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Everything posted by Nivek

  1. Excellent work TheEnd , we always apreciate your contributions as translator, Arigatou Gozaimasu to Manga desu. Ands yes... this Explain a lot about the infamous 'Cellica Cane'...
  2. Hey i'm remeber you from the extinct FESS Forum and the Original Geneologist nigthmare(in fact i'm still have that pacth is some place) and you make now a new version(more crack of the original), well i will try it(the original was a little hard for me thanks to the axe and the change holy weapons), well thanks for the hack.
  3. NoA will released the game, Possibly for Xmas Seasons(is I'm Belived because Marth Popularity and the season of sales, NoA will gain a great Income) or rather that will launch on Spring(February, March) of 2009(NoA will reprograme the game change some Mechanism and lower the dificult, and do the wi-fi system for America) the onyl secure for me, nintendo don't do no release is game in america(Mother 3 was a serious mistake and i think NoA is no so Stupid for repeat that mistake) Sorry for my bad english
  4. Hello, Well i put this post for this someone can give me all the scrip of Book 2 Of FE3, VicentASM you're one of the traslator of the game can you give me or someone instead, please it's for a favor. Wait Aswer
  5. VicentASM. I'm Forgot for ask the video permission for put in another forum but i did it, and the game is kindra Good, expecto fro 7/8/8 for the lauch, and you don't se the another trailer with figures like Chess, I like and will be probable Nintendo lauch the figures like a colector pack, what think here Sorry for my ban English
  6. Please call down a little, its topĂ­c lose the sense, the question is the fire emblem(medallion o shield,, i don't remeber so good) will be the marth promotion item(marth will promoted unlike the originals games[FE1 and FE3]) or a especial item with help marth to figth again manakutes(in the original games the Fire Emblen made marth more useful) but marth promotes, don't make the game more easy(the lord will be better stast and more indepentable)
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