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Everything posted by PKL

  1. The problem with Ice Climbers is that Brawl is very defensive, due to the shield mechanics. If they get just one read or you mess up (hey guess what? ssbb players are human too), you lose a stock, period. And that's so bullshit. I want them to return, but I want Sakurai to really test them this time and come up with a way so that no "infinite" chaingrabs work. They could instead be focused on combos from a grab. Much less lethal, but still punishing.
  2. Not to mention that (IIRC) every map after awhile spams mercenaries and sword cavaliers.
  3. Good idea. Yeah, at least Dorothy can hit. Wade is pretty awful, but yeah, he's not nearly as bad as Sophia... Ray would be cool with HM bonuses. 9 base spd kinda sucks though. Though, I think Ray is better than Lot personally. @ Irysa- but Lott is more awful than Dorothy in the longterm...isn't he?
  4. You're not the only one that has no clue on this game's AI. I think the only one that understands FE6 is dondon.
  5. I like to rage about hitrates, sorry. My obsession with detailing everything comes from my screenshot LTC playthroughs. I'll put a poll in a few moments.
  6. Ice, I need you to look at the PM.

  7. Ah, yeah. Also, is my commentary getting better? I felt like Ch1 and 2 were pretty weak.
  8. [spoiler=Chapter 3 Part the 2] Marcus is still almost ORKO'ing everyone <3 Eh EHHHHHH Another one of these lame-o's The Iron Sword broke Roy is so bad Lugh is best armorkiller Shanna takes one of her bosses' swords without permission so that Marcus can use it to finish off this guy It's ok, Deke will kill you. If the RNG isn't lame and he stops missing, that is Elen heals him and she gets rescued away from the action Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Lott can actually hit! ...armors Final enemy of the map is gone It's time for Chad to loot stuff! And Elen gets a nice level So slow I think that would actually get Roy killed, what with Hector having all that armor Bla bla story stuff Wyrmslayer? Dragonpike? Hector NO ;_; RIP
  9. [spoiler=Chapter 3: Late Arrival] Zephiel is such a douchebag. Should've died in Night of Farewells. Brunya is cool. Hector NO ;_; Chad joins. He's useless in combat, but I will use him to loot stuff. Too bad he dies...I wonder how this game would be with a competent lord like hector? Lance is doing amazing! Marcus may be old, but he's still strong! I'm surprised Lance hit those 2 hits with 48 hit. He's the best. That ain't Lucius. Also, I don't get what Lugh is saying about not running away anymore. So, are you gonna do well with speed too? Sheesh. This run has been very kind on the levels so far. I'm not gonna use Allen longterm though. Lance gets another kill with relative ease... Meanwhile, this guy here can't into hitting stuff even with Weapon triangle advantage. And then there's Deke, who cares not for silly things like weapon triangles Then there's Marcus the BRO Elen heals Lance because he needed it I'm a genius, don't you agree? ...yeah, I fail at this game. Deke the mighty weakens this guy in the enemy phase Roy lures this one and weakens him in EP The archer actually missed. I guess i'm not the only one falling victim to high hit misses Wolt chips the soldier Roy lured, so Roy can kill him. I don't trust an 86 anymore in this game, so I decided to use Rapier instead. Lott freaking fails at life Deke is great. Shanna softening up this soldier Ok, whatever. You can both be benched forever. Well, shit...time to improv Lance dodges this soldier but it wasn't neccesary. There's 2 soldiers that I couldn't get rid of though, but I have a plan Chad trades his stuff to Shanna and Shanna to Chad so that they can't counter the first soldier and die (since he has 4 HP) Now I can have Elen heal this useless guy safely so that he doesn't die thanks to the Chad/Shanna wall If they had stayed, I'm pretty sure FE6 would only have 3 chapters. These guys are the worst Chad for best wall This is the first time an FE mercenary does well for me. Marcus recruits Lugh and he gets his first kill Their equipment is back where they should be And Shanna gets a kill L o L He missed one of the Javelin hits The soldier misses Lugh thanks to the forest and Lugh retaliates. Alan actually doesn't double loldiers wtf Shanna gets another kill. She's actually not that hard to use in HM like I was told IMO Lance gets another kill. Elen heals Roy just in case Alan missed this guy SO FAST The soldier missed Lugh again even though Lugh left the forest tile Lance keeps killing everything, holy shit Lugh finishes the loldier off Alan actually doesn't miss this time Deke finishes another guy off Oh yeah, these reinforcements are kinda annoying. They spawn from the east part of the map, where the boss is. It's nothing Lance can't handle though I guess these hits have to happen eventually Oh, right, I'm a pro, so I rescue chain Lugh to the action with Marcus, Wade and Lott Even the best need a heal from time to time! ...I give up. I'd rather not give any more kills to him. Deke and Lance tag team one of the cavaliers and Lance prepares to lure the next wave! Lugh is dropped here so that he can chip the Javelin cavalier... Yeah, I'm still treating this AI like the FE12 one. Derp. Not a bad first level Elen the best. I rescue her with Wolt and had Chad drop her out of range of the Javelin cavalier Lance <3 Lugh gets another kill thanks to Lance Marcus "chip" is best chip I'll keep trying I guess...for now. One more lame level and I won't bother feeding him anymore, though :V Lance weakens another dude for Shanna Lame Since Shanna missed, Wolt had to kill him. WTF @ this level though Lance practices his lance twirling a bit. Oh, look, another above 80 miss. This guy has way too much def to be an earlygame armor. It's kinda lame. Lance doesn't care and just wants to skewer things though. It's funny how the lance is actually penetrating all the armor and looking lethal, but it only does 1 damage. Just.freaking.die.already Yeah, that's more like it. Rescue dropping Lance closer to the action. Marcus reaches C Swords! Oh yeah He has as much speed as Shanna now wtf? Deke ORKOs Fighters, he's kinda awesome I have people rescue Elen and Lugh closer to the action
  10. Cecille! She didn't keep that level though, right? That's lame. Also, good job figuring out that bow strat.
  11. That sucks :/ Also, if you guys know of any other SF members that could enter, give them the link! Spread the word! EDIT: If someone spams the link in IP Chat, that would be great!
  12. Don't jinx it man. Yeah, probably Elen/Saul until the great Niime comes.
  13. [spoiler=Chapter 2: The Princess of Bern] I wish Miledy joined this early. Then she'd wreck the game from the start! I like Gringe's translation. Oh shi- I had Marcus weaken this soldier for Roy to kill. He missed the first killing blow. I missed another 80+ hit. Does this game really have 2RN? I have Elen heal him, I'm not sure if i'm gonna use her longterm, we'll see. Wolt chips this other guy, Bors the useless trades his stuff to Lance and Lance gets the kill Deke and his gang arrive. Deke and Lott will see use, but I'm pretty sure I'll have Wade sitting in the bench forever. I buy 3 Javelins because they're awesome and I might need them. This weapon is like the best thing ever. Some speed would be nice...at least it's better than my usual Roy. And what's up with that 20ish def growth proc'ing twice in a row? Deke softens dudes up with the Iron Sword as good as Marcus. Could've had him ORKO him with Iron Blade but I suck at this game. Marcus stealing a guy's kill. This is relevant...or something. Nah, probably not. I prepare to lure a bunch of guys, but I suck so... Only this guy can actually reach him and attack him. :/ He actually doubled, but he missed. It seems high percent misses will be a thing in this run, huh? Roy gets a kill and Deke ORKOs one of the fighters. Marcus softens this guy so Shanna can get her first kill Lance kills the guy he lures for this level. Speed is always good. Marcus please stop! Another kill is fed to Lance Shanna gets her second kill thanks to Alan I put Marcus in range of the Archer, Fighter and the Merc, but only the Merc moved. Welp I have him chip the archer since apparently he doesn't move... Wolt chips this 7 def (wtf) Mercenary and gets rescued I drop Deke here and move Shanna to the left just in case the archer does move. Well, I'll be damned, he does move :/. Good thing I didn't risk Shanna And despite Lance being in range of the Merc in the south, he goes for Marcus. I don't understand this AI at all. Oh, right, GBA AI cares about Weapon triangle a lot, doesn't it? I think Lance had a lance though im not sure. This guy dies to Deke in one round The archer and merc attacked Deke because I suck and thought they'd for another unit again. I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. Shanna killed the archer and gets a rather nice level I have Marcus chip this prick for Lance I was late to capture Shanna avoiding this Javelin It's time to take on the boss! So I have Elen heal Deke and someone trades him a vulnerary so he can counter him on the enemy phase He missed one of the hits. Also, wtf @ the animation Elen gets another heal and Deke kills the boss for a nice level! I'm so efficient!...not Next chapter we get another one of the picked units! The Banana!
  14. And here I thought Lance would get screwed now or something. It seems I managed to imitate my previous run perfectly in terms of levels. I'll play Chapter 2 soon.
  15. But then we have Marcus with 24 skl and 15 spd
  16. It still messes up the save. This time, it's the stats. Is there any way to fix the save or should I just redo Chapter 1?
  17. Oh, dumb me, I did patch it wrong after all. Patched it again and I gotta say, this is a really really big improvement. Miledy and Rude's conversation in Ch2 actually makes sense! The difference is ridiculous o_o
  18. Whenever I consider we have enough to make a bracket. It might take ages or very little. Don't worry, it won't start during christmas break lo EDIT: Wait, AFTER january? I doubt this will start all the way in February.
  19. Wifi tournament rules: Players that have to play each other in a round, have 1 week (subject to change) to have their matches. They must PM their opponent and set a date/time in that week time limit in which they both can play their matches. Follow the rules below for matches: Double Elimination 4 stock, 8 minutes. Sets are best of 5. Finals are best of 7. Items set to “off” and “none.” Quitting out of a match before it is over will result in a loss for the quitter. If time runs out, the person with the most stock left (or least % if they are equal) wins. If the % is equal as well, play a 1 stock 3 minute match, same characters and stage. If the match goes to sudden death due to a suicide move (Ganon’s side-B, Kirby/DDD’s swallow, holding someone in a grab on a platform as it moves out of the boundaries, etc.), the one who initiated the move wins. Buffer set to off. In the event that the game crashes or the TV/Wii loses power in the middle of a match, that match will be restarted from the beginning with the same characters and stage. If a player uses a known glitch to intentionally crash the game or otherwise make it unfinishable, that player may be forced to forfeit the match or be DQed at the TO’s discretion. No excessive stalling (this includes abusing Jiggs’ Rising Pound and Mario’s Up-B Walljump) Both players may agree to any rule or stage outside the tournament ruleset. Stagelist: For the 1st match, stage strike the starter list in 1-2-2-1-1-2 fashion. After each match, the winner of the previous match bans 3 stages (Players may counterpick a stage that they previously banned in the set, but may not counterpick a stage on which they won). The player who lost the previous match chooses a stage, then the player who won chooses their character, then the player who lost chooses their character. (this must be carried out in the Private Message here on SF) Starters: Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Pokemon Stadium 2 Dreamland (64) Fountain of Dreams Yoshi’s Story (Melee) (singles only) SSE: Jungle (doubles only) Counterpicks: Battlefield Final Destination Smashville Pokemon Stadium 2 Dreamland (64) Fountain of Dreams Yoshi’s Story (Melee) (singles only) SSE: Jungle (doubles only) Yoshi’s Island (Brawl) Lylat Cruise Wario Ware Green Hill Zone Skyloft Skyworld Entrants: PKL Doofina Gcubedude Esaka Golgar MJThom2009 Comet Zukonima Bracket: http://challonge.com/tournaments/bracket_generator?ref=0VZkUoaCuj
  20. Yeah, I used the Apex ruleset for Project M and had to deleted a bunch of offline tournament stuff. I was making a separate thread but had this one open and got confused and posted it in the wrong one derp.
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