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Brother of Metal

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Everything posted by Brother of Metal

  1. After a summer of arthurian gacha luck, I started getting pretty much every unit I wanted in very few pulls, so I'm right now getting close to 900 f2p orbs ready to be used: -Red: don't have any of them but I'm not actively seeking more red swords (and I'm fine with just BIke instead of the regular one), plus I'm still salty about the many orbs I wasted trying to get Celica back when I didn't have any decent red mages and didn't know yet how much I was gonna dislike her in SoV, and SoV in general. Then again, they may be nice units to have around. -Blue: avoid like the plague. Not really interested in Caeda or extra copies of the OC, even less so with big bro hiding in the bushes with a giant carrot getting ready to lunge at me. I love you Xander, but I love you more with Siegfried in hand. -Green: now we talkin'. My boy Hector is one of the few units I haven't managed to get that I really want (DC fodder is a plus too), and I also want as many bunnies as I can get for merges. Dunno what to do about natures, though. My current unmerged Bunnilla is +Def/-Spd, and does great with Blade+ for general use and Raven+ for arena. Just hope Deirdre doesn't spook me more than once. -Colorless: BLyn merges are fine, don't have Bridelia so that's fine too, and I won't get too angry at just one Genny as Wrathful Staff fodder, but if I get more than one I'm setting her hair on fire. So, all in all, I think I'm gonna pull every color but blue at first, then go hard at green until I'm satisfied. Not interested in saving for Christmas Tharja, but I want to keep a healthy amount of orbs in case CYL Hector and CYL Camilla happen down the line, considering what the chatty owl said.
  2. I liked Maeshima's art ever since his Book of Bantorra designs back in the day, he somewhat resembles Kozaki in some aspects. Loved his Xander and Camilla renditions too. Not bothered by exposed skin on Loki. What bothers me is that she seems really generic, your run-of-the-mill sultry sorceress like the Sonias, Aversa and so many others in different franchises. Camilla's design, as sexual as it is, aside from originality it also has a clear direction in resembling a dom outfit to illustrate her assertive, dominating personality. Loki on the other hand feels token-ish and mold-made.
  3. I wonder if some attacks not only have different damage multipliers, but also use different stats in the calculations. Say, for example, do Celica's specials use Mag in any way or are they purely Str-based despite looking like magic? Same goes for other specials or combo attacks from other hybrid units.
  4. At A-rank, when Corrin initiates a dual warrior special with Camilla, sometimes they have a different dialogue where she asks him/her to bathe together after the fight. What I found most amusing is that with english VA he tells her to focus, while with the original japanese VA he says "n-n-neesan!" in a very flustered tone.
  5. I need that dolls illustration in higher-res, because it's amazingly cute. Can't help but think that Veronica is holding Lyn like that because Rein has direthundered her away and Lucina is next in line after Ninian dances him.
  6. In gameplay terms, not really interested in more infantry right now. Character and art-wise I like them well enough, but not "spend orbs" enough. Free cool-hat-boy will have to suffice, while I keep hoarding for the 8% banner, Christmas and future CYL shenanigans. Used the free pull on green for axe mememan, but no luck. So, unable to supervise her husband, I hope nothing bad happens to Natalie.
  7. This kind of sweeping changes usually brings new problems, but the weapons and units affected by this were so on the underpowered side that I'm fine with it. If for some reason something that overshadows the Lynhardt dictatorship emerges, I'd be more than fine (and amused) with it. And more importantly, I prefer altering balance this way than the previous one of adding new things without directly fixing the underlying problems.
  8. Well, after a long time of lurking, and given that my current job gives me quite a bit of free time, I decided to finally partake in the discussion. The ongoing nature of FEH and the need to keep up to date also helps. FE fan (like a couple others here, right?) since Blazing Sword (again, what a surprise), but I have played all of them one way or another. Currently enjoying Warriors. So, hello guys and belated thanks for all that info I've taken from here over the years!
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