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Everything posted by ProfImpossible

  1. Good to know good to know. round two! (this might not take as long as i thought)
  2. ...Your music rec is processing...please continue to wait... processing may take up to 3 days and a few calibration songs. Feelings?
  3. 20, always. In my mind, It's not like it's that hard to train anyone to 20, especially if you're making use of arenas. (on the gba, though most of the games have an exploitable factor.) If you want the strongest units possible you need all forty plus possible levels. And why wouldn't you want the strongest? That's my philosophy
  4. That checks out. cool. What's the last band/artist you voluntarily listened to? If the moon was made of spare ribs, would you eat it?
  5. Ah, I see, you must be close to getting your tenure then? 2.) What were/are your thoughts on Idaho? 3.) Would you mind if I recommended a musical artist of some nature to you towards the end of this interview?
  6. Yes, but why does it crunch? coolcool, any games that stuck out you as having exceptional music lately? 4=reference, unimportant 5=me being weird, apologies. 3.) Do you have a set routine you tend to stick to, or do you kinda play each day as it lies? 4.) What made you start going to the forum games section? (your games are some of the best btw) 5.) Have you ever splashed cold water on your face to "refresh" or whatever? Like they do in the movies
  7. Hey, it's me. 1.) What is your favorite type/style of shoe? 2.) What makes french toast crunch? 3.) What kind of music do you like to listen to? 4.) Are you gonna carry that weight? 5.) This is hammer, how does hammer make you feel?
  8. Mostly, yeah. Though for me, the Aniki, and the music also add too it.
  9. Yes. The problem with that is that if it's not done well it makes the game long, over complicated, and boring. And sadly, this Fire Emblem has nowhere the level of charm that Langrisser has. Nah, I agree. A lot of it looks like a whole big bag of no thanks frankly.
  10. Wait a minute... a greater amount of (seemingly) insignificant units on the field, more anime like graphics (though nowhere near as stylish)! Guys, I've got news for you, this is just a Langrissser game.
  11. Wait a minute... a greater number of (probably) insignificant units, more anime like graphics (though nowhere near as stylish)! Guys, I've got news for you, this is just a Langrissser game.
  12. Excuse me, is that smoke coming from your oven?
  13. Because home rules. Whatever happened to the emoji guessing game thread?
  14. 1.) A beginner's guide to butchering meat 2.) A book on human physiology 3.) A carving knife this game is fun.
  15. maybe cause you won't let them. Deep, huh? How come I answer these types of questions?
  16. Cause you don't decide what things are called what. When will I get super powers?
  17. People can't get their frickin' priorities straight Why can't people get their frickin' priorities straight?
  18. Yes. If the police never find it, is it still glue?
  19. When I saw him I thought "this guy is conservatively 80 years old." I would say he's 50s in that picture.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I47floRRAFs If a tree falls in the forest and no one's around to hear it, what's for dinner?
  21. What beats this picture? You guessed it, Frank Stallone.
  22. may·on·naise ˈmāəˌnāz,ˈmanāz/ noun a thick, creamy musical instrument consisting of egg yolks beaten with oil and vinegar and seasoned. Fine, thank you. And you? Is a stool a chair?
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