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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Im only winning by 1 turn. Makes me think fliers are beatable o_O. Good job CR. Although IMO, it would have been a better idea to give boots to Tits. Now you dont have any boots paladin/flier to ferry ike in those annoying seize chapters.
  2. And I thought i was being chancy with the 1 turn because Fiora had like 67 display hit with the spear on lloyd >_>. But BBM beat me at being chancy lol.
  3. Meg's wall breaking and shoving are the best. And lol, laura and meg didnt get any exp >_>.
  4. Lol My plan for that chapter was the most straightforward ever. Matthew torches. Fiora moves up javelins a monk. Ninian dances Fiora. Fiora spears him and then he SDs in EP :p
  5. I like her better because of her bases and con although florina is probably better because she can ferry promoted hector unlike fiora.
  6. Oh great, my strategy is foiled once again thanks to catria! Shes 1 str short of ORKO'ing mages in ch6 with the Rainbow Pot. Why is she so bad? -_- I have 2 options: 1. Energy Drop 2. Hope for a str proc so she can ORKO the second mage and finish the other weakened mage in PP. Nvm, she proc'd str and ORKO'd it. So much for that issue.
  7. Oh. Fiora got the ch19x boss kill + a bunch of mages, darin was fed to her with the heavy spear, she finished oleg in ch 21 and she also finished eubans too after hector weakened him with hand axe :p.
  8. Time for some arena training for Luke! I had to choose his enemies carefully. He can 2HKO this guy with a lot of room for random misses and still live. He wont be winning 2 rounds anyway. I backed down from a myrmidon that could ORKO him and go for a much easier enemy. He reached C swords and leveled up: Nice. I will do Chapter 6 soonish. Should be a lot easier now that I have multiple Armorslayer users.
  9. o_O ouch. How is she not promoted? Fiora at that point was like level 19 and she has less chapters to get exp.
  10. Florina sucks lol. Did you get the axereaver? all you have to do to 3 turn it is to fly to the left with ur flier with javelin first then axereaver that boss there while pent 3HKOs the other. If Pent gets hit though, he might retreat (ive had that happen in a draft before and I 6 turned it because of it lol) but it didnt happen this time :D. Promoted magic users can also do it.
  11. Damnit, I got bored of FE10. Why cant I start 1-5 already? I look at the map and Im like: "I dont want to play" and turn it off...
  12. Nope. Tried the first time, but progress was halted too much if I recruited him. I had to lure him over to rofl and ike which would cost me like 2 turns and it was too annoying lol. R.I.P shinon
  13. Chapter 18 7/109 Jill flies and murders things in the way. Tits helps pick up Jill's scraps and got me the wrath chest. Soren and Ike stayed behind dealing with reinforcements and the wyverns. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 1 89 44 18 7 19 20 12 16 9 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 5 94 35 16 7 21 24 14 13 8 Sword B Soren 4 60 33 2 23 22 19 11 5 23 Fire D Thunder D Wind D Staff E Ike B Titania 11 24 42 17 6 19 20 16 15 11 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 13 09 49 23 7 23 25 11 22 8 Lance B Axe B Reyson 3 50 heron Janaff 10 12 41 14 5 16 18 17 12 10 Chapter 19 2/111 Jill GOES UP and kills Homasa in one round. Chapter 20 2/113 Reyson Stones. Jill full moves right. Titania and Janaff go down. Mia Ike and Soren go defend reyson. Next turn, Ike moves (so hes in support range of Soren). Soren meteors for 22/45 damage and levels up, procs magic. Reyson vigors both Ike and Soren. Soren meteors for 23 damage and kills Shiharam. Janaff gets me the Rescue staff. Ike gets Smite. Jill arrives. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 3 22 46 19 7 20 21 13 16 10 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 7 10 36 17 8 22 25 15 13 8 Sword A Soren 6 64 34 2 24 23 20 11 6 24 Fire C Thunder D Wind D Staff E Ike B Titania 11 76 42 17 6 19 20 16 15 11 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 15 09 50 24 7 24 25 12 22 9 Lance B Axe A Reyson 3 84 heron Janaff 11 13 43 15 5 17 19 18 12 10
  14. No clue. :p EDIT: FML, I have to recruit shinon with undrafted rofl.
  15. Chapter 16 6/85 Tits ferries Chest Key Door Key Soren to the full guard. Jill ferries Ike to the throne. Mia goes for the Chest Key Halberdier. I had to stall a turn for the chest key because otherwise, I need to take a penalty in chapter 18 for wrath. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 17 99 39 13 4 15 16 11 11 6 Sword B Tits B Soren C Mia 3 29 34 15 6 20 23 13 12 7 Sword B Soren 19 74 27 0 17 17 16 10 3 18 Fire D Thunder E Wind D Ike C Titania 9 58 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 5 92 44 20 4 20 21 9 19 6 Lance C Axe D I couldve seized in turn 5 but decided I need that chest key for chapter 18. Chapter 17-1 2/87 Jill received an Arms Scroll before the chapter in Lances so she can use the Spear (she needs it to ORKO the halberdier). Jill GOES UP. Soren Tits and Mia handle the center. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 18 58 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 6 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 3 96 34 15 6 20 23 13 12 7 Sword B Soren 20 62 27 0 18 18 16 10 3 19 Fire D Thunder E Wind D Ike B Tits 9 81 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 7 31 45 21 5 20 22 9 20 6 Lance B Axe D Chapter 17-2 3/90 Jill GOES RIGHT. Soren is shoved and he trains with Ike support. Promotes just in time before he died so his HP got back to full :3. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 18 94 40 14 4 16 17 12 12 6 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 4 18 34 15 7 20 24 13 12 7 Sword B Soren 1 39 31 2 19 20 18 10 5 21 Fire D Thunder D Wind D Staff E Ike B Tits 9 88 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 7 57 45 21 5 20 22 9 20 6 Lance B Axe D Chapter 17-3 10/100 Trained everyone. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 20 00 40 15 5 17 18 12 13 7 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 4 85 34 15 7 20 24 13 12 7 Sword B Soren 3 26 32 2 20 21 19 11 5 22 Fire D Thunder D Wind D Staff E Ike B Tits 10 09 41 16 6 18 19 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 8 74 45 21 5 21 23 10 20 7 Lance B Axe C Chapter 17-4 2/102 Spear! Jill is amazing. she kills the mage then cantos to the front of the halberdier soldier. In EP, the adept halberdier SDs before Oliver. Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 1 00 44 18 7 19 20 12 16 9 Sword B Tits B Soren B Mia 4 93 34 15 7 20 24 13 12 7 Sword B Soren 3 44 32 2 20 21 19 11 5 22 Fire D Thunder D Wind D Staff E Ike B Tits 10 45 41 16 6 18 19 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 9 87 46 22 5 21 23 10 21 7 Lance B Axe C
  16. But then Oscar would be OP :p. FE9 just sucks for fair drafting lol.
  17. But that's still not the best way to balance it. :/ I mean, what happens to nano, who doesnt have sothe/volke NOR any fliers? He got shafted, pretty hard.
  18. You know...Im convinced that Sothe should be free from now on in drafts. Having Volke/Sothe is just too much of an advantage (shame I didnt notice this until playing up to chapter 13). No one can get wrath without penalty except the guys with sothe/volke -_-. And as we all know, that wrath chest is just too crucial for endgame.
  19. Chapter 15 2/76 Jill GOES UP. Soren and Volke GO UP too. The raven goes after Soren. Volke gets me the boots. Mia battles a cat. Jill hits Muarim with the Laguz Lance. Volke gets me the boots. Then Jill kills the tigers next to him in EP and procs spd. Muarim attacks her and she MISSED. I was about to reset but that spd proc meant she doubled Muarim and SHE HIT. GG Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 16 72 38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5 Sword B Tits B Soren C Mia 2 05 33 15 6 19 22 12 12 7 Sword B Soren 19 24 27 0 17 17 16 10 3 18 Fire D Thunder E Wind D Ike C Tits 9 36 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike B Jill 3 86 42 19 4 19 21 8 18 5 Lance C Axe E
  20. Redid chapter 14 because I forgot the laguz lance haha. Same stats, take/give exp here and there for everyone.Same TC
  21. Oh God, Jill ORKOs the ch14 boss with Steel Axe forge. Yummy. Also, Mia promoted. Chapter 14 3/77 Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 16 19 38 13 4 14 16 11 11 5 Sword B Tits B Soren C Mia 1 06 33 14 6 19 22 12 12 7 Sword B Soren 18 81 26 0 17 17 15 10 3 18 Fire D Thunder E Wind D Ike C Tits 9 43 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike C Jill 2 02 42 18 3 18 20 8 18 5 Lance C Axe E
  22. But I has Jill :p. Who is now so good. 34 MT with a Steel Axe forge is yummy. Also, Knight Ward + Sol tits get.
  23. >:( Also, stats before chapter 14 base exp: Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Ike 15 33 38 12 4 14 15 11 11 5 Sword B Soren C Tits C Mia 20 34 29 13 4 17 20 12 10 5 Sword B Soren 18 12 26 0 17 17 15 10 3 18 Fire D Thunder E Wind D Ike C Tits 9 29 41 16 5 18 18 15 14 10 Lance C Axe S Ike C Jill 16 61 36 14 2 16 15 8 15 4 Lance D Jill after .39 exp and sealed (+Energy Drop and Speedwing) Unit Lv Xp HP st Mg Sk Sp Lk Df Rs WLv Support Jill 1 00 41 18 3 18 20 8 18 5 Lance C Axe E I think shes set :p
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