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Prince Endriu

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Everything posted by Prince Endriu

  1. I just quickchecked on google - doesnt seem to be a scam proper. Any way, I dont buy orbs so I it doesnt affect me. Still curious to know if it works
  2. Are you planning to go in with two red units? Respect! I thought about going in with Ike and Elincia but that would mean 3 red units (Olivia), it could be tough
  3. 240 orbs? for 65$? Thats a good price!
  4. First TT that I have 40% bonus units :) :) :), Ike and Elincia Will probably go in with Elincia as Ike's HM is maxed out, Nino (as Julia is Maxed out) and B-Lyn/Oliva (both are maxed out). If I could just pull a Ninian tomorrow...
  5. The basic premise of gacha games is the unpredictable boon or bane while summoning. Of course horrir stories do exist and I feel for these people, been there done that. Pulling units is exciting on its own merit and part of what makes this game actually great. Imagine heroea wouls have been sold for 10$ with the basic game that was released day one. One team consisting of anna. Sharena,alfonse and virion and thats all. I think that would have been boring as hell. As it is now the game is constantly evolving with new units changing the meta, blyn for example. Sure, it can be frustrating if u spend a whole lot of orbs and get nothing but it can be extremely rewarding if u get the unit u want during first summon. Value is all relative. People pay huge amounts of money for art for example. I dont want to depreciate art in any sense, but I dont really care about it in regard to its value. If I wanted Picasso I could make do with a poster. Whats the point on owning the original? I value physical copies of video games and spend relatively lots of money on it, if that makes ne happy then its fine. I am sure there will be people who would frown upon this.
  6. Have given it some thought and no matter how much this topic is discussed it wont change the fact that everyone is responsible for themselves. Is it ethical to spend lots of money on this game? Who is the judge? Are casinos ethical? Is it ethical to buy a sports car that will burn lits if fuel? You can buy a smaller car with little horse power. Or even better use public transportation. Have you seen the Nike movie? Is it ethical to still buy their stuff at premium priceswhen they pay their workers a dollar a day and make them live in concentration camp like housing? Everyone has to decide for themselves what goes and what not. If it makes somebody happy to be a top player at this game and can afford to spend a fortune on it. Thats fine! It will help prolong the life of this game that we all like. Personally I know that if I started buying orbs I would have severe problems with setting myself spending limits and might probably delete the game again. I know about this so I take a wide berth from the purchase button. When I realized that this might get out of hand I called it quits, didnt regret it at all and was even proud of myself to have taken that step. We are old enough to make our own decisions what to do with our own money.
  7. My free pull Had hoped for colorless to try for klein. Have one 4* florina, will take both and give darting blow, breath of life and ardent sacrifice to somebody. Maybe Tana. Didnt bother with the rest. No matter what the text above the stones says, I know that I will save the most if I just summon one from the selection.
  8. Got back into feh seven weeks ago. Spent two days rerolling for Ike.
  9. My wishlist Red: Elincia Blue: Linde Green: Amelia Colorless: Brave Lyn
  10. I think p2w doesnt make this game better at all. Its more satisfying and challenging when you stay f2p. When I started spending money on orbs it just didnt feel right to me. In the end I deleted my account and took a huge break. Didnt spend that much. Somewhere below 400$ but still, if I hadnt deleted my account it might have become more. ☺ Like I said f2p is challenging and satisfying. I started my new account seven weeks ago with just one unit pulled (Ike) and tried spending as few orbs as possible. Seven weeks later I am sitting on nineteen 5*s. 10 pulled - 3 received - 6 promoted. Over 300 orbs stashed and missions worth around 150-200 orbs still to be played. I cant complain. And the best thing is, once you get a solid selection of units together, you understand that more units will not make the game better in any way.
  11. Despite popular opinion I like Elincias art very much! The artist is kippu. He also created Linde and Ninian. When you look at at them you will find similarities between the three. Especially the big eyes are very anime style.
  12. Congrats man! I call this orbs well spent! Hope this happens to me one day☺
  13. Imo she is the best unit of this banner. You might get a better nature one day. Better save up orbs!
  14. I dont know anymore! ????? At first I thought she is the I though she might not. In the end it turns out she is. What can I say? Glad to have picked her up then! ☺
  15. Hmmm... So its just the weapon then that brings that powercreep.
  16. At first I thought so, too. Thinking that elincia is overpowered etc. But compare her with cordelia. Elincia Middle 35 34 36 24 27 Cordelia Middle 40 35 35 22 25 The difference is pretty much non existent. Her weapon has an advantage just -2spd compared to the usual -5spd. Thats all pretty subtle. She is just better in comparison to other red flyers. Thats it. But not much better, if at all, than cordelia who has been with us from the beginning.we just got a great blue flyer early on and a great red flyer half a year later.
  17. Congrats. My rank was 35xx. I wasnt sure so I used spots and spammed a few more maps. My team was bike reinhardt olivia and marthcina after maxing out brave lyn. 8k is awesome. Gonna promote alfonse and sharena and be done with them.
  18. When at work I was fighting with myself about how many orbs I was willing to spend on this banner as I wanted Elincia so much. Luckily I got her at second pull. Shes +atk - def. Definitely Ok with that. Happy about the barst as well as I need reposition. 15 orbs well spent. So happy!
  19. True, didnt think about him as a possible Lyn counter. Brave Lyn is scary indeed. I am always happy if I dont have to face her.
  20. Elincia might be the only one but the other two are no slouches either. I think these units mark a direction which the game will be heading from now on. I basically understand that is the only way for the game to progress unitwise. I remember back in the day when Soren was released and people were complaining that he is not better than Nino. So if IS was just releasing rehashes of units it would get old pretty quick and people would be less interested in new heroes unless they had an affinity for those units. Stronger units are more desirable. So it wouldnt make too much sense if IS released substantially weaker units, they will slowly raise the bar. As an f2p player who recently got back into the game (about 1,5 months ago) I am somewhat concerned about older units getting obsolete. As f2p I have basically no chances of getting any units +10 (thats not my goal anyway). However, I was planning to promote some units to a higher level (+3-5) like Reinhardt and Nino as there is a higher chance for me of getting them in the long run. I am also planning to promote and merge some grand heroes like Xander and Camus to a higher level. These are of course, total long term plans as I need to get the units AND the feathers and both will take time. So my personal worry is, that once I am halfway done with those units, having invested lots of feathers and time, these units might have become (totally?) obsolete like Robin or to some degree even Takumi for example.
  21. why do I get the feeling that new units are getting better and better. The cyl banner seems to be the beginning of a new season for FE Heroes. I am starting to hate powercreep.
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