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Everything posted by PKL

  1. No one is forcing others to do the same. Heck, i know CR was probably kidding and she wont boss abuse that much. I also wont boss abuse because im not patient at all for that. If anyone wants to do it, its ok to me, because there are no rules stating you cant do it or anything...
  2. Desert chapter will be easy now. Rennac and Ewan.
  3. Oh well. Ill go to sleep now...finally xD. Oh wait, almost forgot to leave u my list. Sent you the list...zzzzzzz
  4. Oh, idk what you should do then :/.
  5. Ewan is terrible queen tbh. He might be able to promote with the new 10/5 rule in time to actually help though. Specially if you get lucky level ups.
  6. Anything but the guys on the lists harps and iron left xD. In all seriousness, id pick gerik and knoll i think. Dozla is pretty cool too and theres always gilliam for earlygame help...oh right, innes is there too...im not helping am I?.
  7. Someone stole syrene huh? I wonder who :p.
  8. Lol neimi xD. Wtf harps. Also, did they leave more in the list? Or should i go to bed now?
  9. Oh ok. Syrene and Kyle. I needed a flier and a cavalier never hurts.
  10. Haha. Oh no...harps is offline Q.Q. Ill leave u a list queen since im going to bed.
  11. Lol? double healers? o_O Have fun getting them to level 10 both :p. Also, myrrh is in the units list but she is free according to rules.
  12. Excuse double post but otherwise no one would notice. Caineghis got 4.8. Day 67: Giffca. Hes cain jr. except with no formshift, but doubles lehran from base. Having to use a laguz gem makes him a bit inferior in my book though. He gets a 3.5/10
  13. Hey LISTEN!

  14. Also, did you ever get to playing the FE10 part of my tellius draft?

  15. Alright. You are right. Should be better than da pope here.
  16. What is so wrong with my endgame clear? I already told u exactly how i did it and its a perfectly safe strat if i had used ike's elixir in PP2 instead of risking it ( and getting lucky ). It wouldve made no difference because ashnard wouldve attacked ike and SD to his resolve wrath anyways since he does 31 damage which means ike is left with 29 hp and enters resolve wrath...

  17. Great performance but he only has 5 maps to show everyone his awesomeness. He ORKOs stuff and doesnt afraid of nothing. 4/10
  18. I contemplated getting windex but didnt in favor of merric, so that i dont have to suffer recruiting him in H5. Would you guys say hes > merric?
  19. All of the earlygamers left suck so...merric and...palla. This WILL bite me in the rear.
  20. Alright. Thanks for reminding me. Idk who to pick though...

  21. I honestly have no idea who to pick...I guess merric is ok but who else is even viable in H5 from the remaining units? :/
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