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Posts posted by dmurr

  1. 45 minutes ago, DefyingFates said:

    How I hope so...

    But I've seen more hate for the new Eirika than additional support, unfortunately. What about you?

    I really, REALLY hope both Renais twins made it in!!!

    Internet complaints are never accurate, really. Eirika was below fCorrin in the last CYL, but is 3rd in this one below Camilla and Celica. Look at Myrrh for reference. I just checked, she wasn't even in the top 100 before, now she's 18th. If you ask me, the banner did nothing but give those characters an advantage. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Thane said:

    While true, remember that some of the series' juggernaughts are out of the picture, which could leave votes a lot more spread out. Lucina beat Tharja with, what, 13k votes? I'm not sure Ephraim has that lead over Marth. 

    You're right. I think this is made clear by the fact that Celica is the top pick, who is arguably a newcomer to this poll since Echoes basically made Gaidan characters actually exist to a significant amount of people. Marth is really hindered by the fact that he's split, which could keep him out of beating Ephraim. The number of voters and voters are significantly smaller this time, as well. Voting pool is likely somewhat different, as seen by the mid results. The only character I really feel certain about is Hector. 

    I imagine vote counts are fairly similar for Marth, Chrom and Ephraim and the second place will likely only edge out the third place by a small margin. Lyn fans will almost certainly go to Hector, but I don't think Ike fans or Lucina fans are a natural transition to any other popular character. I would've expected Lucina fans to move to Chrom, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

    I generally still think the top four won't change, though. Camilla is inescapable in Fire Emblem right now, and the developers seem to favor her. Mere exposure creates the popularity that will keep her up there. Celica has a well received design, is a good character in Heroes, and is recent, plus she did make it into Warriors if that helps at all. Think she'll take the spot also. Only shake-up I could see is Eirika as a dark-horse pulling down Camilla out of second. She was added in a banner the game dropped in the middle of the voting period, which will definitely help.

  3. I don't understand why everyone hates Corrin. I really enjoyed the character and felt like I related to her, to be completely honest. The siblings interactions with her I didn't always care for, though.

    Anyway, on the actual topic. I'm interested in what styles they'll use for the character artwork. Echoes was a step away from the more cartoony style of Awakening and Fates, and in my opinion was some of the best designs in the series (New Mystery was actually my favorite). Hoping they continue down that path, but I don't think they will.

  4. 24 minutes ago, Medeus said:

    Wow, Reinhardt jumped a lot, he was basically at the bottom before Heroes and now he's Top 5 in the entire franchise. I guess memes and being a top tier meta threat can really do wonders for your popularity. Similarly, I'm surprised the Fates Shapeshifters are doing so well, I definitely was campaigning among others for those type of units (Ranulf, where are you?), but I didn't think the three of them would break top 20 considering the best only placed around 50. I guess this will clearly send the message: Add Beast units IS! 

    As for personal favorites, I'm happy Leif is doing well, the poor kid is so overlooked as a lord. 

    The thing about this though is that it can't be viewed as a general Fire Emblem popularity contest anymore. We know (or can assume at least) more or less exactly what they are going to do with the results, so the responses are skewed on that expectation. People are voting wanting certain characters to be featured with a special version (or included at all) more than they're voting for their favorites. It's a subtle yet existent distinction. Plus the voters are mostly Heroes players for this one.

    1 hour ago, Lord-Zero said:

    Lucina has fallen from grace as well. There’s no real “face” at the moment. You could say that it’s being shared by Marth and Chrom at the moment or...if you want to go for the fanservice route, Camilla. 

    Marth is and forever will be the face of the series. Or, at least a blue-haired, anime swordsman is.

  5. 11 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    Actually, I think several people this time are voting for characters they want added. 

    This is so true, and is something I didn't consider when predicting votes. Leif is a very unexpected top 10 character otherwise given his Japan exclusivity, but it makes sense when he's one of, if not the only, main character not in Heroes yet. It also gives an explanation for the Heroes villains being high up, and the non-dragon beast characters (naturally from the more popular/recent games). The villains are totally the "want what you can't have" bias.

  6. On 1/23/2018 at 1:49 PM, dmurr said:

    ...my predictions for top 10 are as follows (in no particular order)

    Males - Hector, Ephraim, Chrom, Robin, Takumi, Reinhardt, Corrin, Marth, Alm, Owain

    Females - Azura, Celica, Camilla, Tharja, Corrin, Olivia, Cordelia, Eirika, Micaiah, Nino

    Oh dang, I was actually pretty close in my original prediction. 

    I put mCorrin and Owain instead of Marth2 and Leif and Cordelia and Olivia instead of the Heroes characters.

    To be fair, Owain is 12 for males and Cordelia is 11 so both could still make the top 10.  Olivia and mCorrin are nowhere to be found though, lol.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Lau said:

    ...I don't think I've ever been this confused.

    So what happens if Eirika somehow beats out Camilla or Tharja in the CYL poll? IS, wyd?


    I just saw the video, and I don't understand. There's so many characters they could've added from Sacred Stones that aren't in yet, why do we have a second Eirika??

    This confuses me even more than the Zelgius in the previous banner.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Arthur97 said:

    Interesting. Any particular reason you think female Robin will fall out of the top ten?

    I could be completely wrong, but my thinking is as follows: She is popular, yes, but her Heroes incarnation is pretty rubbish and also fairly limited to get. Her seasonal variant isn't terrible but also came out several months ago. Robin is still one of the more popular Fire Emblem characters, but the male version is definitely more popular, and tends to get the Smash popularity more than the female version. The female characters have way more competition as well. Ninian, fRobin, Tiki, and Nowi were ones I wasn't sure what to do with either. Micaiah, Olivia and Nino are ones I could see replaced, and all three are fairly popular, but Micaiah was just added to Heroes giving her some edge, Nino is quite good and Olivia is the most easily accessed dancer which is pretty commonly used in Heroes too. Olivia is going to be added into Warriors too via DLC, and we know that they said they were going to add those based more on popularity. Makes me think Heroes increased it significantly though somewhat silently, moreso than expected at least.

    I don't know though, I haven't played Heroes as much lately to be honest. 

  9. The first CYL poll happened before Heroes came out, did it not? There's so many factors that play into what the results will be for this one. The voter turnout will be predominately Heroes players, so expect the tier list to have an influence. Fates is no longer the most recent game, so only those that are truly popular from that game and/or being actively pushed by IS will remain as high. Echoes will have most of its cast inflated as Fates did last time, but I don't expect as much so because less people played Echoes than Fates. The Heroes player base doesn't entirely overlap with the main series one though as well, since generally everyone has access to a smart phone but not less so a 3DS. So with that considered, I expect the popular and most recent characters in Heroes to take more of the votes than Echoes, especially when you consider who's voting. Echoes is close to a year old now, as well, whereas Heroes has continued updating. We do already have the results for the first poll too, so that will certainly play an influence.. but to be honest, I'm not sure if that would get people to vote against it or vote for it. People love bandwagoning, but the internet roots hard for underdogs. So, who knows? 

    That said.. my predictions for top 10 are as follows (in no particular order)

    Males - Hector, Ephraim, Chrom, Robin, Takumi, Reinhardt, Corrin, Marth, Alm, Owain

    Females - Azura, Celica, Camilla, Tharja, Corrin, Olivia, Cordelia, Eirika, Micaiah, Nino


    No idea who would win top 2 for each gender.. but I'm hoping it's Hector, Chrom, Azura and Celica. 

  10. Been trying to work up all of the characters, but I use Lucina, Takumi and Azura when I want it to be easier. Which is definitely bias based on favoritism. Cordelia/Hinoka are characters I didn't have any attachment to prior to this game that I've been enjoying playing as well.

  11. I don't expect any more unless they launch with a sequel. Which is unfortunate, this was a really missed opportunity to make a Lyn amiibo, which would definitely sell well. Though I could see hers being the one made for the sequel.

  12. I'm pretty satisfied with the roster, to be honest. This game was pretty heavily influenced by Awakening and Fates in terms of art direction (cut-ins, cutscenes, etc) and even with Pair Up's inclusion and the way supports are handled, it makes sense that most of the cast is from there. It would've been nice to have more Shadow Dragon reps, but I'd imagine they're conceptually harder to work with since the source material isn't already framed the way they made this game. Lyn and Celica were nice additions, even if they seem weird being added without the characters most closely associated with them. 

    What will be most interesting is when/if they make the much discussed sequel containing Ike, Roy and have to frame the characters from those games in this same way. 

  13. Azura was worth the wait. Disappointed she doesn't have a support with Lucina though. Most of her supports are from Fates, which is a missed opportunity, in my opinion. Also really wish her promoted outfit had been something similar to Arete's with her promotion being Vallite Princess or something. Also a missed opportunity, though maybe they wanted to avoid spoilers? Certainly didn't handle it that way with Robin/Grima.

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