry It was't clear if you were talking about difficulty or being better. But I find it a bit unfair to compare the two in terms of difficulty since, thracia only has one standard difficulty and NM has 3 or 4 I forgot and SD has 5. Unless you count elite mode but thats for pussys. 

  14. 16 minutes ago, Nobody said:

    He does, though. He praised extremely easy Path of Radiance, which is bar far the easiest game in the series unless you're playing maniac, which i doubt he was (and is also very easy).

    Anyway, on thracia. It's okay. Nothing really special but definitely a nice addition to the series and about right in the middle of it. I've been playing it lately and it's definitely not nearly as hard or frustrating as its fame, but then again, I beat stuff like lunatic new mystery of the emblem which beats it by far in the difficulty department, and tbqh it's also way easier than H5 SD or Lunatic Conquest.

    I praised PoR for its mechanics and its not the easiest game in the series, that goes to SS. If I had to I would say it had a decent challenge level. 

    Shadow dragon is not underrated its rather meh. With it being ugly as sin and the requirements for gaiden chapters being so ass backwards. Its underwhelming in my eyes. And yea H5 and Lunatic NM is hard but rather artificial with inflated states. Reminded me of Lunatic + of awakening. But that is neither here no there. 



    19 minutes ago, Nobody said:


    Anyway @Emperor, the impression I get reading your posts is that you're a new fan that started with awakening, then discovered the old games, started having a dumb superiority complex over that and now disregarded everything new. New Mystery of the Emblem is a relatively new game in the series and it makes Thracia look like child play. Grow out of this attitude, please.


    And no I dont disregard everything new. I praised Conquests maps did I not? But yea I started with awakening and found older games much better. I would go out and say awakening might be the weakest. what does that have to do with anything (Top 4 would be FE4,5,6 and 9) Also New mystery, better then Thracia? You kidding me dude? MU trivializes the game unless you are playing and also steals alot of the spotlight from marth. It begin the cancer that is MU, removed weapon weight. Other then the gaiden maps, which were really really small, every map was just seized. Or are you talking about the difficulty? In that case which one? Hard I think it was is what most people considered the best way to play it that was still very easy. 

  15. 17 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    You flat out dismiss easy games, and pretty much anybody who likes them. You act like your opinion is better because you like hard games. That's a textbook example of elitism. It does nothing to help discussion because it gives a reason for people to not take you seriously.

    I've been on Serenes for 5 months, and that's the first time I've used the term "elitism", so no, it's not a Serenes thing. If you don't mean to come off like that, then you really need to work on how you word your opinions.

    I never dismissed people who say they like easy games though and maybe if you read the thread instead of just jumping on a bandwaging you would have seen I have said, many times lets agree to disagree. 

    And yea I dont like easy games and I find them pointless I dont see how this is a bad thing? And I never acted like my opinion meant more then some one elses because I play/like harder games though? 



    Its probably the game with one of the best map designs in FE. Lots of incentives to hurry you up, challenge, and very memorable. My favorite is the one where Leif fucked up and disobeyed augustest orders, leaving his army decimated and he has to run back, and the map right after where he has to defense his town. Both amazing maps. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Reimu Hakurei said:

    The more I wish for a remake which fixes the gameplay issues and improves mechanics like fatigue and 1-99% hitrate to 0-100%.

     Wow I forgot about those hit rates. If they were to remake Thracia, echoes style I think that would need to be fixed. I know what the devs were trying to go for, that nothing is ever guaranteed. Like how in Xcom you can miss at 100%, but that is bullshit. 

    The fatiuge system should let you know how much or many more actions you will be until you get fatigue. Kinda Like how they did in echoes. Being un able to do chapter 24x because of Sara being fatigue was lame. Atleast I could easily escape out of there. 

    15 minutes ago, Slumber said:

    Glad to see this thread primarily devolved into an argument between an elitist and somebody who hasn't played the game and somebody who played very little of it.

    Really, really good to see such nuanced discussion of my favorite game in the franchise.

    How the fuck am I an elitist? In all my years of talking about video games online never have I been called an elitist. Is this a serenes forest kinda of thing? 


  17. Just now, NoNameAtAll said:

    Jesus fuck, what the hell did I just read?

    I love Thracia, but even I know it's not for everyone. And if you didn't get affected by any of the warp tiles in 24x on a blind playthrough, I'm calling bullshit. You will run into at least one. Save stating to get around that doesn't count. Having a guide point out that there are warp points doesn't count. You play blind legitimately or you know about it.

    Heal staffs missing is a bullshit mechanic. Heal staffs doubling is too (since they can break). Dismounting does nothing but screw over units who were otherwise good (Hi Dean) while empowering units who were already amazing (Hi Fergus and Carrion). Fog of War is terrible in this game since it doesn't only obscure units; it obscures terrain which can be a major make or break. Torches? Sure, that's fine. But why do I have to use torches to see the goddamn map? Negative statuses are auto-hit if your character's MAG is too low. RES isn't a thing in this game. And the fact they never wear out unless you have a restore staff is horseshit.

    I'm sorry, again, I love Thracia 776, but ignoring its flaws is a load of shit.

    Genealogy, a game I also love, has issues with its maps. You decry that Echoes' maps suck, I get it. But FE4 has more than a few areas where there's nothing going on. The difference is that Echoes' maps are (usually) much smaller. I just can't agree with blindly loving them.

    Pretty sure I said I did not choose the path that had 16b before and I skipped 24x becuase The girl that was needed to heal Ethyln with the Kia staff (Sara) was fatigued so I just ran away. And dismounting hurting units is a bs arguments since, you can easily train them to git gud with swords. It was never an issue for me. I dont like it but saying it hurts good units is a bit much if the fix is easy. (HELLO ELITE SWORD) And I did say healing being able to miss sucks but if you get your staff users to have a skill of just 10, which is easy, its a non issue. And I rather have a game with maps with nothing going on SOMETIMES then a game with maps that are just a 21x28 grind with a jpeg of roots. 

  18. 16 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    The ability to live with the fact that not everyone has the same opinion as you.  And possibly accepting and respecting that, too.

    I never said I did not accept nor respect that? Many times I said lets agree to disagree? And I did say I understand peoples isues with FE4 maps. Its the issues with healing staves and skipable maps that I find silly. 


    1 minute ago, Valkama said:

    Also calling someone a casual in a negative context is hella elitist. I agree that a game creating anti-turtle incentives is not bad design such as the 11A houses but there is a better argument to be had than "git gud"


    Well I did not just ONLY say git gud. I also mentioned how it was meant to be an incentive. 

  19. Just now, Sweet_Basil said:

    and to top it off they can loop all over again

    It was from a bug in the original and the team thought it was funny that they added it in as a feature. I thought it was funny too since there was no need to loop around since dread fighters and Milla's turn wheel made the game a cake walk

  20. Just now, Levant Mir Celestia said:

    And THIS statement stinks of elitism.

    And THIS statement stinks of casual. 

    Two can play at this game, but its a very boring game and adds nothing. Am honestly trying to think of an easy game that I enjoyed by myself and the closest thing was SoV for the writing and music but thats it. And SNES SMT for the atmosphere and world building. 

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