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Posts posted by Horakthi

  1. Reaching B-staves is dependent on Soren promoting on Chp 9. Like I said thats not an option for Illyana

    This is just a really weird claim. Assuming efficiency, Soren doesn't have a chance to get much exp in Chapter 4 because it's so dangerous for him; Soren can get a couple levels or 3 levels in Chapter 5; Soren won't be able to get many levels in Chapter 6, maybe one at best; Chapter 7 isn't a really good place for him to get exp either, but he should be able to get a level there too; and again a couple levels or 3 in Chapter 8. So we have a level 7-8 Soren by the time Chapter 9 arrives. But Ilyana can herself get a level in Chapter 8. This gives us a level 7 Ilyana.

    Even if Soren got to level 10 by Chapter 9 without bexp, which he won't, I'm not sure why we can't give Ilyana a tiny bit of bexp so she can catch up..

  2. Jill can't be touched with a ten foot-pole and one that Jill is the next best thing since sliced bread compared to the irrepairably mediocre Haar.

    I'm sorry, but that's not what I said. I think Haar is the second best unit behind Jill (T).

    Volug is undeniably better in every part 1 map. He's pretty much outright beating her statistically until she promotes.

    Then part 3 comes and the only map she clearly wins is 3-12. She's still not perfect coming into 3-6, but Volug is fine once he gets transformed. The fact that 3-6 and 3-13 are all Laguz enemies means his lack of 2 range almost doesn't even matter.

    It's only in part 4 where Jill really starts winning.

    Can Volug carry Tauroneo in 1-6-2 past the river? No. Jill beats Volug in 1-6-2.

    Wtf, how on earth is Jill > Volug even debatable in 3-6? Jill can fly around and move 9 tiles in 3-6. Volug can move 2 tiles transformed. Jill has Canto. Jill doesn't need to smoke grass every other turn. Are you crazy?

    How on earth can Volug kill Ike on turn 2 of 3-13? Guess what, he can't.

    Bolded part: Rofl. Yeah I give up on this thread. I wish I never posted.

  3. she still only saves a turn or two per map

    Why do you keep bringing up LTCing into this? That's not what I'm trying to discuss here.

    But, after all, you own this tier list, so if you want to debate on turn counts, then it's already been proven that Jill (T) is better than Haar. Haar only saves a decent amount of turns on 3-3, as dondon already pointed out. You can easily just give Ranulf Celerity and/or Pass or whatever and just speed through 3-4. Janaff, Ulki, Marcia etc. can all replace Haar in 3-11. Even if Jill saves one or two turns per map, she contributes in a lot of maps; how many does Haar save from 3-3 and 3-4, his main contributions? Probably less than Jill.

    No one can replace Jill in 1-6-2. No one can replace Jill in 3-6. No one can replace Jill in 3-12. No one can replace Jill in 3-13. If she does get the Boots--since it saves a turn from 3-13 to do so--no one can replace Jill in Part 4.

    Why is a unit that only has a significant unique contribution in 1 chapter and a minor contribution in the next chapter better than a unit who has unique contributions in 1 chapter on Part 1, 3 chapters on Part 3 and every Part 4 chapter (assuming she gets the Boots)? I just really find it peculiar that all of Jill's contributions get ignored so consistently.

  4. Let's see what Jill can do that doesn't involve saving turns:

    1. She can take a unit like Sothe and carry him over the river so that the other units won't get killed, and bexp won't be lost as a result.

    2. She can fly over gaps in 1-7, which is handy. The only other unit who can do that is Vika.

    3. She can fly over gaps in 1-E and get some exp.

    4. This is extremely important: she's by far both the most flexible and the most durable unit you have in 3-6. While Nolan can move like 2 or 3 tiles in the swamp (I forget how much exactly) she can move 9 tiles. She can go around the map as she pleases. No other unit can do that. On average, Jill (T) has 6 more def than Nolan, both at level 1 promoted. This difference remains around the same as both level up. And you can indeed bring up Tarvos if you so wish, but it's worth noting that Nolan can't use a Hand Axe and get the def boost at the same time, unlike Jill.

    5. In 3-12, Jill can just bypass the hill and use Hand Axes, unlike Nolan, who doesn't get the def boost with a Hand Axe. This is extremely handy because there's a decent amount of 1-2 range users here.

    6. In 3-13, well, I think it's already been argued previously that giving Boots to Jill is by far a better choice than giving it to Nolan due to Part 4. An 11 move unit with flight is a lot better in Part 4 than a 9 move unit on foot. If you're using Nolan instead of Jill here, you're going to save the Boots for Haar, most likely. So I don't think Nolan is getting the Boots here.

    So using Jill instead of Nolan makes the whole thing a lot easier because she's so much more durable and flexible than Nolan is. She has a lot more move, she has flight, she has Canto, she's way more durable and she can use Hand Axes while still being durable unlike Nolan.

    Let's see who we have instead of Jill: Nolan (who is completely outclassed), Volug (who is stuck to 1 range and smoking Olivi Grass every other turn), Sothe (who becomes pretty lame in Part 3 due to both offense and defense issues) and Zihark (same issue as Sothe).

    Haar doesn't seem that impressive:

    1. He can fly around and burn supplies in 3-3.

    2. He can fly over the mountain in 3-4.

    And he can get replaced by Titania and your other fliers everywhere else. Let's see who we have instead of Haar as potential combat units: Titania (who is the perfect Haar substitute with the exception of these two chapters), Oscar, Janaff, Ulki, Marcia, Tanith, Shinon, Gatrie, Mia, Ike and so on.

    I rest my case. I think that Jill (T) should be above Haar for this reason: the DB needs her more than the GM needs Haar.

  5. The logic works: I don't deny that Haar and Titania are both great units. However, they can still replace each other--despite both being great units.

    Jill (T), on the other hand, cannot be replaced. Hence why I think she should be above Haar. Because unlike Haar, she cannot be replaced by Nolan or Volug or Sothe or whatever.

  6. But what you said applies to Haar as well. He's kinda overrated.

    Let's ignore Part 4 for the sake of simplicity. From what I can see from the LTC videos, Jill does a lot of things no one else can in 1-7, 3-6, 3-12 and 3-13 combined. The GM, on the other hand, would really like Haar in 3-3 and 3-4. None of them are completely necessary in any of this chapters, of course, but they're still very handy to have.

    Let's assume we're in the context of this tier list for a second. That is, efficiency as opposed to LTC. The turns lost in 1-7, 3-3, 3-4, 3-6, 3-12, 3-13 don't really matter much anymore at all, and combat matters more. So what happens then?

    In that case, Jill has a lot more time to catch up, and Haar is kinda useless now that he can basically be replaced by Titania and there are a lot of good combat units other than him anyway. But no one in the DB can even compare to a well trained Jill.

    The reason I think Jill (T) > Haar is simply because of the context she's in. Unlike Haar, she's with a group that needs her a lot more. Feel free to disregard my opinion though.

  7. I find it a little peculiar that no one has moved Jill (T) up to easy mode tier when it's been proven that she's the best character in the game in LTC restrictions--note that this tier list is less strict, meaning that she has more room to grow--and Haar can mostly be replaced by Titania. It's not like the GM needs Haar as much as the DB needs Jill. Haar can be mostly replaced whereas Jill cannot.

  8. Oh come on, don't let FrederickxSumia win... :/

    I can't believe people like leaving poor Frederick with such a pathetic girl...

    You have the right to have an opinion, but you don't have the right to force your opinions on others.

    Here's what I think: I think Frederick is a boring robot who doesn't have a personality apart from sucking Chrom's dick.

  9. You're completely missing the point. I never even used the word everyone in my post. In fact, you're proving my point even more, because some people won't want to join the forum - replies take time, after all.

    Why would people have poor odds of looking at leadership? It's obviously an important mechanic in FE5 - Leaf, Fin, Cyas have it, and so do a plenty of bosses. I personally would want to know why I have such crappy hit and avoid on generic crappy FE5 enemies. By your logic, why bother making a page about FE5 support bonuses? They're not as relevant to the game as leadership.

    Furthermore, there's absolutely no harm in making another page about leadership.

  10. Besides, there's people who make accounts here just to ask for translation patch, with that in mind, how often would anyone look up a section about stars?
    What's the point in making a website with information if you assume people are going to ask about it on the forum anyway?
  11. If people are too lazy to actually spend five minutes looking around a site, then that's their problem, IMHO.

    No one wants to waste 5 minutes of their time looking for something. That kind of attitude would lead to horrible site design.

  12. You said yourself that you "don't really count" a heavy manipulation low turn run of FE4, which means that there's something about it that you disparage.

    Yes, me. I'm not the SDA.

    Avoiding the topic because you can't come up with a response doesn't make you look good, either.

    I never avoided the topic. Even if I try to change the topic, I always reply to what you say.

    I'm free to point out that you arbitrarily classify different degrees of manipulation of the RNG to conform to your definition of "record-breaking low turn count."

    Are you really comparing me to Vykan when I only restart a couple times for a 35% chance critical to save a turn? That'll take a few minutes at most. Anyone has the patience to do that. Big deal. People make arbitrary concepts all the time, like age.

    What are you trying to accomplish? I don't want to go off topic. I just want to talk about my run.

  13. If you give Dew the Wind Sword or Light Sword, and maybe let him borrow the Speed Ring if he's underlevelled, he should be fine, IIRC. Level ~10 definitely fine, and he can probably get by at Level ~5, which you can probably get from Arena alone.

    No, there are 4 different classifications of Broken, with rankings A, B, C, *. At least if I'm remembering correctly.

    He's almost at level 5 from sleeping at the church in Verdane. I'll try to level him up some more. If I'm going to do chapter 3 in 14 turns, there's no way I can get the Wind Sword. Any specific reason why he needs the Light Sword? Just to cause damage or does it cause the AI to avoid him?

    For chapter 2, what would be the fastest possible strategy? Go all the way to Anphony with mounted units and have unmounted units parked near Mackily? If so, I'll bring along Ethlin nearby Sigurd to Return him right after seizing, and Return Levin to recruit Fury afterwards. I want to Silence that boss if possible before he sleeps Sigurd. I basically need to cut like 6 turns from my previous run, which is going to be tough.

  14. Sure it is (restarting the game). Take a look at SDA runs. The runners reset thousands of times for necessary RNG manipulations.

    I know that. It's SDA approved because there's nothing wrong with restarting the game by their rules. I never said there was something literally wrong with their speedruns that made them invalid (I used the adjective cool, I'm sure that's not in the SDA rule list), I just think it's boring and repetitive to do that. Didn't Vykan have to do thousands of resets for his FE10 runs? It took him 10 months. Yes, I do understand what I'm talking about.

    Unfortunately, you're going off topic and this really has no place in the thread. Please avoid spouting emotional diatribe on a video game forum. It doesn't really make you look good.

    Planning for chapter 2 now, but I need to decide whether Rescue will be useful to conquer Thove. I need to bring Dew along.. is it worth training Dew just for chapter 4 so he doesn't get murdered?

    Also, if I break the Rescue Staff, will it pass on to Rana?

  15. Ah, I understand how he RNG abused. He didn't record it all in one sitting - I guess he cut parts that worked and put it in that vid. He also let Sigurd have 1 HP to lure all the enemies to him.

    Chapter 1 -


    Probably the best I could do without RNG abusing. Marpha to Verdane took 13 turns. I needed a sibling crit to get rid of Gandolf.

    I Returned Aideen to home castle to talk to Azel and stand next to him. I also didn't forget to get the Return, Warp staves and the Hero Axe. I think I did okay.

  16. Bullshit. You do whatever it takes. If your purpose is to make strategies that can be reliably replicated by any player, then that's a completely different beast (i.e. not a "record-breaking low turn count playthrough").

    If we can do whatever it takes, then why don't we use codes to hack stuff in? I'm sure you didnt mean that though, but I guess it's really cool and efficient to just restart the game over and over.

    Anyway, we don't need you to get overemotional on this thread. Calm down.

  17. Yeah, Noish and Alec can't catch up to Sigurd and Cuan comes too late to help. Cuan is really inaccurate on DiMaggio with the Javelin, so he needs to get lucky for that as well..

    I wonder if it's worth skipping the Silver Sword. You sure do get a plenty of kills in Prologue on the Steel Sword, but it has 4 less might. If it is, I might try it out.

    What really intrigues me is how he cut a massive 50 turns. Is that really the difference between skill and RNG, or did the other girl who did the game in 201 turns just did it too slowly (I can hardly find turns to cut from hers so far)? I can't understand how without watching the vids, but it seems like he doesn't mind doing some crazy RNG abusing.

    Also, what are your thoughts on keeping Jamka alive or killing him to save one or two turns?

    You've been really helpful so far so thank you.

  18. Huh, I'd never seen this Nico run before, but I guess I had stopped looking after I found the first one. The strategy this time saves a turn by (in addition to ridiculous RN-fixing) not bothering to have Alvis talk to Sigurd, forgoing the Silver Sword. He also manages to pile some 28 kills on Sigurd's Steel sword, obviously gearing up for early Critical as a means of compensating.

    I think it's possible to do it without getting the Silver Sword.. I hadn't considered that. I don't think it's worth it though, especially for Celice.

    How ridiculous is his RN-fixing, and how does he do it? Also, do you think it's possible to 9-turn with the Silver Sword? I can't watch the vid.

  19. To me, a glitch will make it a different kind of playthrough.

    The playthrough with the RNG abuse is a different kind of playthrough as well. I'm just trying to do as well as possible without real RNG abuse (only for some bosses, no save states). I haven't watched his vids yet since I'm on mobile but if there's a strategy to get 9 turns without significant RNG abuse I'll do it.

    I'm considering the idea of just killing Jamka. I wouldn't need to bring Aideen (I can make her talk to the left behind Azel and stand next to him instead for chapters 4 and 5, which wouldn't be possible if I brought Aideen to Jamka, which takes ages).

    I'm not sure and I'd like some comments about this strategy.

  20. I won't use glitches.

    Azel x Aideen is a really good idea. I'll edit my post. I'll make sure Lachesis promotes so I can complete chapters 4 and 5 extremely quickly with Rescue. She'll also want Warp and a Return Ring.. Hopefully she'll promote by 4. I can easily pair Aideen and Azel, since they have the same move.

    161-turn completion sounds ridiculous in the first place. That's basically manipulating the game, and not playing it. I don't really count that.

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