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Diovani Bressan

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Everything posted by Diovani Bressan

  1. Elincia: Lost Princess is another good choice for the Red color. She didn't appear in any Legendary Banner yet. Also, I believe we will have the CYL 2 units starting on october's banner. Two months is a enough time for them to rest in the normal summoning pool, before becoming a focus unit again.
  2. That's a thought that we share, especially staff units. Since the game's launch, we got 8 staff users, but one of them is a seasonal unit (Bride Lyn), and one of them is a enemy unit (Loki). I still believe that colored bows were responsible for not having at least one more colorless Legendary Hero.
  3. He has Atk/Spd Bond and Infantry Flash, but I would prefer to merge him.
  4. Oh, ok. I didn't play Genealogy too. Yes, he is also a possibility because his promoted class has access to staves... as well as Corrin as a Hoshido Noble. If we go for popularity, Corrin would win this battle. What I am trying to say is: there are good choices for colorless heroes. Leif is a good candidate and he can be chosen if IS consider a hero from Genealogy/Thracia, but I don't believe he is one of the main names as staff unit. I believe he will have more chances as a Sword, Lance or Axe unit than a Staff unit.
  5. I didn't play Thracia 776. Leif can use a dagger, staff or bow, or is related to any of this type of weapons? If not, she can get over him for choice as a colorless hero.
  6. I am really enjoying Legendary Marth. He is so fun to use. I am using him in a Tactic Team, with Bride Ninian, Legendary Lyn and Titania.
  7. For me, Ylgr is basically the Maria/Mist/Lissa/Sakura/Elise from Nifl, so I expect her to be a staff user, and I believe she can be a legendary hero like her sisters. She is a possibility for the Novermber's banner.
  8. Three Norns... Three weapons... A Axe, a Sword and maybe a Lance... Weapon Triangle... MIND BLOWN!
  9. That's would be funny! Too bad we can vote for Masked Marth anymore.
  10. I am sure IS will not give us 2 Mystery of the Emblem units in a row. Maybe in the future, but not know. Eirika has a mounted mage (Mage Knight) version, so why not Light Tome Lilina? It's not a bad idea... Although, she would be the 3rd Blazing Sword hero... Micaiah is a good choice, but I don't like the idea of Legendary Heroes that share the same weapon their normal versions have. I would accept a alt for Thani. I don't know... Radiant Thani, Dawn Thani... anything... Corrin is also a good choice. I prefer the Hoshido Noble costume, but any version of her (or him) could work. A Legendary Dancer Songstress would be cool. She could have the Spectrum dance (like PA!Azura and Flying Olivia), but also Spectrum Drive (like Marth). She could have Drive Renewal as exclusive skill, because in Fates Azura has a personal skill called "Healing Descant", which heal 10% of HP of allies in 2 spaces. Ragnarok is a fire type magic, so if Celica receive a Legendary Hero version with Omega Ragnarok, she should be red. She can have Seraphim. But... it's too early for another Celica. 3 alts in the same year is too much. Berkut as Legendary Hero? Nah. I believe there are better choices for Legendary Villain Hero. I am not saying Berkut is a bad character, but there are others villains... And a Legendary Berkut before a Legendary Alm or Celica? Nah.
  11. I would like to have more copies of Legendary Marth for merges, but I don't have more orbs. Maybe I can use the orbs from September's quests and Grand Conquest. At least I know he will be available in December. A good amount of time to get orbs. I hope there are not any banner that gets my attention (a banner with Brave Veronica would make me spent orbs).
  12. What I tried to say is, with the refinement, she would lose her Smoke Panic effect and get the Chill Panic effect (like Alfonse losing the Defiant to get Brazen). With Chill Panic, she doesn't need to enter in combat to apply the panic effect on foes, and in Emblem Teams she can apply the panic effect in all foes if all have the buffs. Of course the promotion from Smoke Panic to Seal/Smoke Panic would fit her well too. I was just trying to give her a unique roll, so the Brade tome would not be the first tome considered to her.
  13. Ike, Hector and Robin are returning in September, so blue is the only color for a Legendary Hero.
  14. In the update for Book II, the weapon refinery and the Legendary Hero type were introduced. Maybe for Book III, a way to increase the level (merges) of the original characters can be introduced. With this, having a single Veronica/Bruno would no be weird. And I agree with you about their weapons. I can see Bruno's tome (Valaskjálf) receive a Vantage 3 effect after the refinement, and a Stance skill as extra effect. Veronica would be a great candidate for Chill Panic with her tome's refinement, so she would be a unique green tome unit.
  15. The -Spd can be nullified with the +3 Spd from Exalted Falchion, so he will have 36 Spd (his neutral spd without the weapon).
  16. For some reason, I am not sure Book III will keep the Nifl Vs. Muspell story. I believe Surtr will be defeated in Book II, but Loki will continue alive for Book III. There is also King Gustav, mentioned in Book II - Chapter 3. He can be a recurring character in Book III. I can see or Veronica or Bruno as a reward type for completing Book II.
  17. I would love to have a Legendary Hero banner with only Legendary Heroes (3 for each color), but it will not happen... at least so soon...
  18. I would like Ylgr to be the colorless hero in November. We need more original playable characters. From all original characters introduced in the game, we only have 6 playable original characters, and one of them is a alternative version (Brave Veronica). Maybe until November we had already discovered that Ylgr with the heroes is a fake one, and we get the true Ylgr. That's what a believe. (about the false Ylgr) Edit: There are Spring Alfonse and Spring Sharena, but they are alternative versions.
  19. If we consider the results of CYL 2, Camilla and Eirika are possible candidates for CYL 3 in the female side, while Marth and Alm are possible candidates for CYL 3 in the male side. Of course we don't know what are the vote from players who voted for the CYL 2 winners or what can happen until the CYL 3 that change people's votes, because we can have others alts that negatively affect the characters the same way Eirika was affected this year. Even with a Legendary Hero form, I will vote for Marth. I would love to see a CYL version of another original character. If IS doesn't make Hríd a playable character this year, he will probably be a good candidate because most of people like his design. Other thing that influenced Veronica's votes was IS show us the current votes in the middle of the event. When this happened, Veronica was in 4th or 5th place. This made me use and final votes for her.
  20. Thanks to the Marth's LHB and Robin's LHB on Lunatic and Infernal that I didn't complete last time, I had enough orbs to get a Legendary Marth. He is +Spd -Def, which is good. 42 Spd without buffs is a great thing, and I can make him work with his 29 Def. Binding Shield is a good skill to have, but I will also give him Renewal 3 as his secondary skill set.
  21. Attack without getting countered, debuff the enemy and buff the allies. Brave Veronica is a great unit! For F2P players, she is the best choice as free summon in the CYL 2.
  22. The combo Brave Veronica and Gunnthrá worked pretty well for me. Fjorm was used to defeat most of the mages. I tip is to get rid of Marth as soon as possible. I defeated him in the 3-4 turn, using my Marth with Swordbreaker, Steady Breath and Aether.
  23. I took one month to get a 3* copy of normal Marth to merge to my +9 Marth and make him a +10 unit... I got 4 normal Marth in this banner... I curse you, IS!
  24. I used normal Marth, Fjorm, Brave Veronica and Gunnthrá on Infernal. I didn't try Abyssal yet, but I am not sure if I will be able to win...
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