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Everything posted by PurpleDoom

  1. I agree. While I did say earlier I wouldn't be surprised if supports were in the game, if the game really does keep 50% true to the original, I wouldn't be surprised if it lacked them either. And to be honest, on Affinity I was just commenting on my idea of the probability. I don't really give a shit about Affinity.
  2. Well, FE is mostly single-player, and usually games oriented towards single-player have bad multiplayer. Still, if they made good enough maps, then even 20/20 team face-offs could be interesting...
  3. FE endings aren't typically epic. In the average FE two-game saga... Game that comes first chronologically: Has ending that previews/foreshadows next game Game that comes second chronologically: Resolves main conflict that often is started by events in first game No epicness needed.
  4. i also have the kind of mentality that says "The lower level they start, the better they'll end up being." which is usually true, with the exceptions of a couple characters (i.e. Pent. still prefer Nino tho)
  5. hmm. ill give that a try sometime, i usually dont use shinon because i dont like him. however, low bases can make a unit hard to train when you actually need to train them...
  6. Considering how Laguz usually turn out for me, this should be fairly easy. Herons: In a chapter with unlimited turns, Rout all enemies, spam your Heron's chants until they're level 40, then you have an effectively permanently changed team. On Volug being hard to train because of Wildheart... Part 1 Endgame: Spam Jarod. Just make sure you have lots of Olivi Grass, Vulnerarys, and Concoctions.
  7. My opinion on tiers. Anyone who says Shinon is even CLOSE to Rolf is just... wrong. I compared their stats at level 2 Sniper and Rolf was vastly superior.
  8. Why would Herons need a mastery skill? They can't fight and they have all the healing/affliction abilities one needs.
  9. never said it wasnt fun, its just that once you have every character, its not the most boring-relief single-player experience.
  10. this tactic + chapter 8 = fail. you have to think at least a little there
  11. LOL @ THIS TOPIC. i feel sorry for you. ive been single all my life and i feel sorry for you. but still... LOL @ THIS TOPIC.
  12. *equips flame shield* i think Collette is kinda cute... i dont mind flat girls Sheena wins tho... *ninja* PS: i dont actually remember if Sheena is the assassin that wears purple on the front cover. if im thinking of the wrong person, inform me, because the girl with the above description is who im thinking of anyways, ToS ftw.
  13. if that game wasnt fake, thatd be awesome, but seriously, wtf is with the cover? what is that on the cliff??? it looks like a semi-human Ooocoo wearing a jacket! if it were real, it would be in the TP saga. console Zeldas are usually defined by graphics, and that looks like TP. NOTHING like WW, although i have a feeling that the concept involved the flood which leads to Wind Waker... but combining that with the graphics style = failure. actually, that is the name of a valuable item he obtains, identical in purpose to the Ocarina. his title is the Hero of Winds.
  14. im stuck on Expert Career in GH3... cant beat the seeker <_< im waiting for GHWT to come out, and on Rock Band, the only advantage Rock Band has for me are the three songs from Indestructible, and thats not enough to make me buy it rather than just make a friend download it Disturbed FTW.
  15. heh... no idea what id do with a death note. not much considering im a pacifist and anti-death penalty, and if that notebook corrupted me to a high enough degree... the US would be in a state of anarchy, and the NRA would be annihilated
  16. Fireman... i know how you feel. i have nothing to do. at all. every day. as a matter of fact today, another forum i went to malfunctioned, none of the websites i checked have an update, my friends JUST started signing on AIM, and i dont feel like playing video games. i hate boredom. btw, playing SSB is not a cure for boredom... every time i try that i play for like 5 minutes
  17. that happens all the time. im failing horribly at a chapter, take a break, go back to it the next day, and pwn it.
  18. Deghinsea = Fun. VERY fun. if it would have followed the trial map tradition of unlocking the Final Boss... Ashera = Death to all who oppose you.
  19. I alternate every playthrough. Tower of Valni... after he gets to Level 20 Wyvern Lord, the only thing that will be able to hurt him is magic... and that will hurt him big time. AKA my cormag, after getting to 20/20, had 4 RES.
  20. PoR BK battle was epic. I had a terrible Ike on my first playthrough, so I ran, although a friend of mine confirmed that Ena can be better than Nasir if you devote a lot of training time with her. I won on my later two playthroughs, using the aforementioned Aether and Miracle combo (Miracle almost never works tho...)
  21. since Laguz get to level 20 but cant promote after that, they have higher growth rates than Beorc, so that when they get to level 20 they are still effectively 20/20 second tiers (often higher, since laguz have higher caps as well), so Mordecai getting +2 HP is quite common.
  22. Ike is usually level 20 by then. I usually rout the map except for the ravens, then I weaken them down with high-defense units (Gatrie) or ranged units (Rolf, Soren), then when they have low health, I use Astrid to eliminate them. Ravens arent really that tough, just annoying on chapters like that because of their mobility.
  23. every single strategy guide ive read for Fire Emblem has been horrendous (not counting online... I always use SF for strategy)
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