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Posts posted by dmurr

  1. Huh. This is so interesting, not sure what to expect from the next packs now, but it does give some insight. We already knew the characters, the chapters are now obvious, as already pointed out, but the costumes are a toss up.

    There's four costumes in the Shadow Dragon DLC, and three in the Awakening DLC.

    Shadow Dragon.. guess I could see: Jagen costume for Frederick, Merric costume for mRobin, Jeorge costume for Takumi, Maria costume for Sakura? I can't imagine any of the actual Shadow Dragon characters getting costumes for themselves considering all of their alternate appearances are quite similar to each other unless they seriously go the retro FE1/3 appearances which I honestly don't see them doing. I supposed they could branch out of Shadow Dragon to New Mystery and give us Katarina's getup for Linde.

    Awakening.. Adult Tiki or Nowi costume for Tiki make sense. Also seems super obvious to give Owain an Odin outfit even though it's technically not from Awakening, but you can't have the costume without the character. Awakening Anna is her most popular appearance, so maybe a costume for her based on that. Oh, maybe even the Performing Arts costume for Olivia from Heroes, too (I would really love that actually).


    Oh, also Broken armor models:

    Fates (13): Corrin(f), Corrin(m), Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, Azura, Oboro, Niles

    Shadow Dragon (9): Marth, Caeda, Tiki, Navarre, Minerva, Linde, Celica, Lyn, Anna

    Awakening (10): Chrom, Lucina, Robin(m), Robin(f), Frederick, Lissa, Cordelia, Owain, Tharja, Olivia

    ...guess that was a given.


  2. 10 hours ago, Dandee Leone said:

    The devs specifically stated that Roy and Ike were being saved for a sequel, so I think that Elibe and Tellius have to be a lock. And by mentioning those universes, I do mean a mix of both Binding/Blazing and PoR/RD. FE Switch will also have to be featured, as the mainline FE launches next year and I expect FEW 2 to be either released late into the Switch life span or even next generation. And we may get one throwaway character each from Judgral and Magvel, similar to Lyn and Celica. 

    Unless the Switch is going to have a shorter lifespan than the Wii U, I don't think there's any way that a sequel to this game will come out the end of it, let alone on the next generation. Sales-wise, they're only going to see diminishing returns on it, and I'm doubtful we'd get more than one sequel unless it does really unexpectedly well. They'll ride off of whatever success this one has because they'll have considerably less to build -- there'd be more fine tuning and feature adding than actual engine development. The new things would be mostly content, not gameplay mechanics, which has a faster turn around rate. That said, unless the new mainline FE drops sometime Q1/Q2 when DLC is completed, I think it's fairly implausible that we'll see a significant amount of content from it. I could be completely wrong, as I'm unaware the size of the staffing at Intelligent Systems, but I suspect that a majority of the development team moved from Echoes to the new Switch title once sometime March/April of this year when work on that game was mostly completed. Echoes had a little under a two-year development cycle, and that's for a game that's a remake and reuses the engine two previous games made and refined over the 3DS's lifetime. Nothing but planned release of 2018 is given about FE Switch yet, and while it can reuse significant portions of that same game engine, it will also need to be ported and adjusted design-wise for an entirely different device, in addition to the updating to HD graphics, etc. I truly doubt we'll see the JP release of FE Switch any earlier than Q3 2018, which is a smaller turn around than Echoes, which they considered quick. Q1/Q2 is only a year or so of development time. I could be completely wrong though, perhaps they increased staffing or hired new engineers/developers to work on this game during Echoes dev cycle.

    Anyway, in short, I'd be surprised if FE Switch was coming anytime soon, or that a Warriors sequel would release a large amount of time after it's release. Given the similar overlap in development time Echoes had with Warriors and the content that game got in Warriors, I think it's pretty unlikely we'd get FE Switch as a full featured game.

    Agreed Elibe/Tellius are a lock, which characters is up in the air.

  3. On 11/1/2017 at 5:48 AM, Anomalocaris said:

    I'm still banking on Blazing Blade, Shadows of Valentia, and FE Switch being the three focus games, with Roy and Ike being the two bonus characters akin to Lyn and Celica.


    On 10/27/2017 at 3:47 AM, Dandee Leone said:

    Elibe and Tellius will be featured alongside FE Switch. 

    Those two universes have the most fanfare behind them, and it was specifically mentioned by the devs how Roy and Ike were going to be put in a sequel.


    On 11/1/2017 at 12:19 PM, SavageVolug said:

    If a sequel does get made my current thoughts is that it will focus on a different trio of games, say for instance Tellius, Elibe, Jugdral although one of those will probably be cut out for Fire Emblem Switch but since the developers stated that Ike and Roy would be saved for a sequel I would expect them both to appear in another FE warriors game.


    On 11/1/2017 at 5:03 AM, Etrurian emperor said:

    I don't think we should be expecting to many of the older games in a sequel. We may get Elibe or Tellius but I can't both see getting proper representation. 

    I can see the next game picking 3 core games again but by the time of a FE warriors 2 Fire emblem Switch must have already been released so I think we can expect that game to get a lot of attention.

    Seems to be pretty popular opinion that we'll get FE Switch represented in Fire Emblem Warriors 2, but it's not really as logical as people think.  I can imagine they're waiting for the response to the DLC before officially greenlighting the sequel, but even if they already have, development likely won't start until after March when the last DLC pack is released.  I doubt we'll see FE Switch released anytime prior to Q3/Q4 2018, and a FEW2 would likely come out Q1/Q2 2019. This isn't super far off from the overlap in dev time that Shadows of Valentia and FE Warriors had, and all we got from that game is Celica. Even her corresponding history map and the music remix is from Gaiden, not Echoes. 

    Also, I don't think we'll see Binding Blade, or any Japan-only release, as a focus title anytime soon. New Mystery of the Emblem features Marth too, and we could've gotten that as a featured title, but we didn't. They based on Shadow Dragon, and I think it's a safe assumption that's because it saw an international release. Roy is an oddball character who has popularity because of Smash Bros., so I'm not positive we'd get anyone further from his game, sans maybe Lillina or Zephiel. I'll admit Heroes has shaken up the whole international character popularity and exposure, though, but Intelligent Systems knows what the most popular games and characters are. Blazing Blade is almost a guarantee given it's international popularity and notability being the first internationally released game.

    They also don't have to focus on three new or separate games.. HW Legends added Skull Kid from Majora's Mask which was already represented in DLC. Don't be surprised when we see Severa or Inigo (especially with Olivia's inclusion now) or the trio's Fates counterparts or Felicia, Kaze or Jacob (or even Gaius) with the added weapon type not in this game. Characters aren't the only thing they'll expand on, of course.

  4. They are pretty time consuming to reach. Didn't want to spoil it, but I ended up doing it anyway. This game is really making me like characters more though. I didn't really explore a whole lot of the supports in Fates, nor did I pay much attention to Frederick or Cordelia when I played Awakening.

    Really hope they have an Azura/Olivia support if you have both DLC packs, though I doubt it. I'm hoping Lucina and Azura have a conversation, just because they're two of my favorite characters. Really anyone from Awakening + Azura would be great. I expect DLC supports will be somewhat limited though.

  5. Lol.

    Anyway, kind of on topic.. does anyone else think Anna is kind of really annoying? Her quirky statements are kind of cute, but they got old really quick. I don't even know what she means still when she says, "I like those profit margins!" 

  6. 24 minutes ago, Thany said:

    Man.... this discussion feels like a mess, here I was thinking we would celebrate their good sales with good hopes for the future of the game.

    I know, right?

    Why are we still arguing about the roster? We got what we got, let's move on. Since they're happy with the sales then maybe now we can start thinking about who would be great in the sequel. Hyrule Warriors Legends came out about a year and a half after Hyrule Warriors, but it also needed the work to port it. They'd probably add more new content into a sequel though, so I'd think it's reasonable to expect a similar timeframe. Maybe end of year next year or early 2019. I doubt we'd get a full focus on the new game since it's supposed to come out next year, more likely we'd get one character a la Celica. 

  7. 4 hours ago, Truthblade said:

    I may be reading into it wrong (since it is kinda late)    but some comments here make me think people are forgetting that the three game's focus was not popularity alone, (if at all) , but because they had milestones to justify their higher priority. Shadow Dragon,  as well as having the mascot of the series, is the oldest game.  Awakening was the grand reboot button,  and was intended to be a celebration of the franchise in of itself.  Fates, when this game was developed, was the next big thing.  (though it has lost that title).

    I am probably just being a cynic,  but if there is a sequel,  I would expect a focus on FE Switch and Blazing Blade (the former would be the newest, and the latter is essentially western Shadow Dragon) , with Ike and Roy as bonuses.  While they themselves are popular, the only thing (that I can think of anyway) their games have is Tellius being the first consle games,  and Binding Blade's connection to Blazing Blade, which I personally don't think is major enough to warrant full representation. They might just get a couple of Greil Mercenaries and Lillina to join them at most. 

    While this is true..

    At the time of development, Fates, Awakening and Shadow Dragon were the three most recent international titles. I think that's really the main reason for them being the focus titles. It helps that Marth is the original face of Fire Emblem.  Lyn got in arguably because she is the international Marth, and Celica was promotional for their upcoming remake. 

  8. I'm still trying to figure out if there's precedent for there being a second pack of DLC. I guess if Koei is also happy with the sales of the current DLC then maybe.  I expect if we do then it will focus on Shadow Dragon, Echoes and Awakening (adding characters like Jagen/Draug/Merric/Camus, Alm/Berkut/Mycen, Inigo/Severa/Nowi), and then FEW2 would feature Blazing Blade + Roy, Lilina, Radiant Dawn and New Mystery. If there's no DLC 2, then FEW2 will probably add Echoes characters there instead of more from Marth's game(s).

    Actually I think they'd probably do new New Mystery anyway, just to give the Archanea characters something different to talk about in Supports. Probably not add many new characters from there other than Katarina. Actually if all the characters come back they'd probably change where Fates and Awakening characters are in the story too, maybe Fates from Revelation and Awakening from after the time jump.

  9. I don't really care for the mage movesets, to be honest. Robin and Leo/Elise just don't mesh with me very well, not fun, which is sad because I like all the characters.

    Camilla is fun to play, but with how strong archers are against fliers and how overwhelmingly sworded this game is, I find I don't use her often because I'm afraid of her dying. Lissa or Frederick are better options.

    Lucina, Xander and Corrin are the most fun and I have found to be some of the most reliable. I'm sure Ryoma would call into this category as well as Chrom, but I don't use them as much. Lianna/Rowan aren't as good as them, even when promoted. I really enjoy Cordelia but again, an archer seriously gimps her. Oh well. 

  10. I really want Olivia x Azura but because they're different DLC packs I doubt it would happen, unfortunately. Olivia and Sakura would be cute because they could discuss being shy. Owain is also a descendent of Marth, would like a support there discussing it.  Tharja x Camilla is a given. I'd like to see Tharja x Corrin and see if she has the same attachment as Robin. 

    I'd like to see Azura support with Lucina since they're both some of my favorites. I don't really care about either Oboro or Niles, though I expect Oboro to talk to Lucina about clothes. Niles would be interesting with Frederick since he's so uptight, Niles would make him uncomfortable.

    I really just want the Shadow Dragon characters to support with each other.

  11. 3 hours ago, Dragonage2ftw said:

    I dunno, man. KT strikes when the iron is hot. Gundam Warriors 2 came out 1 year after the first game. I think that a sequel is likely at this point.


    2 hours ago, SoulWeaver said:

    The devs are confident enough that we'll get a sequel that they've officially stated we won't get Ike or Roy until the sequel happens(meaning they won't be in any future DLC for the current game). It's more a matter of when.

    Realistically.. yeah. Honestly if they're talking about it, they're planning it. I'd be pretty happy, the gameplay is pretty polished. It's fun to play.

    If they're saying it'll feature Roy and Ike, and Lyn is already in this one.. I wonder if they would feature FE7 characters or just go with FE6. I kind of expect them to favor the international releases. Maybe it would just have FE7 mostly and main characters from 6.

  12. Seems like we had kind of the same thoughts @NSSKG151

    At this rate, I'd like them to make that potential sequel they've discussed, hopefully focusing on Radiant Dawn and Binding Blade. I'd be surprised if they had Thracia/Genealogy characters since they're Japan-exclusive though. Heroes doesn't mind but.. that's a bit different. By that point the Switch game would probably be out and include those characters instead. They could probably get away with New Mystery characters with Marth and co. again since Shadow Dragon was international, as well.

  13. Honestly I think I'm more excited about seeing the characters made in Warriors art style than actually playing them. All the characters in this game have been surprisingly fun to play, and it's been characters I didn't have attachments to before that I'm liking more and more. I'm pretty confident they'll all be a good time to play.

    I voted for Azura though because she's probably my favorite character otherwise that didn't make it, even though I'm pretty excited about Owain and Olivia.

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