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Everything posted by sn0w75

  1. Yep, I'm missing some of the names new to FE12, and some enemy names, etc. That was just to cover the playable characters from the original FE3, which I figured would generate the most flamage. ...So apparently we're going with the FE11 translation names! ^.^"""""""" Sorry guys, completely oafed up there. So basically that table is a complete failure for any names that have completely different names in the FE11 translation. -.-" Sheema's/Shiima's/Trololol's name is definitely a hard choice. Maybe just 'Shima' might make a good compromise? Anyway, it's something we'll work out after lots of head banging. ^.^ I'm going to try and address the new names or highly debated names below (sans Trololol-kyun/Sheema): Malliesia- Yeah, '(weird name) gonna play it safe' = trying to get this done, fan translation column's name looks good enough, moving on. ^.^" AKA: I didn't do my best homework on this name (Malliesia). Since that name seems important, I'll do my homework on it now: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/keyword/%A5%DE%A5%EA%A1%BC%A5%B7%A5%A2 ^The katakana マリーシア can stand for Portuguese word "malicia". Therefore, I would highly recommend a translation of "Malicia". It also fits along pretty well with the original japanese pronounciation. Belf-ベルフ->Berufu: First off, Vergil or whatever is a rather weak suggestion. Pronouncing 'Vergil' makes a 'ji' sound, which is nowhere close to the original pronounciation (BE-LU-FU). Also, the 'L' sound is the middle syllable, not the last one. Be->Ve is possible, but probably not what was intended for this name. I found several cases where ベルフ was used in names as 'Bergh' or 'Berg' (not sure what the origin of this name is, Latin/Austrian/German/French?). However, to you all this probably feels closer to 'barf' than Belf. (link) (link) The thing is, you don't pronounce 'Bergh/Berg' as in "Burger". Apparently you pronounce it as something close to 'BE-LU-FU' (I don't know my European languages, sorry). But unfortunately over 50% of readers will read it as in 'Burger'. This one's a tough call. Wollen/Warren - I think Warren was probably the intended name, but Wollen comes closer to the original pronounciation. .... Exhausted, just to show here's a list of the rest of the names I'm going to re-analyze later: Gail/Gile? Claine/Kleine Raiden/Leiden Samto Sheema Torus/Toras? And yes, I made that document using Libreoffice (the new OpenOffice after the OpenOffice open-source community broke ties with Oracle), so if the formatting's weird, I'm sorry. ^.^"
  2. ...... o.0 What the heck happened to the table I set up? ..... -.-""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" UGHHHHH EPIC FAIL k I put the table into a word doc: FE12 name translations.doc
  3. [Removed due to epic failure with using tables on this forum]
  4. As far as I know, this is going to be a 'translation project' in that sense. Unless someone else says something against it, I'll simply be doing a faithful translation of the Japanese text. I can't say I can understand fans who don't feel like at least understanding some of the Japanese used in the game (I feel like you can get a much better feel of characters and their personalities through their manner of speech in the original text, for example). Plus look at translations for series like The Legend of Zelda, where they can't decide if "Yami no Shinden" (闇の神殿) means "Palace of Darkness" (ALTTP) or "Shadow Temple" (OOT), and the reference(s) are completely lost in translation. As a fan, don't you feel like you're missing something important by ignoring the Japanese? That being said, I AM doing the translating, aren't I? >.>" If I wish more people would learn a little Japanese, why am I translating this again? -.-" ^ If it wasn't obvious yet after saying it 3 times, I'll be doing the actual translating of text for this project. よろしく~
  5. sn0w75

    HI all.

    Looks like I'll be doing the translating for the FE12 fan translation. Nice to meet you all~ ^.^
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