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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Nice to hear from you again! So long as you plan to finish, its fine.
  2. Nah, Meg can become a main combatant for the DB while Leonardo is just a utility unit forever.
  3. Chapter 18 5/112 Dart helped Kent with the snags and to rush Uhai. Flo-chan recruited Fiora and she used that Axereaver to get some exp. Lucius battled a lot up north to get some exp (he stayed in forest tiles). Lyn and Eliwood just helped where they could and got some exp. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/10/00/12/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A Lyn/13/00/12/30/14/15/17/11/05/02/Sword A Kent/13/06/03/39/19/14/21/06/14/04/Sword B Lance A Axe D Lucius/08/00/27/19/11/11/13/03/01/10/Light C Dart/09/00/25/35/13/09/09/03/06/02/Axe B Fiora/07/00/74/21/08/11/13/06/06/07/Lance C Chapter 18x 4/116 Fiora ferried Kent across the mountain then canto'd. Kent killed pretty much everything there except the boss. Dart gave Eliwood to Fiora and she dropped him in turn 3. Fiora then kills Aion (Kent had weakened him with the Slim Lance) and Eliwood seized. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/10/00/12/26/12/09/14/10/09/04/Sword A Lyn/13/00/47/30/14/15/17/11/05/02/Sword A Kent/13/06/54/39/19/14/21/06/14/04/Sword B Lance A Axe C Lucius/09/00/46/20/12/11/13/03/01/11/Light C Dart/09/00/65/35/13/09/09/03/06/02/Axe B Fiora/09/00/32/22/09/13/15/07/07/08/Lance C
  4. Have Astrid stand at 2 range of the halberdier with the Killer Bow. Then, hit him in Player Phase again. :p Oscar> Boyd in part 3 because of his horsie. Boyd is struggling to double in 3-P and cant get a 7 turn clear. While Oscar is not caring, doubles some stuff and can get to the boss fairly quickly. +1 turn lead for Oscar Oscar has a mount in 3-1 so naturally, he can get to places faster, and with Adept and his Short Spear, he should be able to get a really low turn akin to Titania. Boyd has better 1-2 range (and more quantity) but isnt getting a 4 or 5 turn like Oscar can. +2 turn lead for Oscar 3-2 is fairly even since they both cant ORKO the boss, they take 4 turns assuming theyre alone. But, oh wait, Oscar has a horse! So he can ferry someone that CAN kill the boss quickly like Ilyana, Soren, Rolf, Shinon, Ike or Mia. He can get a 2 turn if he drops a mage or a sniper there. While Boyd is always 4 turning that map, no questions asked. Lets be kind to Boyd and not assume u have a unit that can KO the boss (except dropped wyrmslayer Ike). +3 turns lead for Oscar 3-3 is pretty self explanatory. Oscar has a mount and can 7 turn the map. Boyd can only get an 8 turn. +4 turn lead for Oscar 3-4 you got me there but I think Oscar's contributions so far make up for his performance here. Still, Ike can solo the top portion if you are doing it right. Might have to take a turn more than usual, but oscar has saved more than boyd anyway. +3 turn lead for Oscar 3-5 Celerity!Oscar can reach the boss in Turn 1 and KO him. While Boyd reaches him in Turn 2. +4 turn lead for Oscar 3-7 Lol 3-7. 3-8 Boyd wins here by a bit. Hand Axes and naturally better Str for KO'ing generals. Oscar needs forges in order to get a 4 turn like Boyd can. Lets assume Oscar is 5 turning this map and Boyd is getting 4. +3 turn lead for Oscar 3-10 Oscar has a mount. 4 turns it while Boyd 5 turns it. +4 turn lead for Oscar. 3-11 Oscar can ferry Ike for a 6 turn while Boyd is lol. +5 turn lead for Oscar. 3-E Boyd has better combat but doesnt reach enemies quite as quickly. Still, both can 4 turn it. Oscar struggles to KO the enemies he reaches, but reaches them faster. While Boyd kills everything in sight but struggles to reach the enemies. +4 turn lead for Oscar Part 4: Boyd is likely to be going Greil while Oscar is best in Hawk Route. Boyd can take on the Generals in 4-1, but almost anyone can do that at this point. Oscar can do the same thing if he takes this route. In 4-4, Oscar cant climb the ledge so Boyd has an advantage there. Boyd can go help Ike, get some of the rooms and stuff. Oscar mainly helps with reinforcements and might take the west room or something. If they both go Hawk: Oscar wins 4-2 definetely. 11 move with decent combat makes for awesomeness. He can pincer attack the boss area for a 6 turn clear, 5 turn clear with another cavalier. Boyd can only 6 turn it assuming u have a cavalier with him. If you dont, probably a 7 turn. 4-5 Boyd has an advantage because lolmounts here. Boyd wins in Endgame but lolendgame. So, Oscar obviously wins in overall turns shaved. And Im going to lower Naesala and Tibarn now.
  5. @ Horace's Chapter 12- "Warp is banned on Marth, but can be used on units other than Marth. Warp is banned on all units in Endgame." You should have warped Matthis instead lol.
  6. Chapter 17 3/107 Kent rushes with help from Lucius and Eliwood. Boss feel to Iron Sword lol. Bought some Door Keys and Lightnings with Lyn. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/09/00/40/25/11/09/13/10/09/03/Sword A Lyn/12/00/77/30/13/14/16/10/05/02/Sword A Kent/13/04/85/37/19/13/19/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D Lucius/06/00/67/19/09/09/12/03/01/09/Light C Chapter 18
  7. Chapter 14 7/87 Stupid rain. Recruited Erk for Prissy and Eliwuss made his way to the armor after handling the soldiers. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/07/00/66/23/09/08/11/09/07/02/Sword A Marcus/00/03/96/32/18/16/12/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe A Chapter 15 5/92 Marcus ferried Eliwuss. Made a shopping chain that involved Kent getting Hand Axes and a Steel Axe in the 1st turn. Lyndis got the Heavy Spear village and trained a bit. Turn 4 I give Eliwuss to Kent with Marcus and have him canto. Kent then dropped him. Marcus weakened boss with a Hand Axe and Kent finished him off. Eliwuss seized. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/07/00/85/23/09/08/11/09/07/02/Sword A Marcus/00/04/17/32/19/16/12/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe A Lyn/10/00/57/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword B Kent/13/01/94/34/16/12/18/06/12/04/Sword B Lance B Axe E Chapter 16 9/101 Recruited Lucius. Lyndis helped Prissy avoid a penalty and Kent rushed with Eliwuss. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/08/00/37/24/10/08/12/09/08/03/Sword A Lyn/10/00/92/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword A Kent/13/03/53/36/18/13/18/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D Lucius/05/00/17/08/08/11/02/01/08/Light D Chapter 16x 3/104 Javelin first turn. Lyn killed stuff on her side. Lucius helped. Lyn then opens the way for Kent and he talks to Fargus. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/08/00/89/24/10/08/12/09/08/03/Sword A Lyn/12/00/21/30/13/14/16/10/05/02/Sword A Kent/13/04/03/37/19/13/19/06/13/04/Sword B Lance B Axe D Lucius/06/00/07/19/09/09/12/03/01/09/Light D Chapter 17
  8. Answers in quote (bold). Also, some changes: Mist dropped to Bottom Tier. Elincia over Tanith. Oscar over Boyd. Fiona out of Bottom Tier. Sigrun over Shinon. Shes now Queen of Mid Tier. Mordecai over Ranulf. Rhys over Rolf.
  9. Fuzz94 (Ike, Sheik) vs PKL (Peach, Sheik, Ike) 3-0 in mid tiers. (Link) vs PKL (Zelda, Ganondorf, Craptain Falcon) 3-0 in low tiers.
  10. PKL

    0731-5039-7369. Add me. I already added you.

  11. PKL

    Give me a shout whenever ur ready to play. Mid tier first.

  12. EHM started. Chapter 11 5/62 This needed some thought. Eliwood has to be able to ORKO the archer in order to get a 5 turn and avoid the dorcas barte penalty. Marcus rescued him and dropped him in Turn 4 in a way that enemies wouldnt cock-block him next turn. Marcus ORKO'd the boss and Eliwood seized. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/01/00/84/18/05/05/07/07/05/00/Sword C Marcus/00/01/36/31/15/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B Chapter 12 5/67 Marcus went after the boss (parking in the mountain). Eliwood battled in the fort. Hector and Oswin teamed up on the enemies there. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/03/00/28/20/05/06/09/07/05/01/Sword C Marcus/00/02/03/32/16/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B Chapter 13 6/73 No units other than Eliwuss and Marcus hurt here. I had to give Marcus the Energy Ring. Visited the village. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv/Support Eliwood/03/00/82/20/05/06/09/07/05/01/Sword C Marcus/00/02/70/32/18/15/11/08/10/08/Sword A Lance A Axe B Chapter 13x 7/80 Had to meatshield a bit. Eliwuss got some kills while Marcus got the village and later helped. Oswin is meatshield extraordinare.
  13. Yeah lol. Chapter 7x 4/42 Kent can OHKO wall and did in the first turn with Nils help. Lyn went up. Lucius handled the room where enemies spawn and a cavalier so Lyn could keep moving. The thief opened the door and Kent KO'd the thief. Rath took the soldier. Then, Kent uses a Javelin to kill the boss and the mage and the shaman SD'd to Kent. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/08/00/20/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B Kent/10/00/77/29/14/09/14/05/09/02/Sword C Lance C Rath/07/00/73/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C Nils/01/00/41/14/00/00/12/10/05/04 Lucius/03/00/99/18/07/06/10/02/01/06/Light D Chapter 8 4/46 Kent rushes with a push from Nils. Lucius handles the mages and gets the Lancereaver village. Lyn handles the ballistae and a barbarian that was going after the village but was lured by her. Kent KO'd the boss. Rath and Kent then killed the 2 soldier reinforcements. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/08/00/64/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B Kent/11/00/88/30/14/09/15/06/10/02/Sword C Lance C Rath/07/00/84/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C Nils/01/00/73/14/00/00/12/10/05/04 Lucius/04/00/42/18/08/07/11/02/01/07/Light D Lyndis still hasnt proc'd Defense...sigh. Chapter 9 3/49 Kent rushes with Nils push. Rath traded the Knight Crest to Kent but lol, he ended up not using it due to getting mad lucky. 2 Javelin hits with 50 display and they both actually hit in Player Phase 2. Then, eagler switched to Hand Axe and one of the javelins still hit with 32 display. Kent is amazing. Then, he iron sword'd for the kill and lyn seized. Others trained and Rath got an epic level up. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/08/00/72/27/10/11/13/09/02/02/Sword B Kent/13/00/28/32/15/11/17/06/10/03/Sword C Lance C Rath/08/00/01/26/09/09/11/06/08/02/Bow C Nils/02/04/15/00/00/13/11/06/05 Lucius/04/00/91/18/08/07/11/02/01/07/Light D Chapter 10 4(+4 Florina penalty) 8/57 Flo-chan died. Kent and the others trained while Lancereaver Lyn killed Lundgren. Could have been 3 turns if lyn had crit in EP with the Mani Katti (flo-chan did a trade with lyn so she had mani Katti in EP). To make things worse, Lyn crit with Lancereaver in PP3 when Lundgren had 4 HP...way to go Lyn...>.> oh and she proc'd Defense too...about time! Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/10/00/16/28/11/13/15/10/03/02/Sword B Kent/13/01/04/34/16/12/18/06/12/04/Sword B Lance B Axe E Rath/08/00/27/26/09/09/11/06/08/02/Bow B Nils/02/00/14/15/00/00/13/11/06/05 Lucius/05/00/17/08/08/11/02/01/08/Light D Lyn- B 48 W 28 L 0 Lyn had great offense but damn, dat defense. Robe really helped her take hits. Kent- B 71 W 55 L 0 Kent is amazing. Super str blessed but skl screwed. He saved so many turns. Too bad he doesnt fly. Rath- B 12 W 10 L 0 Did self improvement mostly. Gained an epic level up. His high move makes him pretty damn good. Nils- B 4 W 0 L 0 He battled too much lol. I made sure they were hits he could take though. Like the ballistae and stuff. Lucius- B 12 W 9 L 0 Trap. Eh, he got an awesome first level up. But then he ruined it with his second level up. I wasnt expecting him to be able to ORKO most enemies... Honorable Mention: Flo-chan- Ferrybot. Is now dead.
  14. Im posting as I play...Ill edit soon.
  15. Prologue 5/5 Do I need to explain this? Chapter 1 5/10 Kent rushed to the boss while Lyn helped. Chapter 2 4/14 Kent broke down the wall then ORKO'd Glass and Lyn seized. Chapter 3 4/18 Kent went for the boss. Sold undrafted unit's weapons. Chapter 4 7/25 Derp Defense. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/06/00/11/19/08/11/13/07/02/02/Sword C Kent/08/00/32/27/12/09/13/04/07/02/Sword C Lance E Chapter 5 4/29 Kent went up. Lyn went down to the boss. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/07/00/10/19/09/11/13/08/02/02/Sword C Kent/08/00/77/27/12/09/13/04/07/02/Sword C Lance D Chapter 6 4/33 Kent got the Door Key and canto'd. Lyndis recruited Matthew. He opened the Door and Rath stepped on the tile. Later, Matthew got the robe for Lyn. Kent killed soldier. Then, opened the Door. Next turn, stepped on the tile and Lyn killed the boss. Stepped on the tile and GG. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/07/00/73/19/09/11/13/08/02/02/Sword C Kent/09/00/08/28/13/09/13/04/08/02/Sword C Lance D Rath/07/00/32/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C Chapter 7 5(1+4 Florina penalty)/38 Lucius Rath and Lyn trained. Florina rescues Kent and cantos. Nils refreshes her. She drops Kent in a forest tile next to the boss. The boss attacks Kent and dies to a Javelin. Unit Name/Lv/Lv/Xp/Hp/St/Mg/Sk/Sp/Lk/Df/Rs/WLv Lyn/07/00/83/26/09/11/13/08/02/02/Sword C Kent/09/00/65/28/13/09/13/04/08/02/Sword C Lance D Rath/07/00/42/25/08/09/10/05/07/02/Bow C Nils/01/00/10/14/00/00/12/10/05/04 Lucius/03/00/09/18/07/06/10/02/01/06/Light D Chapter 8 now
  16. PKL

    Alright @ 11pm it is.

  17. PKL

    Its ok :p. At what time tonight?

  18. Alright. Ill contact thisisjaye and zorbees again. If they dont reply or have no intention of finishing (or they cant because of IRL issues), ill give you a spot Quintessence (as soon as you can play FE9).
  19. PKL

    Id prefer today but if you really cant, then ok, ill try to find some free time tomorrow.

  20. PKL

    :( what time tomorrow?

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