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Posts posted by Horakthi

  1. It might be a bit controversial if I use that glitch, but I think it's a valid technique as long as it's a part of the game.

    I don't think Aideen x Claude is possible, unfortunately. Not enough turns. Chapter 6 and most of 7 could have had pseudo-dancing with Rana Rescuing Celice, oh well.

    I expect Rescue Staff Leaf is going to be a huge help later on.

  2. Yes, I know I have a thread asking for advice, but I figured it'd be better to make a general thread of my playthrough. No, I will not take videos because due to my playstyle my units die all the time.

    So far, the current record (as far as I know) is 201 turns. I want to go down to 199 turns or less. I've decided to do this since I managed to prove that the Prologue is doable in 10 turns, and I think I can push chapter 3 down a turn.

    I don't use save states.

    [spoiler=Number of turns taken to seize each castle for each chapter completed]Prologue:

    Jungby - 5

    Evans - 10

    Chapter 1:

    Genoa - 4

    Marpha - 9

    Verdane - 22

    Prologue - 10 turns


    No general strategy here. Just rush. You need to get lucky to seize Jungby in 5 turns - have Sigurd get 2 strength level ups which isn't all too hard. You also need to kill the boss in a turn - Ethlin standing adjacent next to Sigurd can solve this with a sibling crit. I had Cuan weaken him which might not be needed, but Continue for the boss works as well as long as you can hit him twice. This is probably the lowest you can go. I had Fin get the Speed Ring.

    Planned pairings:

    Lex x Aira (strong, bulky units for chapter 6)

    Levin x Fury (instant)

    Lachesis x Beowulf (an easy one to do, Beowulf sucks anyway)

    Azel x Aideen (for Rescue in chapters 4 and 5)

    I won't bother pairing Sylvia, Bridget and Tiltyu.

    Any comments about my playthrough / strategies / questions are welcome.

  3. The TAS requirement isn't really required, since all it is is abusing RNG in your favor and making sure you get what you want done.

    I don't use save states. I didn't use any before I restarted my run - and I won't now. But you do have to get lucky for that 10-turn prologue.. if an adjacent sibling gives +20 bonus to crit, and Sigurd has 33 crit now while Cuan has 19% for Continue to activate, it's not really all that unlikely. To activate neither would be 54%, so there's a 46% chance you can 10-turn it. There's also the fact that you need 2 strength increases with Sigurd to conquer Jungby in 5 turns, but I got lucky and didn't need to restart for that - it's easy enough with the game's own save function.

  4. Dew can get the Wind Sword by visiting the Blagi Tower in Chapter 3, that's why.

    I know that. But that takes ages right? He did it in 15 turns.. how did Dew go there?

    Update: 10-turn prologue is possible.


    You need to weaken the boss with Cuan and get a sibling crit with Sigurd and Ethlin, or get a Continue with Cuan. I'll be restarting my run then.

  5. We know he didn't do Levin x Tiltyu, because he did the damn thing so quickly that there was no time to pair them. I guess this destroys the efficiency argument then. Unless he did jealousy?

    I think I'll restart. I want to see if I can beat his turns. I'm pretty sure I can do a 10-turn prologue with a full health Cuan, and I think it's possible to do a 14-turn chapter 3 with my strategy. I want to go below 200.

    Also, thanks a lot for the seizes. I really appreciate it.

  6. Since Mekkah is doing Levin x Tiltyu I'll do Levin x Fury. I don't even know how I can do Levin x Tiltyu anyway at the speed I'm going. It's hard to do easy pairings like Lex x Ayra.

    Aideen x Claude

    Bridget x Holyn

    Lachesis x Beowulf

    Aira x Lex

    Fury x Levin

    Tiltyu x Azel

    Sylvia x Dew

    Berserked Hel is a really good idea. I guess I don't need Ichival but I'll try my best to get it anyway. I think I can drop down to 15 turns so I'm going to restart.

  7. Well.. this is lame. I managed to beat chapter 3 in only 18 turns (I think that's really good, I warped Sigurd from Silvail to Madino to save a few turns) but I screwed up badly because I couldn't get the Ichival. It'd take like 10 extra turns. I decided not to get it anyway because it's not really worth 10 turns and Faval isn't that good - but he'd be good for Julius without bothering to get Narga... I'm still disappointed though. That's the second time Aideen's move screwed me over. I'd restart but.. is it really worth it? Ehhh I dunno what to do.

    Edit: I'll restart and think of a strategy to get Ichival with Ethlin and Aideen I guess. rush with Ethlin to Bridget and Return her to the castle where Aideen is. I'll also Return Sigurd to the home castle and warp him to Madino with Aideen once Silvail is captured. It'll save a turn or two.

  8. Just beat chapter 1 in 25 turns. Definitely could've done better but I didn't really plan much. Wasted two or three turns on Jamka and Lex's Hero Axe. Stupid trees. Is it worth restarting? I'll restart if other people have done better.

    Edit: Just replayed and got 23 turns. I don't think I could do better really.

    Aaaand I beat chapter 2 in 29 turns. It's my least favorite chapter in the game so I don't think I'll be restarting and below 30 is good enough for me.

  9. The sleep staff issue could be countered with Barrier Ring + Barrier Sword, perhaps.

    Do they stack?

    But of course, getting her Leg and Knight rings while lowturning wouldn't be practical.

    Oh, you mean Laylea, nevermind.

    Also, just beat the Prologue in 11 turns. I was going for 10 but the boss is annoyingly accurate on my half dead units.. so I didn't bother. 10 is probably possible if you RNG abuse to dodge everything.

  10. Oh crap. It's A? Fire Emblem wikia said B.. Sorry, it is A.

    Claude x Adean is quick and nice at least. I'll go with that then. Now I need to decide Sylvia, Fury and Tiltyu.

    I think I won't pair Sylvia because Levin, Claude and Lex are going to be taken anyway. Charisma might be helpful but Sleep staves could screw Laylea up. Thoughts? Then again I won't be able to pass on the Knight Ring..

    If you guys suggest that Leen get the Leg Ring, then I'll probably pair her with Dew for Bargain. I'd like some insight on that too.

  11. I want to see how well I can do without RNG abuse / save states. So far I'm thinking of these pairings:

    Aideen x Claude for the Rescue Staff in late first gen and early second gen to give Sigurd / Celice a small boost.

    Ayra x Lex for two good, bulky children in Chapter 6. They won't be as useful after that, I think.

    Bridget x Holyn if it's possible but I won't bother if it's not. 44 turns is a lot of time but I don't think it'll take much effort to keep them together. I was thinking of Lex but I'm not sure how useful Patty can be. Faval will always one round things anyway.

    Lachesis x Beowulf for another good but easy pairing. Fin takes too long and restricts him too much.

    I'm not too sure about Levin x TIltyu. Tiltyu comes when Levin is soon to promote and I don't know if I can afford to keep them together and restrict Levin. I also don't know if I'll be able to do Claude x Fury because it takes a good 50 turns. I also think I won't pair Sylvia since I can't think of anyone. Maybe Arden for Ambush + Sleep Sword?

    Also, should I keep the Leg Ring on Celice throughout the second generation or give it to Leen once Celice promotes?

    Thanks for helping.

  12. It's not a big loss. Fury has staves after promotion and should be fucking rich from Thief Sword pillaging. Hell, when I use her, most of what she does in Chapters 4 and 5 is killing bandits and snatching gold. She has plenty of time to sit with Claude in Chapter 3, if one so desires.

    I had a lot of trouble keeping them together because Fury was begging to fly around places, but maybe it's just my playstyle.

    Aira CANNOT be paired with someone else unless you parked them together for too long.

    Lex and Noish have the same rate, other than the conversation they have, which is just 15 extra turns. They have 4.5 chapters to do that and Noish is, well, crap. But I think Lex x Aira might be better anyway because none of the other Lex pairings are any useful for efficiency (I think).

  13. Claude is super disadvantaged in chapters 4 and 5 - and Fury won't have time to go next to him in chapter 3. In chapters 4 and 5, Fury is by far one of your useful units solely because terrain has no affect on her - she's the single unit that can pass through the mountains of Silesia and the Yied Desert uninhibited. For that reason, she's already going to be flying around a lot if you want to clear the chapter as efficiently as possible. She has to stand next to Claud for 50 turns just to pair up with him - in an efficiency playthrough, it seems unlikely that they'll even pair.

    Furthermore, even if you decide to do Noish, then you're not taking full advantage of Fury and you could be losing turns Fury could be spending flying in chapters 3, 4 and 5. It takes around 65 turns for that to happen, and there's a chance he might already be paired with Ayra if you pair Lex with someone else.

  14. Bridget x Lex for Elite and high def Patty.

    Bridget x Holyn for Luna Patty and high sword rank unpromoted.

    Noish x Fury for combat god Fee and Charge / Critical Sety.

    Claude x Fury for Fee and Sety that are good with staves and that can one round stuff anyway.

    Lachesis x Azel for high magic and strength Delmud and Nanna, which means she can heal even better.

    Lex x Tiltyu for Ambush + Wrath Tinny and Arthur. A lot of one hitting stuff going on.

    Noish x Ayra if you haven't tried. Probably the best pairing for Lakche and Skasaha if you give Lex to someone else, which you probably should.

    Lex or Ardan x Sylvia for Ambush + Sleep Sword Leen in the Arena. Who cares about Corple?

  15. If they have the facts to back it up and can show it in actual playthroughs, then yes, Arthur is that good.

    You said no one is trying to elevate him to godlike status.. I dunno what that has to do with what I said.

    Also, if Celice is participating then it's not a solo playthrough, even if the unit in question is capable of soloing.

    I didn't literally mean solo. It's a way of showing the favoritism he receives by saying solo.

  16. Would you please stop saying this? It lost meaning after you first said it, and you continue to state this. Nobody cares at this point.

    Why do you think everyone keeps ignoring you? You're just repeating everyone's opinion over and over. It's not easy to reply to several people at the same time. Please don't waste our time.

  17. You're comparing everybody to Arthur. Arthur still has backup, even if they're not all they can be.

    Well, Arthur doesn't need to kill everything ever. I seem to recall a topic a while back about base level Shanan's offense in the final chapter and how ridiculous it is. You can solo the final chapter with those three units. Not to mention that Arthur can OHKO Ishtar with a Wrath crit at like 80% accuracy without Charisma. The Dark Warlords are honestly a joke, you can just park Arthur in the forest to the west of Barhara and face a maximum hit rate of something like 25%, and he can kill them all. In fact, some of them will even refuse to attack him because their hit rates are so low.

    Why would I want enemies to attack someone like Delmud or Skasaha and waste EXP on them, when I can just ORKO them with Aless, Arthur, or Celice? I'm not getting any lower turns by spreading my resources and EXP as thinly as possible.

    Regardless, if Arthur can solo a part of a map efficiently without harming the team to an extreme point (as Mekkah pointed out), why bar him from doing it? Favoritism is part of what makes some good characters reach peak performance. This is why we give Leg Rings to Celice instead of Hannibal. Or even certain kill experience. Yes, they all are tied with a cost, but in cases such as Arthur's he makes up for most of it. There isn't many units that can really brag being close to Arthur's performance.

    And that's why it's a good thing that Arthur, when mounted, can get so far ahead with Holsety, so he can rid the field of these ranged enemies for Celice to proceed and not have his movement hindered.

    Sounds like almost a solo to me. I'm not even comparing everybody, I even listed characters that would make a good team.

    Listen, I'm comparing playstyles. I'm comparing giving Arthur almost everything instead of spreading resources evenly.

    Listen, nobody is trying to overrate Arthur or elevate him to godlike status

    I agree that Arthur is a top tier unit, but I heard some to the contrary.

    From here Arthur just proceeds to be nearly invincible, and a failsafe mounted kill on pretty much everything.

    Sounds almost godly to me.

  18. Or is it "favoritism" to Physic Arthur?

    I didn't say that. People here indicated that Arthur was going to basically solo the game with Celice and I simply said that other units should be used for this reason.

    As to the final, the last thing you're evidently failing to consider is that Arthur is not getting every single resource in the game.

    I never said that either. Let me quote what you said before:

    Yes, you can spread the wealth. If you give Holsety to Sety, the Pursuit Ring to ...Patty?, the Magic Ring to ...hell, Lana or something and the Bargain Ring to I guess Shanan? then you'll have a good squad that, all told, is better than Arthur alone.

    You're agreeing with me. I've been debating for giving around stuff in the first place. Why are you bothering to reply against me now?

    In short, Arthur getting the lion's share of the kills doesn't stop you having a rest of the team.

    Of course not, but if your team is weaker, you won't be able to clear the entire arena as often, you won't be able to one round enemies as often, you'll take more damage and dodge less often..

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