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Everything posted by Myke

  1. Myke

    Smirks' Sprites

    A- visiting this thread is always one of my favourite parts of coming to serenes :D A- v. creative stuff, don't stop being you~
  2. B- If you have both the .NET and XNA frameworks, and are on a PC, then I don't know how to help you! If you're on a Mac, then you need the Monogame framework installed.
  3. that time Roger Ebert tried to tell us games weren't art, and the global community banded together as one to tell him where he could stuff it
  4. so much for having your vote count (I voted for sailor moon too |D)
  5. yo that piece on target audiences:
  6. this is all stuff from my history, I'm just linking you backward <
  7. if you liked blazing sword you should check immortal sword out-I mean welcome!
  8. stop it you're making me get interested in fates 5-star thread, followed on tumblr, blessings and keep fighting the good fight
  9. x dragon age (SUPPORTS WITH DIALOGUE TREES) x warhammer/warhammer 40k (oh man just imagine hector stomping around in terminator armour with a storm bolter and power axe) x total war (akgdkdfdfl;ds;sd'
  10. hey come on in! just leave your shoes wherever, someone will take care of that. one of the mods, I guess do you have tumblr?
  11. neo dada mathematics 8D shout-outs to the guys who mentioned freelancer and dragon age 2, those are some of my favourite games
  12. /begin loop in the past am the Father in the future am the Son in the moment am the Holy Ghost - I cannot exist in the moment, because it passes before I can realise it /end loop ^ look I made a circle out of three people
  13. pick a corner of one of those squares and watch closely /holy shit where did that come from/
  14. Yes, definitely a Tuesday. Myke went crazy! Intermissions! FEXNA is mentioned! Wow it's all so very exciting, I didn't even stop to write a script!!!
  15. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supersymmetryupdate
  16. http://pss.sagepub.com/content/23/1/13/dons shades so I can make the following emote BD
  17. It is, by definition, self-evident!
  18. http://i.imgur.com/vbpABHC.png http://i.imgur.com/9mfboGM.png http://i.imgur.com/kCIPFlg.png B- finished my threads, btw
  20. sister threads: https://www.reddit.com/r/math/comments/3p2kvc/1_a/ https://www.reddit.com/r/philosophy/comments/3p44sy/so_i_made_this_thread/ https://www.reddit.com/r/systems/comments/3p4arc/thread_everything_contained_within_is/ http://mykaeljay.tumblr.com/post/131430837797/mykaeljay-mykaeljay https://www.youtube.com/user/MykaelJay/videos
  21. [–]MykaelJay 1 point just now https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-means_clusteringthread is over
  22. B- I prefer to define them as two disparate children from a single parent
  23. B- this thread, like most, pretty much solves itself: 'just leave options for both'
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