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Everything posted by PKL

  1. Physic was such a neccesity in chapter 13! good thing i had 2 staffbots. pally caeda and hero barst wrecked stuff. Caeda could ORKO ballistae barely with silver. I have all characters up to chapter 15. Now for the nightmare. I expect my second reset in chapter 16. My plan is to deploy a few undrafted cavaliers to block the forts near arran/samson and go around all the way. The problem will be recruiting xane...he tends to like getting in the way and those heroes arent exactly anything to laugh at IIRC. Oh boy, i also expect the lack of defensive units to bite me in the arse when brave weapons start showing...I might start training barst as a general or something. EDIT: how do i add a penalty to my score? midia got attacked by a ballistae in chapter 13 while recruiting astram.
  2. Why does intelligent systems do this? Give an archer decent growhts but terrible bases. It just doesnt work. Specially if all they do is chip...they should have innate paragon or something. Rant over. Dorothy is pretty smelly due to poor bases and PP lock. 2/10
  3. Oh yeah, sure, if you get "lucky" like that. Ill get lucky in 1-4 with a miccy that dodges every tiger and crits him back. Ill get 4 turns without needing eddie!...
  4. This seems like a complicated mess to me. I agree that drafting shouldnt be a math project. Btw, jeigans are there to be used. Intelligent systems have never stated what exactly jagens are there for, have they? dont assume anything. For all we know, they intended jagens to be used until endgame. Also, of course most drafters like LTC and if you dont like rescuing, play something like Fe11 or 12 where it doesnt exist. Oh but wait, cavaliers and peggies are still > other classes in those games without rescue :o. This is definetely an issue!...not.
  5. Nvm, forgot the reinforcements dont spawn at all if shiida kills boss lol.
  6. I dont even want to start chapter 10...I might have to reclass someone to knight or something to resist the reinforcements...i cant warp marf towards maria so it will definetely take long and they will appear...agh. I was doing good but just looking at the map makes me think twice about even playing it. Resets so far: chapter 4 once because i foolishly thought i could outrun the fighters lol. Ive recruited every character so far. I wish i could skip minerva and maria -_-.
  7. He sure does. Hes barely better than base...he even gets critted due to only 2 lck...i lost all hope at this point. He isnt getting to warp lol. And if he does, well lets just say he will probably have 5 range...
  8. Yeah...seriously how the hell did micaiah even get the 3000 gold?...and u went and did 1-P 4 turn and 1-1 in 4 turns without Leo...not to mention u 5 turned 1-3. Ur RNG abuse is getting out of hand IMO. Oh and i know 1-4 is 4 turnable since ive done it a lot of times before but that micaiah crit and her getting the gold is what upsets me about it. Its dumb. Unless u can explain how she never got hit...
  9. Redid chapter 9 for an 11 turn. Amelia recruited and towered. She turned out ok. Wyvern knight vanessa is pretty decent although her def leaves much to be desired. Artur who is supposed to be my warper has 8 mag...yeah not looking too good there.
  10. Sure, if you call 10% crit more reliable...>_>. The 4 turn needs rigging. You need to battle save for a 10% crit in one of the bandits. Not to mention, reset constantly for enemy biorhythm and rigging dodges on eddie. Excuse me if i refuse to play like that. I try to go with reliable strats. Next thing i know, you people will be rigging that stun on ludveck because an 11% chance in 4 attacks is clearly really doable (sarcasm.jpg), just like eddie getting 10% crits in prologue...and a str level up to KO the boss...and eddie dodging threatening attacks after being put in wrath...and miccy dodging stuff...yeah seems pretty reliable, everyone should start doing it. Oh but how could i forget! Be sure to battle save for miccy gettng hp mag skl spd lck def and res after she evades and kills that bandit! Because clearly she has a lot of chance to proc HP and def and spd!
  11. Wow...122 turns? and this is your first FE8 draft? Ban franz lol
  12. Lmao @ the gatrie/sain/saul pic. For that he deserves a 10/10. 6.5/10. Nice mag for warp. Good offensive growths.
  13. Had to promote vanessa for axe land. I hate chapter 9 so much! (14 turns/70).
  14. Chapter 8 done. Chapter 8 10/56 Whip cost me a turn to get with Nessie. Eirika crit Tirado and by Turn 9 she could seize. Artur and the others are scrubs! Colm got me robe.
  15. Chapter 5x 7/39 See Horace's vid but slightly altered due to a bad set of RNs. Chapter 6 3/42 Vanessa kills after Colm acts as a human torch. Others got as many kills as they could. Chapter 7 4/46 Vanessa ferry. Eirika 12 48 25 10 14 17 13 4 4 Sword B Artur 5 68 21 8 8 9 2 3 6 Light D Vanessa 11 97 22 13 12 16 10 9 7 Lance C Neimi 3 47 17 6 6 7 4 3 2 Bow D Colm 6 83 22 7 5 14 8 4 1 Sword D
  16. No thanks. I cant get on IP Chat until like, tomorrow. And i wouldnt join anyway.

  17. But the thing is, unless u drafted eddie, you will be feeding miccy kills. So at least for me, eddie always attacks bandits first and then miccy kills. If you attack with miccy first you are either: hoping to 4 turn it with a crit or have eddie drafted so u want to feed him kills.
  18. Chapter 4 5/26 Eirika takes the snag. Vanessa + pure water rushes towards boss area. Artur takes east reinforcements. Neimi randomly chips and Colm got the north reinforcements. Eirika 8.53 21/9/11/14/9/4/1 Sword C_Artur 3.41 19/7/7/9/2/3/6 Light E_Vanessa 8.23 21/10/12/13/7/6/7 Lance C_Neimi 1.42 base_Colm 5.70 21/6/5/13/8/3/1 Sword D..........Chapter 5 6/32...................Recruited joshua for his sword. Nessie got the Dracoshield village. Colm handled bandits. Artur and nessie helped eirika. Got the armorslayer with colm. And i think i got the secret book with artur, not sure. No stats because 5x and ive yet to do it. All i know is colm proc'd yet another amazing level up. Eirika got str before boss (lol clutch) and nessie got str spd lck and def in a level up.
  19. A 3% crit with miccy i might add...its never happening so thats why everyone goes for a 5 turn. Tbh, it would suck hard if people started abusing for a 4 turn -_-.
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