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About Nivek

  • Birthday 05/15/1991

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  • Interests
    The Video Games, The Music(Salsa and J-music),
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. That is why seeing the game was so familiar, still wonder what was Atlus whole issues with the concept...Seems Nintendo got something they don't want to cancel as Wii U have so little games....better a persona 4 port or remake would have been better
  2. That this will be a long game, meaning a lot of weapon levels, maybe the plus are the academy bonus or 'personal/prefered' weapon ones?
  3. I think the pro and cons will be the characther themselves as customization kill chances either house be more unique(each with a different specialization) but seems Black Eagles will be canon as they are pushing hard Egedl as the main waifu
  4. After fates make us pay for other routes...we will get a limited route splitting, in tactics ogre term, if academy was chapter 1, each house is chapter 2-3 and all converge for a mega chapter 4, all little and limited unlike fates, IS is very cheap nowadays
  5. There will be a limited 'route choosing' as choose your future nation and help against all other two and evil church(tm) like fates 'invading hoshido to save hoshido' style twist, less harsh previous game but will face your other students and will be climaticThere will be a limited 'route choosing' as choose your future nation and help against all other two and evil church(tm) like fates 'invading hoshido to save hoshido' style twist, less harsh previous game but will face your other students and will be climatic
  6. What about Niles? we've homosexual characthers since thracia, that is asking for thing already happened, modern gamers just disgust me
  7. For a game about performing arts, not getting a mirage based on FE dancer was a massive mixed oportunity, the agent lady could have been the dancer or Tsubasa herself even.
  8. Part of me want to belive...or he could be the true MC(with the other being route exclusive characthers) as they're harkening hard to Echoes style.
  9. I would want a real crossover, seems Heroes pulled the idea better now in that front.
  10. At the end of the time...nope this game perfomed well as there were not RPG not name Xenoblade on WII U but at the bottom Line...this game was the worst choice possible for a crossover and the final product ailed for that, should have been an original IP when idols were introduced, since them all FE cameos are whimsical at best, just a contract condition at worst, is like atlus collapse of ideas midway and just make the worst of two worlds, seems this game ailed when they moved all the energies for persona 5, that is this is Persona 4.5 That a true crossover. This game performed as best as Atlus send it to die and still overperfomed.
  11. Just saw it was your birthday today. Assuming you're the same Nivek from AH.com, I love your TL.

  12. Happy Birthday!!! (again)

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