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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Avatar - Because of Chapter 14 and because the guy is literally Jesus and a broken unit. Chrom - might be the most boring lord. Lissa- she annoys me and is a terrible unit. Miriel- her personality is kinda annoying to me but the thing that makes me hate her is how she performs as a unit for me. 27 hp 7 def Chapter 21. Let that sink in. Donnel- a nuisance to recruit and useless. Kellam- literally a gimmick. Vaiidar- typical bad guy, except hes really lame and not a believable character. He's also not an imposing threat unlike, say, gharnef. Phila- arguably more useless than Donnel because she didnt recruit herself earlier and she got herself killed. Terrible unit. Morgan- can't stand him/her, period. Great unit though, sadly. Cynthia- I don't actually dislike her that much, but her voice is irritating and i dont like her hero gimmick. Brady- terrible unit. Inigo- I haven't even recruited him yet...and probably never will! :D Gerome- terrible person. Excellus- he looks like a weird imitation of Oliver and is egg-shaped. Yen'fay- ... <- because that's how much characterization he gets. And we're supposed to care he dies lmao. Flavia- "hahahaha I sent royalty to fight in an Arena, hope he doesn't get killed! hahahaha"
  2. Sure thing. I have desmuME on my flash drive and play it from there. When I record and store the resulting file in the flash drive, it takes longer than if it was in my computer. So, I just had to move desmuME to my comp and play it from there and the lag is pretty much gone.
  3. Never trust the RNG to go your way in FE, I guess. It makes 2 of us that have been betrayed by the RNG now.
  4. Yooooo NEVERMIND. Espinosa lighted my lightbulb up and I can now record relatively painfree with desmuME. I can't believe I missed that little detail. Expect Chapter 5 tomorrow! Hype!
  5. T'would be easy he said. :P You know I'm joking Elie :P
  6. Except that Lilina getting good speed is not reliable, while Lugh has a decent shot at it and doesn't need that much mag to ORKO anyway. Not that either of them should be good in LTC under normal conditions though :P but I think Lugh has a very obvious edge, including availability.
  7. It starts manageable. Give it 1 minute in and it gets terrible, starts freezing, levelups take a year, etc. I record in Microsoft Video at 70-80. Any less blurs the faces and is stlll laggy anyway.
  8. Ok, nevermind, I can't put up with any of the ways to record. With desmuME, i'd never finish. Camstudio is unsafe. Camtasia is expensive and the trial makes desmuME lag. Hypercam 2 is terrible because it either makes the resulting vid really laggy or it speeds up at some points of the vid. Screenshots + log from now on. Good news is, i'm gonna be playing starting tomorrow. One thing I wanted to ask you all though: Do you prefer if I detail every move with screenshots, or just take screenshots of important stuff and detail stuff with a paragraph/sentence after the screenshot? What I mean is this: Screenshot here of Linde vs a Thief in the map, it shows hitrate crit dmg etc and her positioning. Insert sentence here detailing it. Insert another screenshot here of something really unimportant Insert sentence here detailing it just in case. this: Screenshot of positioning here or other important stuff like level, key enemies being defeated, etc. Detail it here. Put more details here instead of screenshot of other unimportant stuff. Screenshot here of more important stuff Repeat the above. What do you think is the best alternative? I'm sad that I have to discontinue the video playthrough and have to continue as screenshot, but there's really nothing I can do about it.
  9. What in the flying fuck? 15 damage with a crit...holy shit Ena.
  10. It's ok, Elieson. I think every one of the hosts did a mistake in their first turns!
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