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Everything posted by anniec8711

  1. Hmm, I notice you always greet new female members but never new male members. Interesting . . . Gotta spread the love. Don't be so selective
  2. Beating FE7 is nothing to sneeze at! Great job! Have you tried FE6? That game will surely give you a run for your money. Anyways its awesome to have you and I hope you have yourself a great time here!
  3. anniec8711


    Welcome aboard, and have yourself a great time here! I wouldn't worry too much about language. So many people from all over the world here, which adds to this diverse community. In terms, of language don't worry about it. I understand you fine.
  4. Now I'm beginning to see what @joshcja was talking about. Naga help me . . .
  5. Chapter 11 gives you a Seal Speed Ninja and Armored Blow/Lunge Samurai. Also Chapter 16 has an Adventurer w/ Seal Strength and Seal Defense. And what about Haitaka or Kumagera?
  6. THE ZAK ATTACK! Welcome aboard and do enjoy yourself!
  7. Calm the hell down dawg, let the guy have fun.
  8. Marty the Party! Welcome aboard and have yourself a great time!
  9. You never watched the movie Friday with Chris Tucker and Ice Cube? Now you guys are making me feel really old Fair enough. And to answer the above . . . Niles? WCWY see as a high school history teacher?
  10. Felicia. WCWY want to say "bye" to?
  11. Hello and welcome! Just have fun and be yourself.
  12. (Going to assume you mean Conquest) Use capturables, though that would require using Niles. You can ditch him once you captured all the enemies you want. So many good ones to choose from but here is a core list of can't miss captured units. You have to be at least on Hard Mode to get these guys, and any Lunatic exclusive ones will be specified. Chapter 9 - Haitaka Chapter 11 - Samurai w/ Armored Blow, Lunge (Lunatic Only) Chapter 11 - Ninja w/ Seal Speed (Lunatic Only) Chapter 13 - Kumagera Chapter 16 - Adventurer w/ Seal Strength, Seal Defense (Lunatic Only) Chapter 16 - Heroes w/ Armored Blow or Darting Blow (Darting Blow ones are Lunatic Only) Chapter 17 - Master Ninja w/ Movement +1, Grisly Wound, Locktouch, Poison Strike (Lunatic Only for Grisly Wound) Chapter 18 - General w/ Warding Blow, Wary Fighter Chapter 23 - Rallyman! (4 rallies on Lunatic, only 2 on Hard) Chapter 23 - Spear Masters w/ Amaterasu + 3 Rallies (3 rallies on Lunatic, only 1 on Hard; the ones next to Hinata) Later Chapters offer a diverse selection of enemies with staff access. Can't go wrong with a Falcon Knight or Onmyoji. Chapter 20 does offer Priestesses and Great Masters to choose from too.
  13. Quit bashing other people's music. Otherwise you'll get this thread closed like the religion thread 60
  14. Got a Corrin up for you! My Castle address is: 06902-89667-08522-85918 Level 12 Diviner w/ Trample as its unique skill. Nohr Prince and Diviner class skills are also included. Please let me know when you get him. Hope this helps! And always remember you have friends here!
  15. I don't know what you're accomplishing by posting about someone's heart attack (and blaming one of the mods for it). Stuff like that is better off staying private among close friends and family, and not being broadcast on a public forum among strangers. Just my take on it. 13
  16. 33. Watch porn at your desk 34. Put all your hours on your timesheet as OT hours.
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