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Everything posted by Modamy

  1. Radiant Dawn's a rare exception in that case. The game's so rout heavy toward the end that having extra movement doesn't really help. In most other games seize and defeat the boss are the primary mission types so units with more move excel vastly over knights and even in defense maps mounts will still out perform knights because of there all around higher stats whereas knights who specialize in defense and strength will be unlikely to one round enemies and serve a little more than walls. Cavs will just run all over taking out everything in sight.
  2. The domination that mounted units have had over this series has always bugged me. It feels like since at least Genealogy they've always been the absolute best choices in the game. Between canto, multiple weapon types, and overall balanced and high stats mounts make everyone else irrelevant. No other class lines or unit types like armors have any inherent abilities that allow them to compete with these guys and IS has done nothing to nerf mounts or buff other units that actually makes a difference. I really hope FE Switch does something with other classes to give them an edge over mounts. Also in Radiant Dawn I believe all cavaliers and fliers received a two move penalty on the indoor maps along with an inability to climb ledges. It was a step in the right direction but a lot of design choices in Radiant Dawn just stayed in Radiant Dawn. I also kind of felt like they weren't as over powered in the game since the back half of it was mostly routs; I mean whats the point of having more movement when all the enemies run at you themselves.
  3. I agree that a lot of FE stories are filled with flaws but I don't really think any of the games should escape criticism just because another game shares those flaws.
  4. Well that's good to know. Thank you.
  5. Thank you and hello to you to. Awakening's a game I liked and then soured on only to grow to love it because of how much love for the series as a whole the developers put into it. It's certainly not perfect but considering the situation of the series at the time I can forgive a lot of it's faults. I'm currently playing through Thracia 776 and it's making me rethink how I play Fire Emblem as I realized I was starting to rng abuse to get through chapters rather than making actual strategic decisions. The difficulty is pretty enjoyable; it's not a cakewalk but it's not the ball busting experience of Conquest so I would recommend giving it a try if your fine with using emulators
  6. Well this is embarrassing. I didn't actually see this thread and just started posting in other topics without introducing myself. Well anyways, I was introduced to the series with Awakening and I went on to play most of the other games in the series. The only ones I ahven't played are 1, 3, 5 (Working on it), and Revelations (Just turned off of it). I was hesitating to join but now that I have I am eager to talk with other people about Fire Emblem.
  7. Just finished the newest boss and have come to the conclusion that this is a really unfun song to play a rhythm game to.
  8. I agree, I've never really liked how Fire Emblem has just added a bunch of classes that just seem to be really pointless Frankenstein-esque mishmash of other classes. It feels like some just said "How about we fuse some classes into one?" without any actually thought as to what their role in the game would actually be. Fire Emblem was what introduced me to strategy games as a whole and as I've played more Fire Emblem and other strategy games I've just come to the conclusion that Fire Emblem really bad at balancing it's classes and the introduction of so many pointless classes in Fates is just proof of that. The games just do a poor job at giving every class a role that only they can do and now they've just decided to throw that out and let people customize units to do whatever they want.
  9. It's always seemed like hybrid units work out the best in games with generally low res enemies since it won't take a lot of magic to deal decent damage to them. In a game like fates where enemies have good def and res gaining physical or magic after a promotion when you used to focus in only one doesn't help since you're going to continue doing the best damage with what you were already using. In games with better def and worse res gaining magic could actually help you chip some bulky opponents, but these classes with no real focus end up being pretty worthless for anything other than their skills.
  10. I think the only other way a story promotion would work out for everyone is if the lord was entirely a support unit. Like a dancer or staff user. I mean what harm is there in having their stats locked when they aren’t a combat unit?
  11. Well of course it should be based on the instances where it worked rather than where it didn't and from what other posts are saying it's pretty much only Ike's that worked. Though I think that the lord's promotion should be some impact when the lord promotes since they are the main character and not like with Chrom where he can just promote 10 chapters into his game. It really just depends on two factors; when it happens in the story and if the lord can reasonably reach it in time. Ike can reliably one round every enemy that comes at him from 1 range and thus has no trouble reaching level 20 before his promotion. Whereas Micaiah constantly needs to be fed kills because there is no way she is staying out on the front lines and standing up to more than 1 opponent, but even she gets a map and a Gotoh in black armor to assist her in letting her reach level 20.
  12. I really like the new mode and I'm kind of sad it's only temporary. I do wish that they used different music every couple of floors and since they seem focused on Binding Blade that they use the Binding Blade boss theme for the boss battles. Despite this I get the feeling this mode will probably come back using different games as a focus. Also my team are just units I randomly decided to train; Roy (pretty fitting I guess), Marth, Sanaki, and Fae.
  13. I think it really depends on when it takes place in the game. For instance Ike's promotion seems pretty well paced for the average player as it comes at a time when most people have just capped him or have gotten close to capping.Everyone seems to know Roy's is poorly paced.While the main lord suffers it the worst Eliwood and Hector both suffer because of a late promotion. Eliwood pretty desperately needed his mount to be relevant and getting it so late especially when so many people seem to favor giving the first heaven seal to Lyn. Micaiah's forced promotion to tier 2 comes at a pretty decent time but her third tier promotion comes just before entering endgame. For me Micaiah pretty much becomes a staff bot but the fact that her weapon ranks get locked is kind of annoying since it forces me to buy some of the many arms scrolls on sale at that point. All in all I'm not strongly against forced promotions but for them to work out well it depends on the pacing of the game and the ability of the unit to get experience.
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