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Everything posted by PKL

  1. PKL


    There's nothing wrong with legal pokemon hacking. As long as they have legit stats and both players have access/agree to it, there shouldnt be any problem. Not everyone has the time/patience to grind eggs. It's become easier in gen 6, but stlll requires enough patience and time to be annoying.
  2. [spoiler=The Chapter of Crits Part 2] Lugh best tank. I finally get him to kill something again. Kinda messed up his training earlier hehe. F yeah! Fir is fed another kill thanks to Sue. Getting close to that final level! 64 Crit...OP These were some enemies that appeared near the boss...were Rutger gets toast. Still alive though! Ugh... Broah fed the kill to Roy. That would work...if you could hit him. This is kinda common. He hits the first Light Brand then misses the second always on bosses. Clarine heals him so he has enough HP to tank a Hand Axe crit if neccesary. I buy 2 Fires for Lugh and 2 Heals for Clarine/Saul. I think I also mashed buy on like 3 door keys since theyre so cheap. Rutger hits S Swords. Boss survived since Rutger didn't get the second crit. Getting the level was worth it! Wtf Clarine... Rutger Clarine C get. I like how Rutger only spoke like 2 lines. Yeah, I think he missed twice. I do this precisely because it didn't kill. I don't mind if he does, but I wanted to... Feed the kill to her. Better than the last at least. Lugh bromotes. Dat magic. DAT MAGIC Finally got the Silver Sword. Sold the Goddess Icon and Red Gem with Marcus. Seize. Oh, right, before that Clarine gets a level. And Saul too. He's kinda not cooperating. To the north!
  3. Yeah I definetely want that Whip. I almost forgot Zeiss was a thing. Thanks for reminding me. [spoiler=Chapter 9: The Misty Isles] I had to redo this chapter once because I had a brainderp and forgot Broah recruits Fir, not Roy. This time I made sure I deployed him though. Bla bla, typical bad guy bandit plotting. Elphin = Mildain right? :( She's a freaking Sage with 20 in every stat. She should totally be in the frontlines! Sue wrecked this dude. This seemed like a good idea. Still can't hit, I see. ORKO'd :o ORKO'ing too :o Fir so gullible. NOT SHIN, anyone but SHIN! NO Jerk I wish Fir's exp counted towards Sacae. I wouldnt be worried about which route i end up getting then. Nope... Totes not Sue. Wo Dao is the best. You see those 3 enemies? He kinda owned them all with crits. Was hoping he'd just weaken them for the others but nope. He got a nice level...but that strength... What? That's not even a Shin level. You're the worst! Lugh's offense is mad good. BRO level. There he goes with more def procs over mag lol. Pro strats. Much rescue, such pro. Spd is gooood. I was expecting some Wo Dao action on that mook. I was disappoint... You bring shame to famiry Not bad. Not bad at all. I think I got lucky with her def this time, since last run (when I didnt have Broah deployed) I saw she had 4 def. B bows get! ...What? 67 exp for one kill. Holy... Stupid Shin! He crit Jerrot for the first enemy crit in the run yet. Wow...maybe I've been taking it a little bit too slow...you get the full support for some reason. I think him worrying is justified. You're like the worst in the team. "Your stats blow. Yet" ...that conversation reminded me of Radiant Dawn supports. So generic wtf. I actually to do some rescue drop shenanigans so that Fir could get to Shin in Player Phase. ...yep...I actually tried making Fir talk to him. Thankfully, I didnt press the imaginary talk blindly and saw she could only attack. Then my brain started working and i thought of Sue. Duuuuhhh...she was out of range though. I'm a genius. Shin get. Obligatory comparison pics. Shin has 5 HP, 2 Str and 3 Def on her. Sue has 2 Skl 4 Spd 1 Lck 1 Res and B bows over his D bows. I'm glad I saw this guy thanks to Astore. Otherwise, Zealot might have been in trouble since I had planned to move him THERE. Fog of war + effective weapons in hiding is the lowest of the low. Maybe dropping Lance here wasnt such a good idea...especially without 1-2 equipped LOL. More boom from Rutger. This is a mage close to the boss...or was. This was a 1% crit. Shanna rescues Lance out of there. Meanwhile, Lugh is in a bush in the south near the silver sword killing things and dodging everything. I wanna squeeze another level before promo. Marcus doesn't double anymore :( So many crits. That's nice. She's definetely capping spd before promo. This will now be known as the chapter with lots of crits. NO Oh, look, he didn't crit. ...RAGE
  4. Yeah, I hate that about FE10 HM. Having to count squares is never ok. Otherwise, I don't find it hard tbh.
  5. It would actually be challenging :P. Also, 2-1 we could just have transfers.
  6. Does that turn the peggies to NPCs too? And can I recruit Tate with Klain if i do that? Or does she auto join when the chapter is over?
  7. I recall you trying so hard to get max something in his stats. Thought it was 10 str. Thanks. I'm actually in Chapter 11 A atm and the chapter has a lot of stuff to do. Can Shanna recruit Tate? Also, I have no idea who to give every booster to...theres another Robe there, probably for Lalum or Tate. I think theres an Orions Bolt for Sue? I think I also recall a Speedwing, that should ideally go to Miledy unless I feel like that would make it too EZ mode. At this point, I'm not sure whcih route i'm taking. I've given shanna 4 levels total I think and I tend to favor pegasus, so Tate might get pretty overleveled if she does good with her levels. Sue has 13 levels on her, so I have nice buffer for Sacae. i kinda wanna go Sacae so I can experience something new. Already did Ilia in Normal Mode.
  8. Drafts should totally be in the hardest modes
  9. Yeah, he won't stand a chance :D Ugh, I read this way too late. Sorry. :( Yeah, it's so lame lol. And yeah, good point. Sophia will definetely need that book. [spoiler=Chapter 8x: The Blazing Blade] I kinda wanted to use Lilina...but I felt like I would have to buy too many tomes if I use both Lilina and Lugh. Awwwww...Actually reading the story has made me like Lilina. I'm using Lugh though, so tough luck. Derp. Yeah and by his chump father too. Lilina played FE7 They're the only ones smart enough? How hard can it be to remove a sword from it's sheath? :/ Right! What a way to start the chapter, Sue! Yeah, these enemies are definetely weaker than usual... Beyblade is back! Almost a ORKO D: Yeah, I realized I should feed Roy some kills while I still can. A myrmidon that gets doubled :/ An archer gets owned by Lance Fun fact: I almost attacked this guy with Zealot. More kills to Roy... This stuff dies too easily. For some reason, this mage just says there doing nothing forever. Yeah. Marcus missed a 90. Lance gets the kill due to that. This myrmidon keeps retreating and using a vulnerary. It doesn't help that Sue keeps missing. Shanna drops Lugh here. Ugh... Wow, he's kinda fast. I was thinking of promoting him now, but I decided not to in the end. The enemies on the left don't move at all. The other fighter does, but the mage doesn't. Lugh is safe. Finally the myrmidon dies. Shanna now drops Roy across the cliff. Wow, that's actually a pretty lame level. Lance hit once in EP, which is all I needed for Rutger to clean up and finally he procs strength! Yeah, I checked before dropping him there. The myrmidon in the far left does move, but he can't double Roy since he's weighed down. Rutger promotes in preparation for Henning! Those are very BRO promo gains. He crit, saving me the trouble of having Marcus/Zealot clean up. Roy 3HKO'ing is a rare sight! Lugh got hit pretty badly by the lava and drops to 5HP because of the mage. Ouch. The myrmidon died to the lava, so Roy didnt get the kill :/ He heals and gets out of the lava. She's out of range of the right Fighter. That actually would've hurt if it hit Caeda, is that you? (dat speed) Such crit. Much power. WOW They can't even hit Marcus when he's using lances! Another kill for Sue Oh, shut it. You're no match for RUTGER. One out of 2 hits is cool. Eh This was in EP. I wanted him to change to Hand Axes. Boom NOW Lance has A lances Not that slow. I don't think Roy counts... Pffftttt Lilina thought the same thing I did. Oh yeaaaah I bet he only cut him down because Brunya doubled him Fimbulvetr and then he used an Armorslayer to do the remaining 5 HP. I just now noticed how foxy Perceval is. Cecilia looks nice too! Yeah, gtfo.
  10. CR 146 turns + Horace 124 turns = 268 turns total 1st place (for now, of course) 268 ...268 I just now noticed I suck at mathz.
  11. I should give him a penalty for not reporting it here. He got 144 apparently.
  12. Jedi, I think a better example is Ymir from FE12. That one might be harder to use than Wendy :P. You know even the Wolfguard is fairly trainable. I've managed to train Wolt in casual play but I could never quite train Ymir. He's too bad.
  13. Now that's just false. Sheema has Silver Lance and Silver Bow access and if you don't care about turns, she grows really well (her growths are much better than wendy's). She can also reclass out of her low move and be a Sniper with Parthia with these growths: 60 65 0 65 90 80 20 10 Her spd is Caeda lite, yo.
  14. Yeah the halberd bombs are fine because they are super telegraphed. I actually like that about halberd. If you get hit by anything in halberd, its usually because your opponent wrecked you by throwing you into the bomb, etc.
  15. Nowai, Deke is manlier :P Oh, right. Well, he still had horseslayer but i guess that would give me another option. I see. Armorslayer is better against bosses and stuff in general because Hammer can't hit though. Oh, I see. Henning though~
  16. I find casuals hate more on LTC than the other way around. But whatever.
  17. [spoiler=Jerk reinforcements] NO At least Lugh trivializes the reinforcements of the throne room...the others got me though. ...they definetely got me. I can't even heal Lance...shit. Deke, this is NOT the time to be missing. I managed to ferry Astore here. This vulnerary is the last hope for Deke vs the mercenaries. This means Roy can't seize at any time, so it's risky. Lilina can reach Sue, give it to her, who in turn can get to Deke, do this: and give him the vulnerary so hes safe from the other merc...whew. Well, he was actually safe barring a crit or a miss since this one actually didnt do 9 damage like the one that Sue killed. Ogier Wendy and Barth run for their lives, pretty sure I only have 2 turns left before Wendy gets ORKO'd. The other mercenary dies. Oh btw, the reinforcements stopped spawning. Sue gave her Chest Key set to her earlier I forgot to mention, when they traded. Now Lilian passes it to Roy. Who passes it to Shanna, then Clarine etc. Astore gets me a Silver Axe, which no one can use in my team. Meh. The troubles I went to get this >_>. Without it, Lugh would be stuck at 20 forever though. This is it... Last item get. Did you wonder where Lance was all this time? He was blocking an archer at 1 range so they would stop spawning. I didn't risk killing it until now in fear of a 1 range enemy appearing. Sue finishes it off since Lance missed. That's 99 exp btw. OJ misses the final hit of the map. Let's GTFO. FINALLY. ... Shouldn't it be "passed away"? Minor nitpick.
  18. [spoiler=Chapter 8: Reunion] IDK how i beat this first try tbh. I was so unprepared for the shenanigans that got pulled off...I'm not kidding when I put casual in the title. I go in with absolutely no plan at all. I just trade around some items and hope everything works lol. /Logic Astore joins. I like his new name. Leet skills. Nah, it's just someone trying to kill you and failing epicly at it. See? Makes up for your first level! Finally another str proc! Holy shit she's faaaast. Not bad, Deke. Sue is actually in low health now, so I have Marcus block the way. NOT A SHIN LEVEL! He's now ORKO'ing armors :o. I forgive your Shin level this time... Her offense looking mad good now. Woop, C bows. That's pretty nice. And this is while carrying Roy GG Whoa, Shanna! Lame. I fail at capturing crits, I know. Sue wrecking dudes. The 3 liabilities arrive... Yeah, Wendy, your brother sucks. He's probably not alive, sorry. Yeah, he is. You suck too, btw. Barely not ORKO'ing again grr. He can ORKO but he missed. RAGE Pro strats. USEFUL. Deke, who's lagging behind horribly killed the archer that I trapped earlier. He also got A Swords. Longbow isnt archer exclusive, after all! NO Lol owned. D Axes is useless. Sue actually missed the first hit so she got hurt. Lame. Rescue <3 ORKO'd. Of course, he missed the first hit as usual. This is normal for this playthrough at this point. Ok I guess Gave marcus a vulnerary. I always forget Hammer exists in FE6, so I ddin't bring it. And I also gave my chest keys to someone that aren't these 2. And that's bad news. Cass appears. After this chapter, I hate herrrrrr Lugh gets attacked by this mage in the chest room. I actually didn't notice he was there until he attacked o_o More power for Lugh. This aircalibur mage was lured earlier by Marcus and hand axed. Zealot just finished the job. The Elfire mage dies to Sue. Thief is weakened by Ferrot, Jerot Zealot whatever. Always does 10 damage. Probably useful on Rutger. Fairly standard Sue level. Also, I hate you. Free Thunder tome for Lugh. How convenient. Sue just reached C Bows! Hnnnng, this has Lance written all over it! I dropped Lugh barely out of range of this guy so I could pick him off safely without risking a crit. For fun...or so I thought. This caused a lot of issues. NOT WORTH IT. A Anima already? Damn, I've been spamming Lugh and Lance a lot. Especially Lugh since Ch7. Armorslayer Rutger is dropped next to Legance. Go away Cass... Oh no oh no oh no 60 avo 16 def 11 res, the very definition of jerk. Ugh. Rutger please... It's nice that he hit that twice. And I decide to risk it so that no reinforcements come...Jerrot pulls through after he takes the Armorslayer from Clarine. Sigh That's great. What? Reinforcements spawned omg omg omg omg I AM NOT prepared. Heck, Lilian was almost in range of one. And yeah, Lugh was also in the danger zone where reinforcements spawn. Good thing he knows how to dodge... FINALLY Cass moves. This could get ugly...I hope they don't catch up to Wendy and Barth...I guess I could seize, but I want the whip and ring. At least this time Lugh is in a pillar now, so hes practically invincible... There's almost mercs and Lance ran out of vulneraries...oh god no. Will I make it? Find out next!
  19. Still need baldricks turncount. Couldn't find it in the thread anywhere. I dont think he posted it. I'm not psychic. :P
  20. Yeah, someone on Skype also just told me that! Rage.
  21. With like 30 hit :P. And by then half of the game is over.
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