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About riperkz

  • Birthday 11/11/1999


  • Member Title
    Heir of Perkhelm

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  • Interests
    Games, Books, and Creating Stories
  • Location
    The Wild West

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Shadows of Valentia

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  • I fight for...
    Order of Heroes

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  1. Hey everyone, I recently picked up my copy of Fates again because I wanted to mess around with Bond Units because I always found them fun to build up. However, I had something weird happen with a BU i just got. As far as I can tell, nobody's managed to find a solution to the BUs losing their base class when reclassed. But when I slapped an Ebon Wing on her, she didn't lose her base Cavalier class. I reset the game to see if it would happen again, which was apparently a mistake, because I can't get it to happen again. I'm boggled, because I didn't even think it was possible for them to retain the base class. I'm desperately trying to get this to happen again, because I'd love to have more variety in building up BUs, but I've got no clue what changed to make the class stick that one time. I'm running out of ideas to reproduce this, so I'm reaching out to see if anyone else knows about this. It would be a big help!
  2. Well, I was curious as to why they took the banner in the direction in they did as well, so I did a bit of research. If you read up on the wiki for Valentine's Day, the LA banner shares many similarities with the values that shaped the holiday and how was celebrated before the 18th century. Even if it doesn't fit with the modern commercialized version of the holiday, it fits fairly consistently with the roots of the tradition.
  3. I just cleared floor 100 and I am actually astounded. I. Have no words. I’m not even mad. Well played IS, well played. You got me good.
  4. That does indeed make more sense. Just couldn't think of a better term. Maybe "Owl coop" so Feh has a better place to sleep than just a stick.
  5. I don't exactly understand why people are against the Sleep Advancement system. I imagine it would work somewhat like the Poke-Palago from Sun and Moon. If I were to implement it myself, it'd probably work like this: In the castle/town builder you can make certain facilities used to harvest various resources (I'd assume there's also more to do in the town but I haven't the faintest of what they are). Something along the lines of Mines for refining stones, Colosseum for arena medals, Hen house for feathers(?) and so on and so forth. Once the area is built, you can assign a team of up to four units to go in and harvest materials in the background. You can't use units while they're harvesting, but the incentive to use your stronger units is that they have a higher harvest rate. Let's say... 4 Star units can get 1.5X as much materials that a 3 star can collect, and 5 stars can get 2x as much as a 4 star can. You can choose how long you leave units harvesting, anywhere between 8-24 hours. The longer you leave them, the more materials they can collect. If you leave a team of 3 stars in the Colosseum for 8 hours, they can collect 16 medals in total, four for each of them. Leave them there for 12 hours, and they collect 30. Leave em' in there for 24 hours and you get 70 medals. If you left full team of five stars in there that would be a whopping 210 medals for absolutely no work at all. Looking at it now, there's no way that we'd get that much for free, but I hope you get the idea. I'm pretty sure that you don't have to leave the game closed for a long time to get any effect out of it. But I'm assuming everyone here sleeps at least a bit, and if you plopped some heroes into the mines while you sleep, it's never unwelcome to wake up to a few materials imo.
  6. Thanks for the warm reception! I'll see you guys around.
  7. I have to agree with the overall disappointment about bonus unit. The final map had me hoping for Emmeryn, but I guess I should have known better. I have to say though, I'm just glad that we're getting the TT at all. I enjoy the act of throwing a team through multiple maps, and it's something to do in the game, so the entertainment factor beats out the disappointment in my case.
  8. If I sat and thought about it, my list for characters I'd like added to the game would probably grow by the minute, but a few off the top of my head would be: -Awakening: Emmeryn and Walhart -Echoes: Forsyth, Rinea, and Rudolf -Blazing Blade: Lowen, Kent, and Erk These all seem like they could be fun additions to the game, in my opinion.
  9. I've been a lurker for a while, but finally made a profile so I could converse with everyone. So, without further pause, this is my first greeting to everyone. I look forwards to talking with you all!
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