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Posts posted by dmurr

  1. 9 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    The costumes in this pack are probably the most serious. Cordelia and Lissa are different promotion routes and Chrom gets perhaps the best costume in the game. Though, the Corrins getting the other route's promotions were also serious. Lucina's is the only really goofy/fanservice costume and it wasn't even in the pack. 

    Bride is actually a class in Awakening though that her outfit is modeled after. 

    Really, the only not "serious" outfits are the Shadow Dragon DLC costumes with the wedding outfits. Everything else is modeled after something from the games. Well, Caeda's dress is based on her Heroes one, so I guess that counts too.

  2. 3 minutes ago, r_n said:

    Man what on earth is going on with Olivia's sword. There's just...a lot...going on there.

    And surprisingly Owain is the first character whose model did not match their official artwork.

    Part of her outfit is covering it, too.

    Also Takumi didn't either, which I found weird too.

  3. Maybe I'm the odd one out, but I don't know if I really want a Season 2.. It's starting to feel crowded in the current UI. We'd need sorting and/or filtering options for the units if we get that many more. I already hate the ordering as it is. The list of History Mode maps is getting a little long now, too.

    That said, I'd be very happy with..

    Shadow Dragon: Camus (unique moveset), Jagen (Frederick clone)

    Echoes: Alm (unique moveset), Lukas (Oboro clone), Maye (Linde clone)

    Blazing Sword: Florina (Caeda clone), Kent (Xander clone), Sain (Camus clone), Rath (unique moveset)


    Save Hector, Eliwood and Ninian for a sequel but don't leave Lyn alone.. though I think they mentioned that in one of her supports.

  4. This is a tough question.. I do personally feel that Marth, Ike and Lucina are most likely going to be on the roster.

    I'm under the impression this is more of a "sequel" to Sm4sh, and closer to the previous iteration than any of the ones before it. That said, I believe cuts are inevitable. In order for this series to progress, they're kind of necessary. I highly doubt we'll see a roster that contains the entirety of the previous one. 

    There's a whole lot of factors at play. Since Roy and Corrin were already DLC, I can see them not getting priority for the base game roster, but at the same time, I don't know if cutting them and potentially offering them as DLC a second time in a row would necessarily be good for sales. Fans might not want to buy them again, especially Roy. Corrin is also still new enough to be the token "most recent FE Lord" spot. Dragons are also significant to the Fire Emblem lore, of which Corrin is one, and is currently the only one on the roster, while magic and fire are not entirely uncommon in movesets. Also, in terms of general popularity, at least with FE fans, I feel like it's something like Roy > fCorrin > mRobin > fRobin > mCorrin. 

    It's really up in the air. Fire Emblem is the easiest series to cut from. My personal prediction is that we'll get Marth, Ike, Lucina and Corrin, with female Corrin being the "default" this time, and Roy potentially getting in but being lowest priority. 

  5. 1 hour ago, Zangetsu said:

    As much I would love this to be a thing, it's pretty obvious who would the finalist are. Not to mention the massive amount of salt it would generate but hey it's gauntlet.

    I'm not sure that's really true. I'd expect the popularity to be something like..

    Ike > Lucina > Roy > fCorrin > Marth > mRobin > fRobin > mCorrin

    ..but not by a lot, not to mention that the voting gauntlet has a lot of mix-ups due to the multipliers and the initial match-ups.

  6. I really want a Smash Bros. gauntlet. Especially now that they've shown they're willing to do them with characters not in banners. Characters v. Avatars? 

    Marth, Roy, Ike, Lucina v. Robin(m), Robin(f), Corrin(f), Corrin(m)

    Or even fighters v. "clones"..?

    Marth, Ike, Robin, Corrin v. Lucina, Roy, fCorrin, fRobin

    Now is the time, or soon. Since they announced the newest Smash game and likely the FE roster on that will change.

  7. We're at a unique point in time where I'm not convinced a character from a new game even makes sense in regards to the development timeline. Fates came out in Japan in June 2015 and North America in February 2016, with the latter of which being the same time Corrin released as DLC for Smash 4. Development for Echoes started shortly after Fates released and I'm sure Smash Switch's development began shortly after. The roster is always decided at the very beginning, so unless the FE Switch protagonist comes in as a clone, there's no way that we'll get a character from that game in the base roster as it very likely didn't exist yet. Echoes barely existed. I'd say that we could possibly get content from that except that Smash 4 already had a significant number of characters on the roster, matching Pokemon and almost Mario. Sakurai himself even said there were too many Fire Emblem characters. Also, thanks to Heroes and Warriors, we're in a position with the franchise where any character is relevant now. While Smash Bros. does often pick off the wall or unique characters, the roster is usually decided more based on popularity of characters at the time the roster is decided (which I expect to be around mid 2016). 

    That said, I expect this to be the first Smash Bros game that does not include the token "new FE protagonist. I'd be surprised if we didn't get Marth, Ike and Lucina back in this roster. I have no clue what they'll do with the rest. 

    Who I want that will never happen is Azura though. I do hope if Corrin comes back they default female Corrin.

  8. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Nothing said he was directing it. Only that he's involved in it. He may just be a consultant. And Lucina at least shouldn't be so cloney then. They should find something she can bring that hardly anyone else in the roster has. But that's tough because she's another generic sword character. So that's why I feel the way I feel.

    Ohh you're right. I missed that. Consulting, directing or whatever, I do feel like likely had significant impact over the roster decision.

    It's tough to make too much speculation about this roster because there's no way it'll expand the same way that all the previous ones have. They'll likely not exceed 60-70 characters, so I expect lots of cuts, and Fire Emblem having 6 characters makes it one of the easiest targets. Because of that, this may finally be the Smash game where they base the FE selections based on pure popularity instead of recency.

  9. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    Well, my honest opinion is that despite how popular she is, if she's going to just be a Marth clone, she should go. She's another sword character who doesn't really bring anything unique. And people complain too much about how many reps this series gets. I'm thinking the FE Switch lord will get into promote that game, and that would be a LOT of FE characters if Marth, Ike, Robin, Lucina, and Corrin all stayed too. Corrin I can see staying because she's a bit more unique in the fact that she has her dragon thing as well as a sword, but not Lucina.

    And imo, Ike, Marth, and Robin are the only ones I feel are 100% staying.

    I don't know if I agree with this statement. Masahiro Sakurai is confirmed to be directing this Smash Bros. again, and while he does value uniqueness, especially in Smash for 3DS/Wii U, he also tends to work directly with Intelligent Systems a lot when it comes to the selection of Fire Emblem characters. Knowing that they pushed Koei Tecmo to include Lucina in Warriors when they weren't going to, for example, says to me that they think highly of Lucina. They know she, Ike and Lyn killed the Choose Your Legends survey before Heroes released as well. I expect Marth, Ike and Lucina are all pretty safe bets for Smash Switch.

  10. 3 hours ago, smfthegeek said:

    Honestly just to experience it again because when i first got the map i spammed through it just to get lyn as fast as i could because shes the reason i got the game. I was hoping i could do it again and really enjoy it this time lol

    You probably aren't able to select delete like that. I don't know or have it around to check right now. There's a bunch of other maps though, especially if you get the DLC.

  11. Cordelia, for me. I knew she was popular but never understood it, but since I've been playing her in Warriors I've realized I really like her and her design. Voice actor has a huge role, and since Warriors is fully voiced, I think that helped a lot.

    In that same vein, Tharja meant nothing to me as well, but since she's been everywhere lately I've actually started to like her. Camilla is the same as this too... actually I still kind of hate Camilla.

  12. 2 hours ago, Florete said:

    Early datamining showed some conversations that apparently got cut, notably Camilla with Cordelia (still wouldn't make her even with Hinoka, though), Lianna with Niles (which would have kept her even with Rowan), and Sakura with Niles.

    I haven't seen any of the new conversations yet so maybe they make sense, but I'm kind of surprised by the abundance of supports with Hoshidans here, especially Hinoka, the least popular of them. Both Navarre and Minerva get Ryoma, Hinoka, and Sakura, yet there's no supports with the Awakening cast, characters who actually exist in the same universe but thousands of years later...

    I'm pretty happy with the support conversations overall. I think they did a good job with the writing of them in all the ones I've seen, but they did a bizarrely shit job at balancing them, yes. Not that we necessarily needed it to be perfectly balanced, but there's definitely some characters getting the short end of the stick. I'm pretty disappointed that Linde doesn't have more, for example, and agree that it's super weird the Shadow Dragon characters don't have more Awakening character supports given that tidbit you mentioned that I bolded of them canonically being in the same universe.. literally the same continent. Hell, country. I'm pretty sure Ylisse is supposed to be Archanea. 

    I guess they'll likely give Awakening characters supports with other Awakening characters. Though I'm starting to feel like the developers have a tad bit of Fates bias.

  13. Remember that time that "Choose Your Legends" vote was for only the top male and top female in the category? Then we got two of each anyway?

    Won't be surprised if something like this happens here. They'll probably only give away one of them, but maybe they'll put the top 3-4 in a banner around the same time the Xenologue comes out.

    Kind of surprised to see Lucina placed so high, Takumi as well, and not more seasonal units.

  14. 2 minutes ago, guedesbrawl said:

    Oboro and Niles are more popular than some royals in japan. Oboro was actually only beaten by Camilla.

    But really, not needed at all. We didn't need Niles (or Anna), two Archers were enough, and Oboro's niche of being infantry lance is better done by Azura.

    Yeah I did know they were popular. I almost noted that before, but Azura is certainly worldwide more popular than at least Niles and has all of the story importance but left out of this game anyway. I would've rather had another character other than Anna, as well, to be honest.

    Oboro feels like an actual infantry lance though. Azura is so specialized, no one else could've played the way she does. 


    17 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    They may just show up, but at least they have their act together. Refreshing after getting out of Fates.

    Haha, this is very true. I know they just wanted both sides of the story to mimic each other, but I found Camilla's and Hinoka's chapters to be somewhat ridiculous. Though the most ridiculous is probably Frederick's chapter, lol.

  15. 57 minutes ago, Etheus said:

    I would argue that yes, we did need all of the royals (even if I would prefer that Elise not be in the game and not be a statiscally superior Leo). It would be incredibly odd to include some of them, while arbitrarily leaving out the rest.

    The problem with retainers, of course, is that any of them would be arbitrary in a similar fashion. With core characters like Kaze, Azura, and Silas, they are essential to the fates experience, whereas Niles and Oboro are just two random retainers among many.

    Did we really need Niles and Oboro? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy both characters, but I thought for sure when they announced Shadow Dragon as a "focus" title we'd get more than 3 in the base game. It would've been logical to have Elise and Sakura take the NPC roles instead and come in with the DLC alongside Azura and had two more Shadow Dragon characters, even if they had to be clones of other characters as well.  I wouldn't be surprised if they planned more Shadow Dragon content but it got cut as time went along though honestly. They kinda just show up at the end of the story. Seemed a bit rushed to me.

  16. I thought for sure they would make the costumes focus on the games the DLC was supposed to represent. I was expecting Merric for mRobin, Jagen for Frederick, Ogma for Chrom, and Maria for Sakura. I really don't understand the wedding costume attire, and especially Lyn's Awakening DLC costume in the Shadow Dragon pack. I really like the latter, though.  Makes me hope we get Odin costume Owain in the Awakening DLC. Would seem wrong not to, honestly.

  17. 47 minutes ago, Lau said:

    Awwh, I was already fond of their renders, but seeing them ingame? All three of them look gorgeous!

    Oh, what a time to be an Archanea fan~

    I know.. I wish we had more. I would've happily had more Shadow Dragon characters in place of some of the Fates characters. Camus, Ogma or Draug would've been lovely.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Dengres said:

    I hope Linde has a support with Cordelia so Julie Ann Taylor can talk to herself.

    Haha, I just unlocked the Chrom x Ryoma conversation playing last night and it was funny listening to Matt Mercer talk to himself.


    19 minutes ago, The DanMan said:

    Nothing for Linde, weirdly.

    Nothing known yet or she doesn't have a skill? Would be quite strange if she just didn't have one honestly.


    I'm honestly shocked that we have Bride/Groom outfits and.. whatever the hell Tiki's is, and not outfits based on characters from Shadow Dragon, especially since we already got Bride Lucina. 

  19. On 12/29/2017 at 12:15 AM, Hardin said:

    They are not going to make a FEW2 without a large flagship game to anchor the roster. If FE Switch isn't going to be the main hook, there simply won't be a FEW2.                                             

    I disagree with this. I don't see them clinging to a cast that customers don't know for a game that's pretty fan service oriented like Warriors. The "Choose Your Legends" polls aren't entirely accurate to use as a pure popularity measure, especially the second one, but it's definitely the most visible, especially to IS, and on it, Awakening and Fates characters still trend more popular. This is even moreso than Echoes/Gaiden characters which are more relevant at the time. Even if a Warriors 2 game ships some time after FESwitch releases, they'll still have overlapping development timeframes. I don't see us getting much more for it than we got with Celica in this one.

    I can see them bringing back much of or all of the existing cast and filling out things that were "missing" from this one, and even including more Fates and/or Awakening characters. Or adding things like a magic weapon triangle.

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